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How to Get Hesitant Teachers to Use Technology

How to Get Hesitant Teachers to Use Technology
In my consulting as well as administrative technology work, I am often asked the same questions by different schools and officials. One of the most common is: “How do you get teachers who are hesitant or resistant to use technology?” I am keenly aware that many of my colleagues are not, for various reasons, gung ho about educational technology. In my role as tech advocate, I habitually find myself trying to coax these established educators to use new tools and incorporate new methodologies. 1. If you’re working with veteran educators, this is especially important. Instead, try this: observe what they do in the classroom that’s made them successful and build out from there. 2. If teachers express a want or need for technology in the classroom (a particular browser, program, hardware, etc.) accommodate them! 3. Teachers respond better to other teachers who share their situation. 4. Teachers are not done at three o’clock. 5. 6. 7. I cannot emphasize this enough.

University Game Labs Emerging to Enhance Community Learning How students are learning at university game labs To think, there are still people who say gaming isn’t good for education; try saying that to universities with game labs. Gamification is a powerful tool that can make the educational experience not only more fun, but more effective as well. Because of the increasing number of successful game labs, more universities are looking to tap into the power of games to reap the rewards from social and interactive learning. The joy of gamification is that it isn’t specific to one subject, class size, or grade level – it’s seen anywhere from young kids to college students and everyone can benefit from it. Dr. Schrier continues: “A game lab could serve as a model for a hands-on, problem-based, and meaningful approach to learning. Different institutions have their own methods and reasons for combining gaming with education. Game labs can be beneficial for any field. title image via Nic McPhee. Save $150 on your ticket by using code GBLOG14 at checkout!

La protection des renseignements personnels en mode 2.0 Avec la croissance du Web et des médias sociaux, la protection de la vie privée est devenue un énorme défi. Les renseignements personnels des internautes se transmettent de plus en plus rapidement, en quantité de plus en plus importante et sont accessibles plus facilement. Des questions se posent ainsi sur le droit à la protection de la vie privée et des renseignements personnels. Protéger les renseignements personnels sur le Web : tout un défi! L'anonymat est difficile à préserver sur Internet. De nombreux sites Web demandent aux utilisateurs de partager des renseignements personnels lors de l'inscription ou d'un paiement en ligne. Comment les données sont-elles protégées? Les lois québécoises et canadiennes encadrent la transmission des données entre les organisations. En outre, les entreprises qui ne prennent pas les précautions suffisantes pour protéger les données personnelles des utilisateurs s'exposent à des poursuites. Sur le Web, quelles lois s'appliquent? Pour en savoir plus :

Naming What Children Can Do Mr. Park's fourth grade class was the most impulsive and squirmy group of children he'd ever taught. Children speaking out of turn, talking to neighbors, playing with small objects, or making odd noises continually interrupted class discussions. Mr. The children sat up a little straighter and leaned forward in interest. "I didn't fool around with my erasers. "I noticed a couple of you even sat on your hands for a bit," Mr. With this positive scaffolding, Mr. The Power of Reinforcing Language Teachers have always known the power of carefully timed and delivered feedback. Known as "reinforcing language" in the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching, this type of specific, positive feedback is powerful, because when used well, it achieves the following: Provides children with a positive vision of themselves as learners, thereby promoting engagement in the process of learning. Making It Work Reinforcing language is most effective in the classroom when it has the following characteristics.

A Must Have Checklist for Teaching with Technology So you decided to give technology much more room in your teaching this year. Well, we are glad you decided to do so and we are even happier to offer you help ( for free ) to better integrate it into your classroom instruction. In fact no two wise educators would ever argue over the importance of technology in education, but the how, when and why(s) of such use is where views differ and discussions heat up. Technology does not offer ready made recipes for teachers to use with their students. Sometimes a tool that works for a certain teacher turns into a complete fiasco with another, even the same teacher can notice marked differences in learning outcomes of two classes using the same technology.Hence, the importance of the effective beforehand planning for teachers. They need to scrutinize the learning environment, evaluate the possbile learning outcomes, and set clear goals for using technology. Click on the image to access the original checklist

narrative now Le cloud computing, l'informatique de demain ? Déjà lancés par Amazon, les services de stockage et de calcul en ligne pourraient révolutionner l'informatique d'entreprise d'ici à moins de cinq ans. Google et IBM sont sur le pont, et les DSI pourraient faire leurs valises. Qu'est ce que le cloud computing ? L' "informatique dans les nuages" est un concept apparu assez récemment, mais dont les prémices remontent à quelques années, notamment à la technologie des grilles de calcul, utilisée pour le calcul scientifique. Le cloud computing fait référence à l'utilisation de la mémoire et des capacités de calcul des ordinateurs et des serveurs répartis dans le monde entier, et liés par un réseau, tel Internet. Le cloud computing, un produit commercialisable ? Oui, cette technique est en passe de devenir un business. A l'image de la puissance électrique il y a un siècle, la puissance de calcul et de stockage de l'information serait proposée à la consommation par des compagnies spécialisées. Quels sont les avantages pour l'utilisateur ?

Five-Minute Film Festival: Nine Videos on Kindness, Empathy, and Connection I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. It's always a good time to practice gratitude for the relationships that sustain us all -- for the people who have taught us in a school setting and beyond, and for the young ones we are able to nurture and inspire. I was also thinking about how many of us are living out the paradox of being ever more plugged in, and ever more aware of what's happening in our community via social media platforms, while at the same time, face-to-face interactions are less frequent than ever before. We are in constant touch, but barely touching. Watching these videos made me remember the importance of re-connecting, treating people with kindness and respect, and being generous and compassionate to both loved ones and strangers. If each of us pledged to do more of that, we'd make a better world for all of us to learn and grow in. Video Playlist: Kindness, Empathy, and Connection

12 Things You Should Never Do When You Teach Online 453 Flares Twitter 133 Facebook 249 Google+ 36 LinkedIn 35 inShare35 453 Flares × You are never alone when teaching online. As a writer and teacher, I’m here to share my experiences and insights so that you will not hit the ground. We all know there are a lot of great articles out there on the web that talk about what you should do when you teach online. But sometimes what a new online teacher really needs is a list of what NOT to do when teaching online. Here are 12 things I recommend that online teachers do not do: 1. There are a number of things folks need to know when they log-in to your online course for the first time. Sometimes getting this information out of an online classroom is like running an obstacle course. 2. Learning assessments, however they are put together, need to be relevant to the material at hand, and they need to move the learning process forward. 3. But you don’t have to go to extremes to kill enthusiasm for your online course. 4. 5. This seems like a no-brainer.
