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Harry Potter

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27 Magical Ideas For The Perfect "Harry Potter" Party. Home. Harry Potter. Harry Potter est le titre d'une série littéraire écrite par Joanne Rowling.

Harry Potter

Elle raconte à travers sept tomes l'histoire d'un apprenti sorcier nommé Harry Potter. Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers, 1998[modifier] La tante Pétunia disait souvent que Dudley avait l'air d'un chérubin - et Harry disait souvent qu'il avait l'air d'un cochon avec une perruque. (fr)Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (1998), J.K. Rowling (trad. Entre ici étranger si tel est ton désir Mais à l'appât du gain, renonce à obéir, Car celui qui veut prendre et ne veut pas gagner, De sa cupidité, le prix devra payer. A propos de la sécurité de la Banque (des sorciers) Gringotts. (fr)Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (1998), J.K. Hermione Granger (à Harry et Ron) : J'espère que vous êtes contents de vous, on aurait pu se faire tuer, ou pire, être renvoyés.

Le commentaire du match [de Quidditch ] était assuré par Lee Jordan, un ami des jumeaux Weasley et le professeur McGonagall le surveillait de près [...]. Le Poudlard Express. "Drôle de façon d'aller dans une école de sorciers, le train.

Le Poudlard Express

Les tapis volants sont en panne ? " - Vernon Dursley (ES6) Résumé Nom original : The Hogwarts Express. Profil détaillé Le Poudlard Express est le train qui fait la liaison entre la gare de King's Cross, Londres, et la gare de Pré-au-Lard, à deux pas de Poudlard. Les wagons sont tirés par une locomotive à vapeur rouge. Dans les films Dans les films, le numéro de la locomotive est le 5972 (ES/f). Voir aussi. Anecdotes de tournage et surprises pour Tom Felton - *****Allohomora***** Je jure solenellement que... Moviepilot. Alan Rickman is no stranger to playing the villain and his most famous role to date is undoubtedly that of the Slytherin Potions professor Severus Snape.


Perhaps one of the most enigmatic and vague characters of the Harry Potter series, he appears to us as coldly sarcastic, malicious and generally quite abhorrent in his nature. Yet with the progression of the novels, we learn that in fact his icy exterior actually conceals deep anguish, a character with arguably the most complexity and moral ambiguity. Indeed, Rowling describes the sallow faced professor as "a gift of character" and at the end of the book series, Harry himself claims that Snape was "one of the bravest men I knew. " Naturally, Alan Rickman has been greatly responsible for the evolvement of the character over the decade.

Once speaking about his involvement in the series, he said: "People in general adore Snape. Absolutely brilliant. Discuss... Moviepilot. Nerves are high, palms are sweating.


Breathing has suddenly become such a strenuous task. Professor McGonagall calls out your name. You shakily walk up to the stool on which the Sorting Hat is placed. As you approach the front of the Great Hall, McGonagall lifts up the Sorting Hat and places it on your head. You skittishly crumble onto the stool. As stressful as this tradition may be, the Sorting Hat is never wrong and usually takes your desires into consideration.

Can you guess which house these celebrities would have been sorted into? 1. Listen to any interview with Garfield, and you'll notice his impressive vocabulary. 2. Ansari is funny, strong, a Feminist, and loyal to his girlfriend. 3. Queen B is the top of her class. 4. Tatum is adventurous with sports, travel, and food. 5. Chris Pratt is the man who you can count on to make you laugh. 6. Stone is up to date on fashion, online trends, and although friendly, is a very matter-of-fact woman. Harry Potter Names. No matter how big of a Harry Potter fan you are, you surely have some of the fictional monikers — like Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall — embedded in your memory.

Harry Potter Names

There are, however, mixed in with the more "dense" names, some classics — like Ronald and Lily — that could give a slightly magical meaning to your baby's name. Even though the real-life Lavender Brown didn't Potter-fy her baby's name, you're going to want to! Read through for 30 girls' names and 30 boys' names from the beloved series — accio inspiration! Boys Girls POPSUGAR, the #1 independent media and technology company for women.