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Prehistoric Time Line, Geologic Time Scale, Photos, Facts, Maps, and More

Prehistoric Time Line, Geologic Time Scale, Photos, Facts, Maps, and More

EVOLUCIJA I DIVERZITET ŽIVOTA | ARHE Eseji iz dela Ernsta Majera Arhe VI, 11/2009 Prevod / Translation Da je evolucija činjenica i da zapanjujući diverzitet životinja i biljki evoluira postepeno, bilo je sveopšte prihvaćeno ubrzo nakon 1859. godine. Ali pitanje kako se ova evolucija odvijala, naročito pitanje prirode njene pokretačke sile, jeste izvor kontroverzi od samog početka. Među stručnjacima je dostignuta skoro potpuna saglasnost u poslednjim decenijama. Kako savremeni biolozi vide proces evolucije? Darvinovo objašnjenje evolucije, u tom smislu, jeste dualistčko. Genotip je totalitet genetičkog nasleđa koje indivudua dobija od roditelja u začeću (formiranju zigota). Ali zašto je ovaj dualitet genotipa i fenotipa toliko važan za evolucioniste? Neću dalje govoriti o vrlo interesantnim posledicama embrionalnog razvića koje proizilaze iz ovog funkcionalnog razdvajanja DNK i proteina. Druga posledica je jednako važna. Darvinizam ima dobro definisanu bazu, razumevanje koje je preduslov razumevanja evolucionih procesa.

Human Brain Facts and Answers By Disabled World - 2008-10-19 Questions answers and facts relating to the human brain and the study of the brain organ including the spinal cord. What is the Brain? The brain is the center of the nervous system in animals. All vertebrates, and the majority of invertebrates, have a brain. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. The human brain controls the central nervous system by way of the cranial nerves and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system and regulates virtually all human activity. The brain controls both involuntary, or "lower," actions, such as heart rate, respiration, and digestion. Brain Facts and Figures: How long is the spinal cord and how much does it weigh? The average spinal cord is 45 cm long in men and 43 cm long in women. How much does the brain weigh? The human brain weighs on average three pounds, or 1.5 kg. What size is an adult humans brain?

- ARKive - Extensive Animal Encyclopedia Wildscreen's Arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the world's biggest encyclopaedia of life on Earth. With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Freely accessible to everyone, over half a million people every month, from over 200 countries, used Arkive to learn and discover the wonders of the natural world. Since 2013 Wildscreen was unable to raise sufficient funds from trusts, foundations, corporates and individual donors to support the year-round costs of keeping Arkive online. As a small conservation charity, Wildscreen eventually reached the point where it could no longer financially sustain the ongoing costs of keeping Arkive free and online or invest in its much needed development. Therefore, a very hard decision was made to take the website offline in February 2019.

Female baboons with male companions live longer -- ScienceDaily Numerous studies have linked social interaction to improved health and survival in humans, and new research confirms that the same is true for baboons. A long-term study of more than 200 wild female baboons from the plains of southern Kenya finds that the most sociable females -- measured by how often they engaged in social grooming relative to their peers -- live two to three years longer than their socially isolated counterparts. Socializing with males gave females an even bigger longevity boost than socializing with other females, the researchers found. A handful of previous studies in baboons, rats and dolphins suggested that same-sex friendships can improve animal health and survival, but this is one of the first studies to show that opposite-sex friendships in animals can have similar effects, said co-author Elizabeth Archie of the University of Notre Dame. "Grooming is the baboon equivalent of gossip, or having a good conversation over a cup of coffee," Alberts said.

RAZVOJ EVOLUCIONE MISLI | ARHE Arhe VI, 11/2009 Originalni naučni rad / Original Scientific Paper Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad : Teorija evolucije najvažnija je teorija u biologiji, jedinstvena u kombinaciji univerzalnih principa i primenljivosti. Poznata krilatica Teodosijusa Dobžanskog, jednog od vodećih evolucionih biologa XX veka, da „u biologiji ništa nema smisla osim onog u svetlu evolucije“ naglašava ključno mesto evolucije u modernoj biologiji. : Darvinova teorija evolucije, evoluciona ideja, Sintetička teorija evolucije Evoluciona biologija je integrativna biološka nauka koja se bazira na evolucionim činjenicama (dokumentovanim i potvrđenim podacima) i na Sintetičkoj ili Modernoj teoriji evolucije. Evoluciona istraživanja su zastupljena u svim biološkim oblastima – od ekologije, paleontologije, sistematike, do molekularne biologije i razvojne biologije. Evolucija (evolution – razvoj, razviće) se može definisati kao promena, promene u obliku i ponašanju organizama između generacija (Ridley, 2004).

Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky Science, ICT, and the Global Classroom (Crowd-Sourced Notes) Homo erectus - H. erectus is a well known hominid IntroductionThroughout the early years of paleoanthropology, there were only two different species that were attributed to the genus Homo. These included the Neanderthals, and Homo erectus. In the early 1960s, this began to change, and human ancestry seemed to be populated by many different players. Accordingly, erectus is one of the better-known members of genus Homo, especially in terms of its well-established place in paleoanthropology. Some (e.g., M. The species was named by Eugène Dubois (it was originally designated as Pithecanthropus erectus) in 1894, after his 1891 find from Trinil, Java, in Indonesia (Trinil 2). The material was later associated with the Chinese material from Zhoukoudian, and renamed Homo erectus. Diagnostic Features The dates for erectus have become earlier and earlier, while habilis remains have been found in later and later deposits, making a lineage involving habilis ancestral to erectus increasingly unlikely. Bibliography Bräuer, G., and E.

Astronomy Magazine - Interactive Star Charts, Planets, Meteors, Comets, Telescopes MadSciNet: The 24-hour exploding laboratory. - Vijesti - Biologija - Evolucija vidljiva tijekom samo jedne generacije Idući puta kada se nađete u prirodi dobro se osvrnite oko sebe. Ne samo da uživate u aktivnostima izvan kuće već vjerojatno svjedočite i evoluciji koja vam se odvija pred očima. Novo istraživanje objavljeno u časopisu Science početkom ovog mjeseca, a koje se bavi utjecajem kukaca na populacije biljaka, pokazalo je da se evolucija može dogoditi puno brže nego što se prije pretpostavljalo, čak tijekom samo jedne generacije. Znanstvenici sa Sveučilišta u Torontu, zajedno a suradnicima, izveli su eksperiment koristeći dvogodišnju pupoljku (Oenothera biennis), tipičnu samooprašivajuću biljku koja producira genetički identične potomke. Biljke su posadili na dva polja od kojih je svako u početku sadržavalo 60 biljaka sa 18 različitih genotipova (biljke koje sadrže različite setove mutacija). >>> Istraživanja na algama mijenjaju poznatu evoluciju biljaka Rezultati pokazuju da bi evolucija mogla biti važan mehanizam koji uzrokuje promjene u cijelom ekosustavu. Izvor: e!

Prehistory Prehistory (meaning "before history", or "before knowledge acquired by investigation", from the Latin word for "before," præ, and historia) is the span of time before recorded history or the invention of writing systems. Prehistory refers to the period of human existence before the availability of those written records with which recorded history begins.[1] More broadly, it can refer to all the time preceding human existence and the invention of writing. The notion of "prehistory" began to surface during the Enlightenment in the work of antiquarians who used the word 'primitive' to describe societies that existed before written records.[2] The first use of the word prehistory in English, however, occurred in the Foreign Quarterly Review in 1836.[3] The occurrence of written materials (and so the beginning of local "historic times") varies generally to cultures classified within either the late Bronze Age or within the Iron Age. Definition[edit] Stone Age[edit] Paleolithic[edit] uninhabited

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