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Exploring life origins

Exploring life origins

Storia della Scienza per ragazzi La storia della scienza raccontata ai ragazzi Giovanni Di Gregorio Sciamani, filosofi e vecchie comari nella medicina classica Il mistico Keplero e le leggi dell’astronomia Bussola, portolani e polvere da sparo: l’esplorazione dei nuovi mondi Magia, alchimia e la trasformazione delle sostanze La sconfitta di Aristotele e la nascita della scienza moderna La riscoperta dell’anatomia tra autopsie e stampe illustrate La rivincita del microscopio e la scoperta di nuovi mondi Una mela, Saturno e leggi universali di Newton Linneo e il grande catalogo della Natura Ossa di drago e rocce dalla forma curiosa: la lenta nascita della geologia I fringuelli delle Galapagos e il mistero dell’origine della specie Louis Pasteur e l’evoluzione della ricerca medica Una piccola raccolta di immagini su ... Darwin, le Galapagos, i fringuelli, l'origine della specie ... e altre cose

Tree of Life Web Project The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. ToL pages are linked one to another hierarchically, in the form of the evolutionary tree of life.

Erbe medicinali What Darwin Never Knew | NOVA Skip to Main Content Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. You've just tried to add this show to My List. By creating an account, you acknowledge that PBS may share your information with our member stations and our respective service providers, and that you have read and understand the Privacy Policy(opens in new window) and Terms of Use(opens in new window). You have the maximum of 100 videos in My List. We can remove the first video in the list to add this one. Edit My List You have the maximum of 100 shows in My List. We can remove the first show in the list to add this one. Edit My List

Dipartimento di Botanica dell'Università di Catania Neanderthals on Trial | Tracing Ancestry with MtDNA by Rick Groleau In 1987, three scientists announced in the journal Nature that they had found a common ancestor to us all, a woman who lived in Africa 200,000 years ago. She was given the name "Eve," which was great for capturing attention, though somewhat misleading, as the name at once brought to mind the biblical Eve, and with it the mistaken notion that the ancestor was the first of our species—the woman from whom all humankind descended. The "Eve" in question was actually the most recent common ancestor through matrilineal descent of all humans living today. Nuclear DNA vs mitochondrial DNA When someone mentions human DNA, what do you think of? Outside the nucleus, but still within the cell, lie mitochondria. Inheriting mtDNA Whenever an egg cell is fertilized, nuclear chromosomes from a sperm cell enter the egg and combine with the egg's nuclear DNA, producing a mixture of both parents' genetic code. Defining mitochondrial ancestors Finding mitochondrial ancestors Final note Notes 1. 2.

Tavola periodica interattiva, descrizione aanche audio dei singoli elementi e video Lanthanum: the essentials Lanthanum is silvery white, malleable, ductile, and soft enough to be cut with a knife. It is one of the most reactive of the rare-earth metals. It oxidises rapidly when exposed to air. Cold water attacks lanthanum slowly, and hot water attacks it much more rapidly. Lanthanum: historical information Lanthanum was discovered by Carl Gustaf Mosander at 1839 in Sweden. Carl Gustav Mosander recognized the element lanthanum in impure cerium nitrate in 1839. Lanthanum: physical properties Melting point: 1193 [or 920 °C (1688 °F)] KBoiling point: 3743 [or 3470 °C (6278 °F)] KDensity of solid: 6146 kg m-3 Read more » » Lanthanum: orbital properties Read more » » Isolation Isolation: lanthanum metal is available commercially so it is not normally necessary to make it in the laboratory, which is just as well as it is difficult to separate it from as the pure metal. Pure lanthanum is available through the reduction of LaF3 with calcium metal. 2LaF3 + 3Ca → 2La + 3CaF2

Ten Recent Advances in Evolution By Carl Zimmer Posted 10.26.09 NOVA To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of some of the biggest advances in evolutionary biology over the past decade. These advances include not just a better understanding of how this or that group of species first evolved, but insights into the evolutionary process itself. In some cases those insights would have given Darwin himself a pleasant jolt of surprise. Ten significant leaps forward in evolution research in the past decade, as chosen and described by noted science writer Carl Zimmer Enlarge Photo credit: (Earth) © NASA; (text) © WGBH Educational Foundation Darwin envisioned natural selection acting so slowly that its effects would be imperceptible in a human lifetime. If he were alive today, Darwin would be astonished at the pace and nature of discoveries being made in evolutionary biology, including the witnessing of evolution in action.

Museo virtuale dell'elettricità I musei sorgono quando un popolo, raggiunto un alto livello di civiltà, comprende il bisogno di raccogliere e conservare oggetti vari e testimonianze delle epoche passate. Il Museo Elettrico prefigge questo scopo anche se in maniera virtuale grazie a rete internet alla sua diffusione globale. Perché elettrico ed elettricità, un po' nato per passione un po' per deformazione professionale. Soprattutto perché l'energia elettrica è, a mio modesto parere, l'energia più importante ed assolutamente indispensabile, dei giorni nostri. Anche i vostri computer funzionano grazie all'elettricità, facile inserire la spina e premere il pulsante power, ma dietro a questi due semplici movimenti vi sono dietro millenni di studi, esperimenti, ricerche, uomini, che hanno contribuito alla scoperta ed al perfezionamento di quest'energia, che non si vede ma che è di vitale importanza per la vita attuale e futura. Autore Disclameir-Copyright Informazioni Ringraziamenti Mappa Sponsor Fonti Amici del Museo Promuovi Email

Giochi e animazioni Sito istituzionale Provincia di Torino Scienza interattiva Quiz In che settore si applica la Legge di Titius e Bode? Che cos'è il NIAC? Perché il cibo cuoce più velocemente nella pentola a pressione? Quante tra le missioni Apollo dei primi anni 1970 sono allunate sulla faccia nascosta della Luna? vai alla sezione Curiosità Come si adattano le piante alle temperature estremamente fredde? Alcune piante per difendersi dal clima rigido sviluppano particolari adattamenti per sopravvivere. I segreti del cervo volante Particolarità morfologiche e comportamentali Il giacimento fossilifero di Bolca Il giacimento fossilifero di Bolca, nei monti Lessini (Verona), è uno dei più antichi d'Italia Che cosa sono le demosponge? I Poriferi sono animali marini, sessili, cioè vivono fissi al fondale a qualsiasi profondità (se ne sono trovate a più di ... vai alla sezione Giochi Gli antibiotici Gli antibiotici sono sostanze chimiche prodotte in natura da organismi viventi come batteri e funghi. Scienza interattiva: i vaccini

Bioetica ELSI Research Program The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program ELSI Research Program Overview The National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program was established in 1990 as an integral part of the Human Genome Project (HGP) to foster basic and applied research on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic and genomic research for individuals, families and communities. The ELSI Research Program funds and manages studies, and supports workshops, research consortia and policy conferences related to these topics. Top of page ELSI Research Priorities On February 10, 2011, Nature magazine published NHGRI's strategic plan for the future of human genome research, called Charting a course for genomic medicine from base pairs to bedside . Genomic Research. ELSI Research Funding Opportunities ELSI Research Program Announcements (PA) NIH-Wide Ethical Issues in Human Subjects Research Program Announcements

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