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En kursportal från Årstaskolan

En kursportal från Årstaskolan

Related:  Kodningfortbildning skolaProgrammeringprogrammering

Trippel Helix Conference on Computational Thinking and Digital Competences in Primary and Secondary Education - Swedsoft Recordings from the conference is available in this playlist. The conference focus was on how to prepare our students in primary and secondary school for their future. Both national and international speakers present on the theme computational thinking and digital competence. Turning Your Students Into Web Detectives Our students use the web every day—shouldn’t we expect them to do better at interpreting what they read there? Perhaps, but not necessarily. Often, stereotypes about kids and technology can get in the way of what’s at stake in today’s complex media landscape. mBot robot kit - educational programmable robot 1. What’s the differences between Bluetooth version and 2.4G version? The main difference is the communication way. The Bluetooth version connects to PC via Bluetooth, so it’s more suitable for personal or family users; while 2.4G connects via 2.4G, so it’s more suitable for teaching.

micro:bit : MicroPython Guide Python is a programming language that's used by beginner coders and computing experts alike. Python is entirely text-based, which may look intimidating at first, but with a little guidance and practice, anyone can start coding - and this guide is here to help! The version of Python that the BBC micro:bit uses is called MicroPython. Click the links below to go to different sections of our MicroPython documentation which breaks down each feature your micro:bit can do using Python. Introduction

How can you change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? Step1. Learn to hear your fixed mindset “voice.” As you approach a challenge, that voice might say to you “Are you sure you can do it? Maybe you don’t have the talent.” “What if you fail—you’ll be a failure” “People will laugh at you for thinking you had talent.” 10 things to try right now with your child on Scratch and ScratchJr By Saskia Leggett, Scratch Outreach Manager, and Kaitlyn Leidl, DevTech Research Lab Program Coordinator at Tufts University Creating projects with Scratch and ScratchJr can be a way to reflect on experiences that you and your family have shared. Here are 10 things to try with your Scratchers right now before you get ready for the next school year. Use these hands-on activities and accessible tips to dive into new and creative projects together!

BBC micro:bit MicroPython documentation — BBC micro:bit MicroPython 0.0.1 documentation Welcome! The BBC micro:bit is a small computing device for children. One of the languages it understands is the popular Python programming language. How to Have an Equitable Class Discussion These patterns can be self-perpetuating, and they can discourage learning. Students who are called on over and over may come to view their perspectives as the right perspectives. At the same time, students who are not called on often may begin to perceive their teachers as unfair — and become even less likely to contribute. Establishing inclusive, equitable norms of participation from the start is key. "It's absolutely essential to figure out a way of managing who's speaking when, who's taking turns, in any kind of seminar discussion," says Harvard lecturer Timothy Patrick McCarthy, who teaches a course called Stories of Slavery and Freedom and who strives to make his class discussions equitable from day one. "You don't want one or two or three or a cohort of voices to dominate the discussion."

Teachers, Try Learning These HTML Tags You might be surprised how handy knowing a few HTML tags might be. Here are a few tags that will help you to make your use of Web 2.0 tools a little less frustrating. The web is coded in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). For the most part you do not realize the code is there. For most Web 2.0 tools the user interface does not require that you know any HTML to utilize the product. With that being said, many of them ALLOW you to use HTML if you know it.

Reference - Microsoft MakeCode basic.showNumber(0); input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { }); music.playTone(0, 0); led.plot(0, 0); radio.sendNumber(0); Advanced game.addScore(1); images.createImage(` . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . . . . . . . . . . `); pins.digitalReadPin(DigitalPin.P0); serial.writeNumber(0); control.inBackground(() => { }); Bluetooth bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected(() => {}); devices.tellCameraTo(MesCameraEvent.TakePhoto);

Graphics - Free Downloads - North Star PathsNorth Star Paths Click the link below for a high resolution pdf file for “A Few of My Favorite UDL Things” Click the link below for a high resolution pdf file for “9 reasons to use visuals” 9 reasons to use visuals graphic Click the link below for a high resolution pdf file for “Child Honouring Principles” Click below for a high resolution pdf file for the “Eight Magic Keys” Click the link below for a high def pdf for “Ten Ways to Self-Reg Graphic” Introducing Circuit Playground Would you like to learn electronics, with an all-in-one board that has sensors and LEDs built in? Circuit Playground is here, and it's the best way to practice programming on real hardware. No soldering or sewing required! Circuit Playground features an ATmega32u4 micro-processor, just like our popular Flora.

How 'Slow Looking' Can Help Students Develop Skills Across Disciplines Eight seconds — that’s the latest estimate of the length of the human attention span. The push to cover more material in the same amount of classroom time also provides a challenge, especially when teachers are told that the skills (like critical thinking and creativity) their students will need in order to compete in the 21st century are ones that take time to develop. For educators working with a new generation raised in a world of rapid information exchange, it may seem difficult to hold students’ attention when it comes time for extended observation. As an antidote, Project Zero researcher Shari Tishman offers “slow looking" — the practice of observing detail over time to move beyond a first impression and create a more immersive experience with a text, an idea, a piece of art, or any other kind of object. It’s a practice that clears a space for students to hold and appreciate the richness of the world we live in.

Get to Know the BBC Micro:bit It’s time to take a look at the micro:bit, which is quite the impressive little device, and see what’s packed onto its small surface (4.5 × 5 cm—it’s been billed by the BBC as being about half the size of a credit card). I usually introduce new users to a device like this by examining each component one by one, moving clockwise around the board, and that seems like a perfectly reasonable route to take now. I’ll refer to the side of the micro:bit with the USB power connector and the micro:bit logo as the back, and the side with the array of LEDs and the two push buttons as the front (Figures A and B). Figure A. Back of the micro:bit Figure B.
