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If you're a fan of YA, general book geekery or an aspiring writer (original or fanfiction!), Ascendio has the programming track for you! The Quill Track will be an entire track of programming (both formal and informal!) dedicated to all things books and writing. Best of all, the Quill Track is 100% included in your Ascendio registration! Ascendio is the eighth event put on by HPEF, a nonprofit organized by Harry Potter fans to put on amazing, educational and fun events for fans, academics, writers, authors, Quidditch players, debaters, and anyone who loves discussing - or has been inspired by - the Harry Potter series of books and films.

Where your Harry Potter Fan Fiction needs are met Black Cat Across the Road by MirroredIllusions (G+) Harry Potter thinks back on his life on the day he celebrated his first cen... Hogwarts Holiday Happenings by Hot Wheels (G) Some special visitors are coming to Hogwarts...but not everyone is happy ab... The Unexpected Detective(s) by Hot Wheels (G) Spearheaded by the surprise discovery of one student--and with some help fr... A New Understanding? Harmony Bites Author has written 27 stories for Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Firefly. Believe it or not, it was The Half Blood Prince that made Snape's character intriguing to me and sent me in search of the fandom and its fan fiction. I saw plenty in the novel to make me believe the reader was being set up, and not all was what it seemed--so I went looking and found that others saw the same things I did.

~ A Dramione Fanfiction Source ~ Sufficient Velocity Jamie's Juicy Bits Title: Home is where the heart isAuthor: jamie2109Artist: writinchica2kBeta(s): @psychosm1212Word Count: ~23.5kRating: R (for language)Characters/Pairings: Adam/TommyContent/Warnings/Enticements: Nope.Summary: Twenty years later, a bit of tell-all interview. A/N: Someone asked a question and the answer was, ‘We’ll never know unless twenty years down the track someone writes a tell-all book,’ as they tend to do, and everyone around at the time says, ‘I knew it!’ Well, I figured that I might not care in twenty years (or I might be dead), so I’d write my own version of it.

Pet Project Chapter 1: Default Chapter, a harry potter fanfic Disclaimer: Neither Severus nor Hermione belong to me. Everything belongs to the JK Rowling. I only get to play in the sandbox she's provided. The Resistance Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic Author's Note: This is my first published attempt. I make no promises concerning its completion. Constructive feedback would be appreciated. Thank you for reading. Chapter 1: Moonlight glinted off the towers of Hogwarts castle.

Dark Chocolate by Dianann Slytherin, as a rule, was a very stylish house. Those who resided deep under the ground in their cavernous, damp rooms, were the epitome of class and prestige. Most, if not all, were from respectable families with dark pasts, and there were rarely any Muggles placed in Slytherin. If there were, they knew better than to say anything.
