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Human Evolution: The fossil evidence in 3D Welcome to the UCSB online 3D gallery of modern primate relatives and fossil ancestors of humans. This gallery contains five modern primate crania, and five fossil crania. The crania can be rotated 360 degrees. Each cranium is accompanied by a short description of its relevance to human evolution, and a site map. You will need the Shockwave plugin from Macromedia to view this gallery (most browsers have this installed already). Click here to enter the gallery. Click here for information on the much largerCD-ROM version. Trouble viewing the gallery? The gallery was developed by Phillip Walker and Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. This site also hosts the Evolutionary Psychology FAQ

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Understanding Evolution The bacteria that changed the world - May, 2017 The make-up of Earth's atmosphere, once the domain of Earth science textbooks, has become an increasingly "hot" news topic in recent decades, as we struggle to curb global warming by limiting the carbon dioxide that human activity produces. While the changes that humanity has wrought on the planet are dramatic, this isn’t the first time that one species has changed Earth’s atmosphere. Three billion years ago, there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere at all. Life was anaerobic, meaning that it did not need oxygen to live and grow. That all changed due to the evolution of Cyanobacteria, a group of single-celled, blue-green bacteria. Read the rest of the story here | See the Evo in the News archive

The Endosymbiosis Theory: Evolution of Cells - Free Intro to Biology Video Evolutionary Chimera Several mythological creatures are combinations of animals. For example, the griffin is a combination of a lion and an eagle, while the jackalope is combination of a jackrabbit and an antelope. The most notorious combination of animals is that of a lion, serpent and goat. While this may seem like an odd combination, in Greek mythology, it was known as the Chimera. Cells Before we can look at how current cells evolved from ancient cells, we first need to talk a little bit about cells themselves. Prokaryotic cells are simple cells with no membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotic cells are complex cells with membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus. Eukaryotic cells are the cells that make up our bodies. First, we know that they have a nucleus. Endosymbiosis Now that we know about both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, let's look at the endosymbiosis theory. Now, this may have been intentional or accidental. Evidence for Endosymbiosis Lesson Summary

The Panda's Thumb Why Evolution Is True Dynamic Periodic Table Whale Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter May 5, 2009—After a factory had found a 40-million-year-old whale fossil in a limestone kitchen counter, researchers investigated the stone's fossil-packed Egyptian quarry, which could shed light on the origins of African wildlife. Video by Public Television's Wild Chronicles, from National Geographic Mission Programs Unedited Transcription

Tree of Life Web Project The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. Ten Recent Advances in Evolution By Carl Zimmer Posted 10.26.09 NOVA To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of some of the biggest advances in evolutionary biology over the past decade. These advances include not just a better understanding of how this or that group of species first evolved, but insights into the evolutionary process itself. In some cases those insights would have given Darwin himself a pleasant jolt of surprise. Ten significant leaps forward in evolution research in the past decade, as chosen and described by noted science writer Carl Zimmer Enlarge Photo credit: (Earth) © NASA; (text) © WGBH Educational Foundation Darwin envisioned natural selection acting so slowly that its effects would be imperceptible in a human lifetime. If he were alive today, Darwin would be astonished at the pace and nature of discoveries being made in evolutionary biology, including the witnessing of evolution in action.

Artificial Selection in Evolution - Free High School Video What Is Artificial Selection? You've likely heard of natural selection, which is often described as the 'survival of the fittest.' This is a bit of a misnomer, because in evolution, individual organisms don't willfully adapt to their environment. Artificial selection is a bit different. Examples Because of the selective process of artificial selection, it is often called 'selective breeding.' Wild mustard has also been extensively selected and bred for certain traits. Animals have also been selected for in many domestic realms. The cows, pigs, and chickens that are eaten in the U.S. also have traits that are selectively bred. Pros and Cons There is no better way to create your 'perfect' organism than through artificial selection. However, in selecting this way you are playing a risky game. For example, let's look at purebred dogs, which are well known for their breed-specific health problems. Lesson Summary Artificial selection has been used by humans for thousands of years.

100 Incredibly Useful and Interesting Web Sites - PCWorld Even as the Web has become more entertaining--and certainly better looking--over the past 15 years, it has also become much more useful and practical, as the 100 sites in this feature will demonstrate. I've organized the sites in the list by the type of task they help you with. It is not a ranking; in each category I recommend sites that specialize in a different area than the others. I've also mixed in a smattering of sites that you might not use every day, but that provide ready answers to specific questions like "How can I learn to rumba?" Most Useful Web Sites by Category 9 Sites to Help You Survive the Recession A growing number of good Web sites, like Prosper and Bankrate, are popping up, offering you cool tools to help you manage and conserve your money. 8 Great How-to Web Sites Because of sites like Yahoo Answers and Instructables, the Web has become the first stop for people trying to fix something, build something, or learn a new skill. Extras:

Endangered Relationships: Lesson Overview | Nature (Click here for a printer-friendly version of this lesson) TOPIC/SUBJECT MATTER: Life Science/Environmental Science TIME ALLOTMENT: 1-2 45-minute class periods This lesson uses video segments from the NATURE film “Crash: A Tale of Two Species” to explore the interrelationship between the horseshoe crab and a small migratory bird called the red knot. Both species are in decline, and the red knot’s future, in particular, depends on the horseshoe crab making a comeback in the waters of the Delaware Bay. Students will first be introduced to the horseshoe crab via a video segment, learning that the species’ longevity (350 million years) makes the horseshoe crab a “living fossil,” an anomaly in terms of the Earth’s species. As a culminating activity, students will use an interactive online map to research endangered species in the region of the United States where they live. Video NATURE: Crash: A Tale of Two Species (selected segments): Clip 1: “The Living Fossil” Web sites Standards: Materials

Ce site est offert par PBS (Public Broadcasting System), réseau de télévision public et américain. On y retrouve une multitude d'activités interactives concernant la théorie de l'évolution. by manonalbert Feb 26
