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The Ocean Cleanup, developing technologies to extract, prevent and intercept plastic pollution

The Ocean Cleanup, developing technologies to extract, prevent and intercept plastic pollution

Related:  Global StudiesDu plastique à ne plus savoir qu'en faire

This Brilliant Teen Has A 10-Year Plan To Clean Up The Pacific Ocean When diving in Greece, Boyan Slat discovered that there was more plastic than fish in the water. The 19-year-old was not only inspired to take action, but he has come up with plan to clean up half the garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean -- in just 10 years. With millions of tons of plastic making its way into the oceans, the environmental activist devised a feasible and efficient way to extract it from the water using "the currents to [his] advantage" by attaching a floating structure to the sea bed to capture the waste. Watch Slat explain his idea in the video above.

Food & Healthy Diet Food and healthy diet research aims to generate new knowledge and innovation through activities that will address the following issues: Promoting informed consumer choices Research focuses on the preferences, attitudes, needs, behaviour, lifestyle and education of consumers.The activities aim at investigating diet related diseases (obesity, anorexia) and promoting sustainable eating choices through social innovation, innovative models and methodologies. Moreover, the activities aim at enhancing communication between consumers, the food industry and the research community so that gaps in transfer of knowledge can be filled and the concerns of citizens addressed by new and innovative means. Delivering strategic solutions for healthy and safe foods and diets for all Research on healthy foods and diets focuses on the nutritional needs and the impact of food on physiological functions and physical and mental performance.

There’s a scary amount of plastic in the ocean. Here’s who put it there This story was reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Marine scientists have long known that plastic pollution in the ocean is a huge problem. The most visible sign of it is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an accumulation of waste (actually spanning several distinct patches) floating in the ocean. It’s at least twice the size of Texas and can be seen from space. This pollution has an incalculably lethal effect on everything from plankton to whales.

Apply to be an Ambassador! About Youth Ambassadors Akshaya Patra is looking for driven, motivated youth activists, like you, who are passionate about creating a more just world for themselves and others. This is a voluntary role which is open to junior or high school students living anywhere in the United States. As a Youth Ambassador you will develop new skills while working to expand the reach of Akshaya Patra. The Changing Face of Revolution – 3 Inspiring People Who are Undermining the Matrix The matrix has us. It surrounds and keeps us busy working diligently within its nifty little paradigms, hard at work at our own enslavement and self-destruction. Behind the scenes of every aspect of life are codes, regulations, rules and agendas we cannot see, but yet are there to keep us in line and disconnected from true health and prosperity. If you’ve mustered the consciousness to see through at least some of the illusions that govern our sickly world, then you already know that the truth about the human condition and human potential does not have a voice in the history books, and that double-speak and programming are the lead factors in turning practical concepts into impractical, unachievable feats of defiance. Take the notion of revolution, for instance.

Plastic waste responsible for nearly 92% life-threatening cases in marine life MEXICO: According to a new study thousands of individual animals from hundreds of marine species including every kind of sea turtle and around half of marine mammals have encountered plastic, glass, and other garbage in the ocean. Often the encounters are fatal. In some cases they may be helping push some beleaguered species towards extinction in the wild. Those are some of the findings in the most comprehensive look at the effects of debris on marine wildlife since 1997. Co-authors Sarah Gall and Richard Thompson, marine biologists at Plymouth University in the United Kingdom, looked in 340 different publications for reports about animal encounters with marine trash.

Zika Virus Rumors and Theories That You Should Doubt Mounting evidence points to Zika. The outbreak of microcephaly began in northeastern Brazilian cities where doctors had already seen thousands of people with “doença misteriosa” — the mystery disease — which was later proved to be caused by the Zika virus. Although there is no rapid test for Zika, the symptoms are easily recognized — a rash, bloodshot eyes, fever and joint pain, in large numbers of patients who are almost never dangerously ill. Although they initially misdiagnosed it, Brazilian doctors knew for months that they had a large outbreak of an unusual disease on their hands. The same thing happened on Yap Island in Micronesia in 2007 and in French Polynesia in 2013. Take the Tour - Certified Entrepreneurial Advisor Get specific: can I really make more money having a CEA certification? How you profit from your skills and talents is up to you, but typically, CEA holders have a significant competitive advantage in the world of small and entrepreneurial businesses. Here are three examples: (1) Lawyer Phil is helping his client review legal documents. As the result of his CEA training, his client realizes that he is a valuable business advisor and his billable hours expand.

disturbing-infographic-shows-how-plastic-is-clogging-our-oceans With an estimated 6.4 million tons of plastic getting dumped in the ocean annually, build-up has become a huge problem that merits serious attention. We have a serious plastic problem here on Earth. In less than a century, plastic has permeated every aspect of our lives, creating tremendous amounts of waste that does not degrade. Much of it ends up in the oceans – an estimated 6.4 millions tons annually – which wreaks havoc with marine wildlife.

Analysis: Is the Miracle of Microfinance Illusory? by S Kulkami (philadelphia and boston)Wednesday, October 07, 2015Inter Press Service PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON, Oct 07 (IPS) - Mohammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, transformed the lives of millions of poor women through unsecured micro loans or micro credit to self-help groups. Microcredit evolved into microfinance that also includes savings and basic forms of insurance and transfer mechanisms. Within a few years, microfinance became a global phenomenon. HR calculator - CERG Important to get the maximum heart rate right Maximum heart rate (HRmax) is an important tool in uncovering cardiovascular disease. During stress testing, age-expected maximum heart rate is used as a guideline for when the test should be concluded. If the test is finished before the load is high enough, you risk not to detect subclinical heart disease.
