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Open Wetlab workshops - Waag Society

Open Wetlab workshops - Waag Society
Related:  bioplastic, mycelium, komboechageo-stuff

GSF 2013 : Project : Going Bananas!-Using Banana Peels in the Production of Bio-Plastic As A Replacement of the Traditional Petroleum Based Plastic The banana fruit’s peel was selected for this experiment because it is a waste material rich of starch-according to Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, the proximate composition of a banana peel is shown below. Items Content (g/100 g dry matter) Protein: 8.6±0.1 Fat: 13.1±0.2 Starch: 12.78±0.9 Ash: 15.25±0.1 Total dietary fiber: 50.25±0.2 The banana peel is something we throw away every day, but little do we know, it has much more efficient uses. According to The Packaging Bulletin Magazine’s January issue, it is a proven fact that starch and cellulose are important raw materials used in the bioplastic industry (Packaging Bulletin, 2009). Starch consists of two different types of polymer chains, called amylose and amylopectin, made up of adjoined glucose molecules. The 9th and 10th pilot experiment I had conducted had been successful in producing plastic, but had started to decay after only 3 days.

Using GIS to Form Resilient Public Health Plans As Negative Health Effects from Climate Change Grow, Sophisticated Technology Will Guide Preparation By Alex Philp, PhD, Upstream Research, Inc. The earth's climate is changing, and this will have a tremendous impact on human health. But the relationship between climate change and health is complex. Ongoing climate change observations and associated prediction models show clear evidence that significant portions of the American population are experiencing various health-related repercussions. Gaining a better understanding of the interconnections between climate change and human health requires substantial investment in scientific monitoring, risk mitigation, and devising resiliency strategies. How Climate Change Affects Health General scientific consensus clusters most of the effects from climate change into four major categories: For each of these major climate change categories, a number of specific health effects are already being observed across large tracts of the United States.

Ulva or Sea Lettuce This is a small genus of marine and brackish water green algae. It is edible and is often called 'Sea Lettuce'. Species with hollow, one-layered thalli were formerly included in Enteromorpha, but it is widely accepted now that such species should be included in Ulva. The thallus of ulvoid species is flat and blade-like and is composed of two layers of cells. Ulva undergoes a very definite alternation of generations. Ulva can be quite a nuisance in areas that are nutrient enriched from sewage outfalls e.g. There are about 100 species Ulva currently listed on AlgaeBase which is probably a considerable underestimate; nearly 600 names have been used, as this was one of the earliest genera of algae to be described (by Carl Linnaeus). Back to index page Pictures above of Ulva lactuca (top) and Ulva linza © M.D.

The digital journalist’s toolbox: mapping Engaging and interactive journalism is still possible even without an extensive knowledge of coding. But how? We’ve taken the guesswork out, scouring the internet to find the most accessible tools to create multimedia content. Below, you’ll find a collection of completely free applications that will do all the work for you — no coding required: Google My Maps: This tool is probably the most familiar, simply because it mimics maps seen on a phone’s GPS. With My Maps, you can create your own customizable Google map with pins, layers, text and photos. Story Maps: This platform allows users to incorporate audio into their maps in addition to normal features such as images and video. Story Map Cascade: Unlike similar tools, this tool creates a sliding vertical story map instead of a horizontal one. Open Heat Map: Heat maps assign colors to numbers, coloring different parts of a map based on data. Google Crisis Map: This tool works well when covering an ongoing crisis.

Bacteriën De Bacteria werden vroeger Eubacteria genoemd. In het algemene spraakgebruik wordt meestal geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen Bacteria ("gewone" bacteriën) en Archaea (oerbacteriën), die tezamen de groep prokaryoten vormen. In de taxonomie vormen de Bacteria echter een afzonderlijk domein. Blauwalgen of blauwwieren (cyanobacteriën) behoren tot de bacteriën, en niet - zoals de naam suggereert - bij de eukaryote algen. Algemeen[bewerken] De meeste bacteriën zijn niet schadelijk maar soms zelfs nuttig voor de gezondheid, bijvoorbeeld in onze darmen. Bouw[bewerken] Structuur van een bacterie Het inwendige van een bacterie bestaat uit cytoplasma met onder andere het DNA. Variatie[bewerken] Bacteriën kunnen op verschillende manieren van elkaar worden onderscheiden. Vorm[bewerken] A. staafvormig, B. bolvormig, C. bolvormig in clusters, D. bolvormig in paren, E. spiraalvormig, F. kommavormig Te onderscheiden zijn: kokken (bolvormige bacteriën), rond van vorm, al of niet losliggend. Celwand[bewerken]

Esri Launches National Green Infrastructure Initiative for Planning Esri, the world leader in geographic information system (GIS) technology, has launched a suite of public mapping tools and data to help communities protect the places and natural resources that help people, wildlife, and the economy thrive. Leading the Green Infrastructure for the U.S. initiative, Esri has partnered with National Geographic Society to transform how U.S. communities plan development. By equipping local, regional, and urban municipalities with data and GIS tools, Esri president Jack Dangermond envisions communities working together to build a green infrastructure—a strategically managed network of open spaces, watersheds, wildlife habitats, parks and other areas that deliver vital services and enrich quality of life. With Esri’s green infrastructure planning tools, communities can identify, protect, and connect local places of natural and cultural significance before development occurs. For more information, visit

Fatguy's Agar Technique Agar inoculation has been used for cultivation mushrooms as well as bacteria and molds for several years. The key to using an agar solution in cultivating mushrooms is sterility. Keeping the work surface and your hands clean and free of contaminants is the most important thing in using agar. I recommend that a HEPA system be used but since most people that use this forum cannot afford one, a glove box can be successfully used or a homemade HEPA design (what I use) will work. Choosing an agar solution to work with should be pretty easy. Agar production and pouring I use a Malt Extract Agar (MEA) solution that is shipped to me in a powder form. -Mix 50 grams of MEA (7 Tablespoons) for each liter of water. You can use a Mason Jar as a container to mix and autoclave the solution. Here is an important point: Unless you have a container that will hold about 2 liters of solution for each liter that you want to make, I would suggest that you make 1/2 liter batches of the agar solution.

Bing Maps V8 | Taking Maps in a New Direction Apps bridge people to the things they want and the places they want to find via their phone, tablet, or PC quickly and effortlessly. Consumers specifically, use apps for their most basic needs and desires; checking the weather, listening to music, scoping out deals, finding new venues, and of course communicating with friends. With this information readily available, consumers have a more intimate, connected and relevant experience with your business. Bing Maps allows your application to: Quickly visualize data on a map—such as geographic coordinates, employee distribution and retail locations. Case Studies: Sky News ArabiaSky News Arabia Uses Cloud Mapping Technology to Power News Website

Zeesla Tekening uit Sowerby's English Botany Zeesla (Ulva lactuca), behoort tot de groenwieren (Chlorophyta). Ulva is Latijn voor ‘moerasplant’. Kenmerken[bewerken] In vorm en grootte variëren de vlakke, golvende thalli, die donkergroen, stevig en huidachtig zijn. Zeesla heeft een type generatiewisseling die isomorfe diplohaplont genoemd wordt, hetgeen betekent dat het een afwisseling is van een diploïde sporofyt en een haploïde gametofyt die uiterlijk niet van elkaar te onderscheiden zijn. Verspreiding[bewerken] Zeesla komt in alle zeeën voor in de overgangsstrook tussen kust en diepe zee. Voeding en gezondheid[bewerken] De kweek van zeesla is simpel. Zeesla wordt ook wel gebruikt in kruidentherapie en in preparaten voor huidverzorging.

Technology: Use or lose our navigation skills Paul Grogan/PhotoPlus Magazine via Getty Images The paths of vehicles along Regent Street in London, revealed by long-exposure photography. In 1984, I was part of a team that was developing a receiver for a satellite-navigation system. After weeks of debugging, the blur of random digits settled on a location. Navigation has invaded our dreams of the future. The days of being lost should be over. More satellites are being launched to improve coverage. Successful navigation indoors will need other solutions, such as a combination of wall-mounted antennas and WiFi. But navigation is about more than knowing your position. “When it comes to choosing routes, humans outwit machines.” Mobility will not become intelligent unless we break two bad habits. Second, we should make better use of our innate capabilities. Use or lose Human spatial memory is outstanding. But navigation is a 'use-it-or-lose-it' skill. The human brain has everything that a hill walker might put in a rucksack. Six nines
