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Design I/O - Interactive Installations

Design I/O - Interactive Installations

Studio KLV studio klv - design for experience studio klv is an interdisciplinary creative-studio from Berlin and developes in collaboration with its customers interactive exhibitions, science centers, visitor centers and brand worlds. As a full service provider with a holistic approach, our portfolio includes the following services: Advice on grants and fundingConcept and feasibility studiesOperational concepts and visitor prognosisesProject development and location searchPlanning, design and implementationReattraction of existing facilitiesDevelopment of individual exhibitsAcquisition of sponsors and marketingOngoing consultation during operation Our realised Projects.

Studio Roosegaarde — Profile Studio Roosegaarde is the social design lab of Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers and engineers which grow ideas of future landscapes into reality. Roosegaarde creates interactive designs which explore the dynamic relation between people, technology and space through unique innovations. Internationally acclaimed projects include Dune, Waterlicht and Smog Free Project.

Le MediaLab Le Medialab de l’AFP est une équipe transdisciplinaire composée de journalistes et d’ingénieurs-développeurs Le Medialab de l’AFP, issu au début des années 2000 d’une Direction du développement multimédia, explore de nouvelles pistes dans la structuration, gestion et visualisation de l'information afin de créer des contenus plus attractifs et interactifs dans une approche automatisée, multilingue et multi-écrans, des applications iPhone ou iPad à la TV connectée. Il est dédié à la réalisation de projets innovants, tant dans la structuration de l’information (extraction de connaissances, annotation de contenus, web sémantique) que dans sa visualisation (cartographie dynamique en contexte géographique, mashups). Outre des partenariats avec des startups et PME innovantes, le Medialab participe également à des projets de R&D financés en France et en Europe ainsi qu’à des forums sur l’innovation, comme Web Futur, le 19 juin prochain à l’Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne.

Hayao Miyazaki to Invest Own Funds to Create Nature Park for Children in Okinawa a rendering of Hayao Miyazaki’s new nature park slated to open in 2017 | image courtesy Kume Creation The filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki is a big proponent of nature. Conservationism and a reverence for the natural world are recurring themes in his movies like Nausicaa, Totoro and Princess Mononoke. Now Miyazaki has announced plans to pass on his love for nature to children in the form of a tangible nature park. Jed Berk leaf presssings fishfeet hair-looming 2 Nara Pusa Cinimod Studio Ltd Humanités digitales Research Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary domain applying computational methods to conduct research in the humanities. The Digital Humanities Laboratory (DHLAB), founded in 2012 by professor Frédéric Kaplan develops new computational approaches for rediscovering the past and anticipating the future. Projects conducted at the lab range from building "Google maps of ancient places" to studying how algorithms transforms the way we write.

SIREN ELISE WILHELMSEN Year: 2008 (2011) / Material: Wood and fabric / Dimensions: 25 x 8 x 8 cm/ Category: Prototype Parasitz is a mobile and flexible seat, developed to offer personal seating outside the home. The construction makes it possible to roll the seat together in one direction while in the other it stabilizes and forms a seat. All you need is a tree to fasten it around: the seat will become stabile and the tree-pole turns into a back lean. In the nature as well as in public spaces you have to look for a free bench, a stone, a green spot or the edge of a sidewalk to have a seat.

trikoton How does it feel when your sweater becomes a medium of your own voice? Trikoton transfers voices into clothes, giving them a poetic attitude. On the platform, you can record a message, a song or a melody.
