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TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy

TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. Most discussions in the newsgroup center on the creation/evolution controversy, but other topics of discussion include the origin of life, geology, biology, catastrophism, cosmology and theology. The TalkOrigins Archive is a collection of articles and essays, most of which have appeared in at one time or another. The primary reason for this archive's existence is to provide mainstream scientific responses to the many frequently asked questions (FAQs) that appear in the newsgroup and the frequently rebutted assertions of those advocating intelligent design or other creationist pseudosciences.

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The Field Book Project What is a field book? Field books or field notes are primary source documents that describe the events leading up to and including the collection of specimens or observations during field research. Field notes can take many forms depending on the information needs of the collector.

A New Theory of the Universe: an article by Robert Lanza about biocentrism building on quantum physics by putting life into the equation Essays - Spring 2007 Print Biocentrism builds on quantum physics by putting life into the equation By Robert Lanza The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark Building the Ark Accommodating All Those Animals Leaving Some Things Behind Sizing Up the Load Gathering the Cargo Phylogeny/Island Biogeography PREFACE ISLAND BIOGEOGRAPHY and Evolution is an activity about the evolution of three species of lizards on the Canary Islands. It is designed for high school biology students. Its purpose is to demonstrate to students that evolutionary problems are complex, and solutions may involve data from various disciplines of science. First, students must arrive at different phylogenetic solutions using only geographical and geological data. Then, students compare the morphology of the species involved, arriving at a more traditional solution to phylogeny. Finally, students deduce a phylogeny based on genetic distance using DNA sequences from cutting edge biotechnology.

World-system World-systems are usually larger than single countries (nations), but do not have to be global. Several world-systems can coexist, provided that they have little or no interaction with one another. Where such interactions becomes significant, separate world-systems merge into a new, larger world-system. Through the process of globalization, the modern world has reached the state of one dominant world-system, but in human history there have been periods where separate world-systems existed simultaneously, according to Janet Abu-Lughod. The most well-known version of the world-system approach has been developed by Immanuel Wallerstein. A world-system is a crucial element of the world-system theory, a multidisciplinary, macro-scale approach to world history and social change.

125 Great Science Videos: From Astronomy to Physics & Psychology Astronomy & Space Travel A Brief, Wondrous Tour of Earth (From Outer Space) - Video - Recorded from August to October, 2011 at the International Space Station, this HD footage offers a brilliant tour of our planet and stunning views of the aurora borealis.A Universe from Nothing - Video - In 53 minutes, theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss answers some big enchilada questions, including how the universe came from nothing.A Year of the Moon in 2.5 Minutes - Video - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been orbiting the moon for over a year. The footage gets compressed into 2 slick minutes.A Day on Earth (as Seen From Space) - Video - Astronaut Don Pettit trained his camera on planet Earth, took a photo once every 15 seconds, and then created a brilliant time-lapse film.Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center - Video - After more than 30 years, the space shuttle era comes to a close. Video runs 30 minutes. Physics

Post-Modern Science: The Illusion of Consciousness Sees Through Itself    We have always struggled with the limits to how human language can express our thoughts about reality. But post-modern science dismisses the struggle as futile: We did not evolve to perceive reality. That conviction is changing cosmology dramatically. We know almost nothing about the human consciousness but naturalism must treat it as evolved from unconscious elements. Much confusion is avoided by recognizing that that is a core assumption, not a discovery. Marine counterparts of land creatures The idea that there are specific marine counterparts to land creatures,[1] inherited from the writers on natural history in Antiquity, was firmly believed in Islam[2] and in Medieval Europe, and is exemplified by the creatures represented in the medieval animal encyclopedias called bestiaries and in the parallels drawn in the moralising attributes attached to each. "The creation was a mathematical diagram drawn in parallel lines," T.H. White said a propos the bestiary he translated. "Things did not only have a moral they often had physical counterparts in other strata.

Human Evolution: The fossil evidence in 3D Welcome to the UCSB online 3D gallery of modern primate relatives and fossil ancestors of humans. This gallery contains five modern primate crania, and five fossil crania. The crania can be rotated 360 degrees. resources The Institute for the Future (IFTF) is an independent nonprofit research group, working with organizations of all kinds to help them make better, more informed decisions about the future. IFTF provides the foresight to create insights that lead to action, and brings a combination of tools, methodologies, and a deep understanding of emerging trends and discontinuities to its work with companies, foundations, and government agencies. IFTF takes an explicitly global approach to strategic planning, linking macro trends to local issues in such areas as: - Work and daily life - Technology and society - Health and health care - Global business trends - Changing consumer society The Institute is based in California's Silicon Valley, in a community at the crossroads of technological innovation, social experimentation, and global interchange.

Mars Exploration Program: Mars for Educators You can participate in four major programs: Curriculum Supplements Robotics activities are available. Download the activity summaries (PDF, 1.33 MB) or the full activity set (PDF, 1.08 MB). The Mars Curriculum Modules are designed to help bring the topic of Mars into your 4th through 12th grade classrooms. Exploring Mars (Grades 4-10)

The TalkOrigins Archive est un site regroupant une série d’articles et d’essais. Le but premier de ce site est de donner une série de réponses aux questions les plus populaires concernant la Théorie de l’Évolution. by manonalbert Feb 19

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