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Exploring Life's Origins: A Virtual Exhibit

Exploring Life's Origins: A Virtual Exhibit

Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man Humans Through history, as natural selection played its part in the development of modern man, many of the useful functions and parts of the human body become unnecessary. What is most fascinating is that many of these parts of the body still remain in some form so we can see the progress of evolution. This list covers the ten most significant evolutionary changes that have taken place – leaving signs behind them. Goose Bumps Cutis Anserina Humans get goose bumps when they are cold, frightened, angry, or in awe. Jacobson’s Organ Vomeronasal organ Jacobson’s organ is a fascinating part of animal anatomy and it tells us a lot about our own sexual history. Junk DNA L-gulonolactone oxidase While many of the hangovers from our “devolved” past are visible or physical, this is not true for all. Extra Ear Muscles Auriculares muscles Early humans ate a lot of plants – and they needed to eat them quickly enough that they could eat a sufficient amount in one day to get all of the nutrients they needed.

Storia della Scienza per ragazzi La storia della scienza raccontata ai ragazzi Giovanni Di Gregorio Sciamani, filosofi e vecchie comari nella medicina classica Il mistico Keplero e le leggi dell’astronomia Bussola, portolani e polvere da sparo: l’esplorazione dei nuovi mondi Magia, alchimia e la trasformazione delle sostanze La sconfitta di Aristotele e la nascita della scienza moderna La riscoperta dell’anatomia tra autopsie e stampe illustrate La rivincita del microscopio e la scoperta di nuovi mondi Una mela, Saturno e leggi universali di Newton Linneo e il grande catalogo della Natura Ossa di drago e rocce dalla forma curiosa: la lenta nascita della geologia I fringuelli delle Galapagos e il mistero dell’origine della specie Louis Pasteur e l’evoluzione della ricerca medica Una piccola raccolta di immagini su ... Darwin, le Galapagos, i fringuelli, l'origine della specie ... e altre cose

Tree of Life Web Project The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. ToL pages are linked one to another hierarchically, in the form of the evolutionary tree of life. Starting with the root of all Life on Earth and moving out along diverging branches to individual species, the structure of the ToL project thus illustrates the genetic connections between all living things.

Tree of Life Web Project Erbe medicinali Ten Recent Advances in Evolution By Carl Zimmer Posted 10.26.09 NOVA To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of some of the biggest advances in evolutionary biology over the past decade. These advances include not just a better understanding of how this or that group of species first evolved, but insights into the evolutionary process itself. In some cases those insights would have given Darwin himself a pleasant jolt of surprise. Ten significant leaps forward in evolution research in the past decade, as chosen and described by noted science writer Carl Zimmer Enlarge Photo credit: (Earth) © NASA; (text) © WGBH Educational Foundation Darwin envisioned natural selection acting so slowly that its effects would be imperceptible in a human lifetime. If he were alive today, Darwin would be astonished at the pace and nature of discoveries being made in evolutionary biology, including the witnessing of evolution in action.

Capsula interna Die Capsula interna (deutsch: innere Kapsel) ist die größte Ansammlung von Nervenfasern, die zur Großhirnrinde aufsteigen oder von der Großhirnrinde absteigen. Anatomie[Bearbeiten] Horizontalschnitt durch das Vorderhirn, Basalganglien blau Anatomisch wird die Capsula interna innen von Thalamus und Nucleus caudatus, außen von Globus pallidus und Putamen begrenzt. Im Horizontalschnitt sind ein Crus anterius (vorderer Schenkel), ein Crus posterius (hinterer Schenkel) und das die beiden Schenkel verbindende Genu capsulae internae (Knie) zu erkennen. Folgende wichtige Bahnen ziehen durch die Capsula interna und verbinden so die Großhirnrinde mit tiefer liegenden Strukturen beziehungsweise dem Rückenmark: Im Crus anterius verlaufen: Tractus frontopontinusvorderer Thalamusstiel Im Genu verläuft: Tractus corticonuclearis Im Crus posterius verlaufen: Tractus corticospinalis (Pyramidenbahn)Tractus temporopontinusoberer Thalamusstielhinterer ThalamusstielTeile der Hör- und Sehbahn (untere Capsula interna)

Dipartimento di Botanica dell'Università di Catania Understanding Evolution The bacteria that changed the world - May, 2017 The make-up of Earth's atmosphere, once the domain of Earth science textbooks, has become an increasingly "hot" news topic in recent decades, as we struggle to curb global warming by limiting the carbon dioxide that human activity produces. While the changes that humanity has wrought on the planet are dramatic, this isn’t the first time that one species has changed Earth’s atmosphere. Three billion years ago, there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere at all. Life was anaerobic, meaning that it did not need oxygen to live and grow. Read the rest of the story here | See the Evo in the News archive

Tavola periodica interattiva, descrizione aanche audio dei singoli elementi e video Lanthanum: the essentials Lanthanum is silvery white, malleable, ductile, and soft enough to be cut with a knife. It is one of the most reactive of the rare-earth metals. It oxidises rapidly when exposed to air. Cold water attacks lanthanum slowly, and hot water attacks it much more rapidly. The metal reacts directly with elemental carbon, nitrogen, boron, selenium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, and with halogens. Lanthanum: historical information Lanthanum was discovered by Carl Gustaf Mosander at 1839 in Sweden. Carl Gustav Mosander recognized the element lanthanum in impure cerium nitrate in 1839. Lanthanum: physical properties Melting point: 1193 [or 920 °C (1688 °F)] KBoiling point: 3743 [or 3470 °C (6278 °F)] KDensity of solid: 6146 kg m-3 Read more » » Lanthanum: orbital properties Read more » » Isolation For many purposes it is not particularly necessary to separate the metals, but if separation into individual metals is required, the process is complex. 2LaF3 + 3Ca → 2La + 3CaF2

The Panda's Thumb Museo virtuale dell'elettricità I musei sorgono quando un popolo, raggiunto un alto livello di civiltà, comprende il bisogno di raccogliere e conservare oggetti vari e testimonianze delle epoche passate. Il Museo Elettrico prefigge questo scopo anche se in maniera virtuale grazie a rete internet alla sua diffusione globale. Perché elettrico ed elettricità, un po' nato per passione un po' per deformazione professionale. Soprattutto perché l'energia elettrica è, a mio modesto parere, l'energia più importante ed assolutamente indispensabile, dei giorni nostri. Anche i vostri computer funzionano grazie all'elettricità, facile inserire la spina e premere il pulsante power, ma dietro a questi due semplici movimenti vi sono dietro millenni di studi, esperimenti, ricerche, uomini, che hanno contribuito alla scoperta ed al perfezionamento di quest'energia, che non si vede ma che è di vitale importanza per la vita attuale e futura. Autore Disclameir-Copyright Informazioni Ringraziamenti Mappa Sponsor Fonti Amici del Museo Promuovi Email
