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James S. Potter & Eva Dubois

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Game On The New Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, a harry potter fanfic. Disclaimer: The characters are the property of the amazingly talented J.K Rowling.

Game On The New Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, a harry potter fanfic

I'm only borrowing the characters and world that she has so brilliantly created. A/N: Hello and welcome to my newest project! I've been reading some Next Generation stories lately, and was inspired to write my own. I'm really enjoying thinking of plot ideas and exploring an original character as the main character. It's been great fun to write, so I hope you enjoy "Game On. " Chapter One: The New Gryffindor Quidditch Captain You might say that I was born to play Quidditch. I'd been watching, analyzing, and playing the game for so long now, that I didn't remember not knowing what Quidditch was. As the only girl in a family of three brothers, you might expect me to have been spoiled and treated like a little princess, but you would be wrong.

Half the time I was instigating whatever mess we got ourselves into. That wasn't to say that I hated pink or never wore dresses or something. Why? "Well? " Que Le Meilleur Gagne, a harry potter fanfic. Bonjour à tous !

Que Le Meilleur Gagne, a harry potter fanfic

Eh oui, c'est moi, le retour (on va dire). Aujourd'hui, nous fêtons les anniversaires du sorcier le plus connu de l'univers, Harry Potter, et aussi de celle qui nous aura raconté son histoire, j'ai nommé J.K. Rowling. Pour marquer le coup, je vous présente mon nouveau projet de traduction, tiré de l'anglais, et plus précisément de la fanfiction Game On par PenguinBuddy (que vous pourrez trouver sur mon profil). On m'avait conseillé cette lecture, et je sais que vous serez plusieurs à l'avoir déjà lue, mais tant pis.

Vos reviews seront pour certaines traduites et envoyées à l'auteure, afin de lui faire part de vos commentaires, de votre enthousiasme, et de vos réactions de manière générale. Sur ces quelques mots, bonne lecture ! Chapitre Un : Nouvelle Capitaine On pouvait dire que j'étais née pour faire du Quidditch. La moitié du temps, j'étais la cause des problèmes dans lesquels on se fourrait. The Name of the Game, a harry potter fanfic. Disclaimer: The characters are the property of the amazingly talented J.K Rowling.

The Name of the Game, a harry potter fanfic

I'm only borrowing the characters and world that she has so brilliantly created. A/N: "The Name of the Game" is the sequel to "Game On", my Next Generation James/OC story that revolves around Quidditch and the relationship between Eva Wood and James Potter. I highly recommend reading that story before delving into this. Chapter One: And the Game Begins For all of the loyal readers of Game On who wanted to read more of Eva's story. I gazed out over the pitch of the Puddlemere United stadium and forced myself to breathe deeply. And now…now I was finally standing here on my own merit to try out for the Puddlemere United reserve team. "You're going to cut off your circulation. " I glanced at James and wrinkled my nose, but eased my grip all the same.

All Sorts of Wrong Chapter 1: James Experiences Jealousy and Denial, a harry potter fanfic. Disclaimer: The characters are the property of the amazingly talented J.K Rowling.

All Sorts of Wrong Chapter 1: James Experiences Jealousy and Denial, a harry potter fanfic

I'm only borrowing the characters and world that she has so brilliantly created. "All Sorts of Wrong" Dedicated to MollytheMonster, for prompting me to write something from James's point of view. A/N: I've written this oneshot so that it can be read as a stand-alone story, but it's also a companion piece to my chapter story "Game On. " For those of you who have read "Game On" this story is a short prequel and takes place in James and Eva's sixth year before "Game On" begins.

I hope you enjoy it! On the morning of 10 December, James Potter had no reason to suspect that by the end of the day his life would have changed in a way he would never have expected. Eva Wood was, in fact, the reason that 10 December turned out to be so unusual and life changing for James. Even though they played for the same team, James and Eva were rivals on the pitch. After dinner was when everything began changing for James Potter. The Sand Dragon, a harry potter fanfic. The Tattoo, a harry potter fanfic. Disclaimer: The characters are the property of the amazingly talented J.K Rowling.

The Tattoo, a harry potter fanfic

I'm only borrowing the characters and world that she has so brilliantly created. The Tattoo A companion oneshot to Game On The building was grubbier than he expected, and seemed to lean slightly to the left. A homemade sign that was enchanted to flash colors was propped up in the window proclaiming the services offered inside. "You're sure you want to do this? " "'Course, I do," James replied confidently.

"If you catch a disease, I'm telling Mum and Dad. "