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14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools

14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools
Saying that it has always been this way, doesn’t count as a legitimate justification to why it should stay that way. Teacher and administrators all over the world are doing amazing things, but some of the things we are still doing, despite all the new solutions, research and ideas out there is, to put it mildly, incredible. I’m not saying we should just make the current system better… we should change it into something else. I have compiled a list of 14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools and it is my hope that this will inspire lively discussions about the future of education. 1. The idea of taking a whole class to a computer room with outdated equipment, once a week to practice their typewriting skills and sending them back to the classroom 40 minutes later, is obsolete. Computers or technology shouldn’t just be a specific subject, that’s not sufficient anymore but rather it should be an integral part of all the subjects and built into the curriculum. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Related:  L'école de demainReflexõesInformation technology

Les 10 innovations pédagogiques qui feront (peut-être) 2015 (crédits AFP) L’université britannique online The Open University a publié il y a quelques semaines son rapport annuel sur les pédagogies innovantes. En recoupant les pratiques, les technologies, les recherches les plus en pointe dans le milieu de l’éducation, les auteurs du rapport proposent une liste de 10 innovations pédagogiques appelées à se développer à court ou moyen terme. Certaines de ces innovations sont très théoriques, issues de la recherche, d’autres sont encore confidentielles en France, la plupart concernent l’université ou le secondaire mais pourraient bien un jour irriguer la pratique de tous les enseignants... Les MOOCs, les cours massifs en ligne donné par la plupart des universités (certains sont suivis par plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes) vont voir leur versant social et coopératif se développer largement. Cette innovation est déjà bien installée, notamment en France, dans le supérieur et dans le secondaire.

A era da impaciência A vida no século XXI pode não ser maravilhosa como sugerem as propagandas de telefones celulares, graças aos consideráveis impactos sociais provocados pela onipresença das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação. Dois filmes recentes tratam do tema: Disconnect (de 2012, dirigido por Henry Alex Rubin) e Men, Women & Children (de 2014, dirigido por Jason Reitman). As duas obras adoçam seu olhar crítico com uma visão humanista. O grande tema é a vida contemporânea, marcada pelo consumo de bens e estilos, e povoada pelas doenças da sociedade moderna: bullying, identidades roubadas, comunicações mediadas e relações fragilizadas. No centro dos dramas estão a internet e as mídias sociais. Se determinados impactos sociais já são notáveis, alguns efeitos econômicos ainda estão sendo descobertos. Haldane inicia mostrando que o crescimento econômico é uma condição relativamente recente na história da humanidade, começou há menos de 300 anos. Qual a fonte primária do crescimento econômico?

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Noaord Noaord, eller noanamn, kallas benämningar som används när det enligt folktron anses vara olycksbringande och därmed tabu att nämna ett visst ord. Det polynesiska ordet noa uttrycker motsatsen till tabu, och betecknar något som kan användas utan risk[1]. Noaord användes även i stället för sådana ord som ansågs för heliga för att uttalas. Noaord har oftast använts för farliga djur, övernaturliga fenomen och väsen, där man av rädsla för att frammana dem ej vågat nämna dem vid namn. Att använda det riktiga namnet ansågs kunna frammana dess onda krafter.[2] Det var därför tabubelagt. Genom att i stället använda en alternativ benämning trodde man sig kunna undvika att dessa onda krafter utlöstes.[2] Tanken med noanamnet kunde vara att det inte skulle irritera fenomenet i fråga utan i stället vara insmickrande.[2] Men det förekom även noanamn av en mer anklagande och avståndstagande karaktär.[2] Exempel[redigera | redigera wikitext] Även näcken och rået har noanamn.[2]

American Schools vs. the World: Expensive, Unequal, Bad at Math What the latest results of an international test tell us about the state of education in the United States The U.S. education system is mediocre compared to the rest of the world, according to an international ranking of OECD countries. More than half a million 15-year-olds around the world took the Programme for International Student Assessment in 2012. The test, which is administered every three years and focuses largely on math, but includes minor sections in science and reading, is often used as a snapshot of the global state of education. The results, published today, show the U.S. trailing behind educational powerhouses like Korea and Finland. Not much has changed since 2000, when the U.S. scored along the OECD average in every subject: This year, the U.S. scores below average in math and ranks 17th among the 34 OECD countries. Here are some other takeaways from the report: America Is Struggling at Math America Spends a Lot of Money Per Student The Countries That Are Doing Well

Et si nous mettions l’innovation et la créativité au cœur du système éducatif français ? En France, le socle commun de connaissances et de compétences liste un ensemble de connaissances, capacités et attitudes que tout élève de l'hexagone doit maitriser à la fin de sa scolarité obligatoire. C'est, selon la célèbre formule, ce que chacun ne peut se permettre d'ignorer. Cependant cet ensemble tourne majoritairement autour de la transmission des savoirs - organisés en disciplines - et de l'esprit critique (même si l'on peut se réjouir de voir dans le nouveau projet de socle un domaine visant « les méthodes et outils pour apprendre »). Spécificité bien française, notre formation à l'esprit critique est dorénavant nécessaire mais non suffisante. Une approche obsolète Souvent limitée aux activités artistiques ou « d'ouverture », notre approche de l'enseignement de la créativité est donc devenue obsolète, elle ne répond aux exigences du monde contemporain. La créativité s'apprend et s'évalue La compétence la plus importante du XXIe siècle [4] Arthur L.

Commenting is Dead. Chat is the New Black. — Affinity Networks Commenting is Dead. Chat is the New Black. How chat will overthrow comments on mobile in 2015 For a decade or more “commenting” has been the gold standard social engagement mechanism. From memes to monkeys — news, gifs, fails, celeb sightings, pets, food, fashion, photos — the list goes on. Commenting begin showing up on web as a way for users to respond to news and other text content. But then people started talking to each other. When comments hit the scene, mobile as we know it today, was a fever dream. I think SMS was an early indicator that there was something big on the horizon and that it might really explode with the proliferation of mobile. And although web technology evolved tremendously in the past 20 years, commenting still feels like the right solution for web. People tend to use the web in the same way — they come and go but don’t have the feeling of being tethered to it like we do on mobile. Chat on the other hand is a synchronous form of communication. Let’s have a chat.

How to Boot From a CD or USB Drive on Any PC There's a very slim chance that your 486 would even be running Windows as it's OS, (there were a few models sold with quad-clocked processors running Win95 at most, or 98 if a user upgraded it) but probably as the old GUI (Win 3.1) to load over DOS (probably 6.xx) The F12 trick won't apply here. Try hitting DEL at post, or maybe the ESC key... or one of a slew of other F-keys that various motherboard manufacturers had assigned to pop up BIOS setup... watch the screen at boot, it should tell you what key to use, but this instructon will flash by you pretty quickly, so be quick) Once in Bios setup, mull around in there and find an option named like "Boot Order". Also, very few if any 486s came with USB ports. Good luck even getting a small thumbdrive to work in DOS... Good luck with it! 486 packard bell Brave of you to admit it here. I use "OS on a Floppy" for my 100Mhz Compaq 9232.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Three Powerful Tools to Check for Plagiarism in Students Works March 16, 2014 In a heavily networked world where information is just a click away, plagiarism becomes a daunting challenge that plagues our students academic endeavour and severely undermines their intellectual credibility as learners and seekers of knowledge. There is a growing copy-paste culture among our students and unless we do something about, it will get out of dimension and will be too late to redress it. Ironically enough, this very technology that some students use to plagirize we, as teachers and educators, can leverage it to help us check and detect instances of this plagiarism. There are now several web tools that allow teachers to easily check and identify plagiarized content. 1- Turnitin Turnitin uses pattern recognition algorithms to check for plagiarism and improper citations in students papers. 2- Writecheck Grammarly is both a grammar and plagiarism checker.

5 Disruptive Education Trends That Address American Inequality At the root of many American problems lies an ineffective and outdated education system that is failing our students. Inequality and education have always been inextricably linked, and if we don’t fix education, we don’t fix inequality. Simply put, our citizens are not being prepared to compete in today’s global, hyper-connected economy, and, for low-income students, the outlook is especially grim. A recent Boston College study of 57 countries showed, among other unflattering comparisons, that only 7% of U.S. students (versus 48% of students in Singapore) reached the advanced level in eighth-grade math. Meanwhile, a 2012 Brookings study showed that "a whopping 43% of job openings require a bachelor’s degree or more." Yet amidst all these gloomy statistics are rays of light. 1: Creating adaptive and optimized learning environments If Google search results and Pandora music recommendations can learn our patterns and preferences, why not education software? They aren’t alone.

Pourquoi l’apprentissage assisté par la technologie ne parviendra pas, à lui seul, à résoudre la crise de l’éducation La journaliste américaine spécialisée dans les questions d’éducation, Peg Tyre (@pegtyre) auteur notamment de La bonne école, revient dans un long article pour Medium sur l’usage de l’informatique à l’école. La révolution de l’apprentissage personnalisé assisté par la technologie promet un enseignement adapté, permettant aux algorithmes de recalibrer en continu les apprentissages pour répondre aux besoins des élèves. Faut-il croire que tout le monde va pouvoir recevoir demain l’éducation personnalisée qui était autrefois réservée à l’élite ? “En théorie, cela devrait fonctionner” “En théorie, cela devrait fonctionner”. Image : Le centre d’apprentissage Carpe Diem d’Indianapolis, via Medium. Certains usages de la technologie à l’école fonctionnent très bien, notamment quand elle est utilisée pour certaines tâches bien précises : la rationalisation de la communication parents-enseignants, la collecte des devoirs, la diffusion de notes, etc. L’école comme laboratoire de R&D Hubert Guillaud

Six ways your tech is spying on you – and how to turn it off | Alex Hern So, your TV might be spying on you. It probably just wanted to join in with the rest of the technology in your life, because let’s face it: if you live in the 21st century you’re probably monitored by half a dozen companies from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. (And if you wear a sleep tracker, it doesn’t even stop then.) Compared with some of the technology that keeps a beady eye fixed on you, the news that Samsung’s privacy policy warns customers not to discuss sensitive information in front of their smart TVs is actually fairly tame. But other tech that spies on you might not be so genteel. The adage “if you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold” was coined in 2010, a lifetime ago in web terms, but it’s as true today as it always has been. 1. Even if you don’t use Facebook, you will have seen the company’s “like” button springing up in more and more places around the internet, like a nasty case of chicken pox. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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8 Tips For Updating Your Teaching 8 Tips For Updating Your Teaching by Mike Fisher In the first week of April, I participated in a Twitter chat for the ASCD Leader to Leader initiative, hashtag #ASCDL2L, on the role of the modern teacher. As the conversation unfolded, it caused me to think more deeply than I have before about what elements teachers might consider on their path to developing a more modern version of their current role. In Digital Learning Strategies: How Do I Assign and Assess Digital Work, I challenge teachers to think about several questions as they seek to modernize instruction, though this is just a slice of what being a modern educator means. 8 Tips For Updating Your Teaching To Something “Messier” 1. It is inevitable that the world will change. 2. Your students will benefit from what you model. 3. Don’t limit yourself to what you’ve always known. Participate in professional development that enhances your toolbox and adds expertise to what you are able to choose from when making curricular decisions.

I was actually thinking the reverse had happened!! Definitely Term Two - best of luck with application - if you can capture the pride , passion and knowledge you showed yesterday then it will be hard to beat :) by milkinsk Apr 9

It was great to catch-up. Somethings never change - you're still the smartest person in the room. Let's catch-up again during Term 2. My shout for lunch. by markag Apr 9
