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The New Aesthetic

The New Aesthetic

Claire L. Evans: Greetings from the Children of Planet Earth In 1977, NASA sent a pair of unmanned probes named Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 into space. Among the infrared spectrometers and radio receivers included on each probe were identical copies of the same non-scientific object: the Voyager Golden Record. Sheathed in a protective aluminum jacket, the Record is a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images chosen to portray the diversity of life on Earth: bird calls, whale songs, the sounds of surf, wind, and thunder, music from human cultures, and some 55 greetings in a range of languages, alive and dead. Like lonely time capsules, the records, aboard their still-functioning hosts, have long since left our solar system. The official Voyager 2 Twitter reports that the probe is currently at 13 hrs 38 mins 08 secs of light-travel time from Earth, which makes it the farthest man-made object from Earth. And neither, of course, are we. As a species, the messages we've sent into space are piecemeal. We're warring, inconsistent. Dr.

An Atlas of Cyberspaces This is an atlas of maps and graphic representations of the geographies of the new electronic territories of the Internet, the World-Wide Web and other emerging Cyberspaces. These maps of Cyberspaces - cybermaps - help us visualise and comprehend the new digital landscapes beyond our computer screen, in the wires of the global communications networks and vast online information resources. The cybermaps, like maps of the real-world, help us navigate the new information landscapes, as well being objects of aesthetic interest. They have been created by 'cyber-explorers' of many different disciplines, and from all corners of the world. Some of the maps you will see in the Atlas of Cyberspaces will appear familiar, using the cartographic conventions of real-world maps, however, many of the maps are much more abstract representations of electronic spaces, using new metrics and grids. (© Copyright - Martin Dodge, 2007.

Blog | Really Interesting Group On Friday me and few of the GDS design team went to the Ampersand conference in Brighton. At lunch time we popped over to the Lighthouse where fellow RIG partner James Bridle is currently a technologist in residence for the Happenstance project. All last week James ran a Working shop in the reception of Lighthouse. As James explains, “I’m going to take over the reception area in Lighthouse and code in public. I’m going to code things to make code more visible, I’m going to print it out, project it, talk about it and interrogate it.” The idea comes from this thought of James’s, “For a while now, I’ve been growing more conscious of the gap between traditional ideas of work and craft, and modern technologies. Last year I made this ‘poster’ after this tweet from Jones. At the bottom of the debate Phil wades in with an extremely wise comment, “Maybe you’re doing the wrong kind of typing?”. Jones and I meant the email kind of typing. For me this builds on Jones’s thinking about seams. Good.

James Bridle - Metaphors Considered Harmful James Bridle – Waving at the Machines James Bridle’s closing keynote from Web Directions South 2011 was a a terrific end to an amazing couple of days, but don’t despair if you weren’t there. You can watch a full length video, or even read a transcript with the bonus of all the links James refers to. And if you want to be there next time around, make sure you are one of the first to hear about Web Directions South 2013! Transcript Thank you for having me. It starts with this. They inhabit a very bizarre world. Sometimes you can see them looking back out at you, looking across this increasingly fuzzy border, this threshold. But mostly they stand and they look out. So what I’m going to talk today, obliquely, about is a project that I’ve been sort of accidentally engaged in for the last six months or so, to which I gave the name “The New Aesthetic,” which is a rubbish name but it seems to have taken hold. I started noticing things like this in the world. And as I say, it’s everywhere. And more and more we see things like this.

Culture Visuelle | Média social d'enseignement et de recherche Notes on a New Nature This was posted 10 months ago. It has 0 notes. (Source: aotooouchi, via kenmat) Introduction for Notes on a New Nature: Place, Myth, and Memory at Arti et Amicitiae This was posted 11 months ago. Moon - Jack Fisher This was posted 11 months ago. Plasticine Flowers - Julie Cockburn From Constructed Landscape Series - Dafna Talmor In the Realms of Gold - Jon Rafman This was posted 11 months ago. iceblack: Carsten Nicolai (via kenmat)

James Bridle: A new aesthetic for the digital age TERRA
