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Google+ Best Social Platform For Content Marketers

Google+ Best Social Platform For Content Marketers

How To Hack Google Plus For SEO Value People tend to think of Google Plus as just another social network, built as Google’s challenge to Facebook’s incredible growth over the past decade. What most people don’t realize, however, is the SEO value that makes Google+ so much more than just a social networking platform. How so? Studies show a powerful correlation between search rankings and the number of Google +1's received by a URL. Searchmetrics found Google +1's to be the most highly correlated factor to search result rankings, and Moz's 2013 scientific correlation study placed Page Authority just above +1's at the top of all correlation factors. It's probably not a surprise that activity on Google's social network influences Google search results, but the degree of correlation is astonishingly high.

Managing Your Social Graph - Google+ [Google Plus] With Google+ almost two weeks into its test phase, conversation about this new social network service seems to be going in circles. Literally. That’s because Circles is the Google+ feature that users are generating the most buzz about. It’s Google’s answer to the problem of organizing your social graph online. If you’re not familiar with a social graph it’s a map of everyone you know and how they are related to you. Social graphs are tricky; as you try to define them you’ll inevitably run into some complications. Google+ Private Hangouts Can Be Recorded With YouTube Google+ Private Hangouts Can Be Recorded with YouTube Live If you have not heard about Google+ Hangouts yet, this article will open your eyes and ears to an amazing tool you need to use personally and for your business. Google+ is a social media platform that can no longer be ignored.

Ultimate Guide to Google Plus I’ve seen quite a few people who don’t understand Google Plus or think Google Plus is some sort of wasteland with giant swaths of inactivity. I was one of these people until I decided to dive in and really explore the social network and become active on there to see what this G+ thing is all about. The end result is this guide, a complete Google Plus guide for the person who is just getting started, or quite simply, started but staring at a boring feed with zero activity. Take a look at the sections below and click any section that has your interest. The Google Plus Beginner Guide Sections When browsing this guide, you can click the below links to jump to the section you are interested in.

How To Customize Google+ Not crazy about Google's design choices for Google+? Using scripts for Greasemonkey, Extensions for Chrome, Firefox Add-ons, and other browser plug-ins, you can make some pretty wild changes to the look and feel of the site. You can also take a more utilitarian route and take advantage of code that can translate posts from directly within Google+ or port all your Facebook photos to Google+ Photo (i.e., Picasa), where storage is virtually unlimited if you have a Google+ account (photos 2048 x 2048 pixels and smaller don't count toward your 1GB allowance). Check out these 16 scripts and tools that modify or enhance Google+ 1. Google Plus Header Hider (Mozilla) hides the black bar at the top of the screen. [Infographic] Google's 200 Ranking Factors There’s no doubt that Google’s algorithm is more complex — and volatile — than ever. The days where SEO was all about meta tags and backlinks is long gone. Google now uses at least 200 ranking factors in their algorithm, including social signals, user-interaction signals, and trust. If you’d like a bird’s eye view of these factors, then this infographic by and Backlinko may give you some much needed perspective. The piece covers all of the known 200 ranking signals that Google uses to rank sites and pages. However, it’s important to note that many of these aren’t proven or official ranking signals.

19 apps that will turn you into a wilderness expert Do you wonder which species of bird it is that you keep seeing on your backyard fence? Are you curious about what butterflies are visiting your garden? Would you like to know more about the mammals that call your local park home? Thankfully there are plenty of smartphone apps that help you quickly and easily identify flora and fauna, record your findings and learn more about them. Not only that, but a few will even turn you into a citizen scientist!

10 Qualities of Visionary Leaders and Healers in Transitional Times 9th April 2015 By Gerri Ravyn Stanfield Guest Writer for Wake Up World Let’s push it, let’s birth it. Let’s create and heal and risk the pain. I love the way you lead the way, the way you risk that disapproving sneer, the distasteful glare. 70 Year Old Prophecy : The Earth Will Soon Be Swept By Extraordinary Rapid Waves of Cosmic Electricity Note: While I’m not one to read too much into prophesy, and I have not heard of this man before now, I did find this one to be quite interesting! — Editor Found via RMN: 10 Ways the World Will Change by 2025 Teleportation, cures for disease, and no more plastic? It may sound impossible, but Reuters has predicted differently - and all by 2025. By: Amanda Froelich, True Activist. Teleportation, food equality, successful disease treatment – sound too good to be true? Well according to the company Thomas Reuters , such innovations are likely to be reality by the year 2025!

How Hip-Hop Failed Black America, Part II This is the second in a weekly series of six essays looking at hip-hop's recent past, thinking about its distant past, and wondering about the possibility of a future. Read the first one here. What do people think of when they think about hip-hop? I don’t mean the technique of the music so much as its meaning.

Ancient Advanced Civilizations EmailShare 510EmailShare According to various esoteric sources, the first civilization arose 78,000 years ago on the giant continent known as Mu or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52,000 years. It is sometimes said to have been destroyed in earthquakes generated by a pole shift which occurred some 26,000 years ago, or at approximately 24,000 B.C. While Mu did not reach as high a technology, supposedly, as other later civilizations, it is, nevertheless, said to have attained some advanced technology, particularly in the building of long-lasting megalithic buildings that were able to withstand earthquakes. Alan Moore: The revolution will be crowd-funded “I’m remote from most technology to the point that I’m kind of Amish,” admits the legendarily bearded author without an Internet connection, mobile phone or even a functioning television. But Alan Moore — the soft-spoken sage behind prescient comics like “V for Vendetta,” “From Hell,” “Watchmen” and many more — nevertheless does have a Kickstarter project up for procuring finishing funds for his short-film series, “Jimmy’s End .” It’s his second trip through the crowd-funding concept, having previously signed up alongside “V for Vendetta” artist David Lloyd, “Maus’s” Art Spiegelman and scores of other talents for Black Mask Studios’ sprawling Occupy Comics series, which too started life on Kickstarter. The series started as a photo essay about burlesque for Moore’s indie zine Dodgem Logic with artist (and spouse) Melinda Gebbie and fellow Northamptonian photographer Mitch Jenkins .

Time to Be Human Image by Diana Calvario [+view gallery] The United Nations declared 1976-1985 the Decade of Women, which created an international consensus on the importance of women’s political and social equality. The African Women’s Decade began in 2010. And in the United States, analysts have called 1992, 2012, and 2013 the Year of the Woman. For the last forty-plus years, since the student revolts of the ‘68 generation, media pundits, activists, and cultural savants have repeatedly announced that women have toppled male hegemony. Recent books, even those written by men such as The Athena Doctrine, explain that women’s ways of thinking or leading will lead to greater success in our highly interdependent, networked world.
