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One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers » Print Experts say 1-to-1 computing research needs to focus more on classroom practices—and less on equipment By Meris Stansbury, Associate Editor Read more by Meris Stansbury February 16th, 2010 Studies show that 1:1 success depends more on teachers than on the equipment itself. A compilation of four new studies of one-to-one computing projects in K-12 schools identifies several factors that are key to the projects’ success, including adequate planning, stakeholder buy-in, and strong school or district leadership. The studies were published in January by the Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, a peer-reviewed online journal from Boston College’s Lynch School of Education. Despite growing interest in school 1-to-1 computing programs, “little published research has focused on teaching and learning in these intensive computing environments,” say editors Damian Bebell, an assistant research professor at BC’s education school, and Laura O’Dwyer, an assistant professor of education.

Qui a peur de l’entrée des réseaux sociaux en classe? Les élèves ! « Ma onzième année De quoi avons nous peur dans la pratique des réseaux sociaux en classe? Suite à la table ronde à laquelle j’ai participé pour le café pédagogique [ ] à #Educatice, j’ai été interviewée par France inter à ce sujet . Dans ce reportage, ont été aussi interrogés des lycéens sur le même thème : leurs avis sur la question sont unanimes : il ne faut pas faire rentrer les réseaux sociaux à l’école. C’est l’avis des lycéens et d’un très large public d’adultes, enseignants ou non.Une peur populaire sur les réseaux sociaux du net se généralise et globalement sur l’internet, Facebook en tête. Les adolescents, comme la société, ont assimilé cette idée du média social du net. J’ai pu rapidement convaincre mes élèves de l’intérêt de la pratique pédagogique de Twitter. A suivre ! J'aime : J'aime chargement…

How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement Professors who wish to engage students during large lectures face an uphill battle. Not only is it a logistical impossibility for 200+ students to actively participate in a 90 minute lecture, but the downward sloping cone-shape of a lecture hall induces a one-to-many conversation. This problem is compounded by the recent budget cuts that have squeezed ever more students into each room. Fortunately, educators (including myself) have found that Twitter is an effective way to broaden participation in lecture. Increased Participation Classroom shyness is like a blackhole: Once silence takes over, it never lets go. That's why, Dr. During lecture, students tweet comments or questions via laptop or cell phone, while the TA and Dr. Students in another Twitter-friendly classroom at Purdue University agree that digital communication helps overcome the shyness barrier. A Community of Learners Conclusion More social media resources from Mashable: Image courtesy of iStockphoto, lisapics

20 opérations et campagnes géniales sur Facebook et Twitter | Il fut un temps ou les entreprises ne savaient pas exploiter le potentiel des réseaux sociaux. Ou alors, savaient le faire mais ne parvenaient pas à avoir de bonnes idées. Assurer une présence est une chose, savoir engager ses consommateurs, surprendre, étonner, récompenser, fidéliser, en est une autre. Pourtant, pour les grands groupes comme pour les PME, les opportunités sont bien réelles. De nombreux lecteurs de m’ont demandé dernièrement de maintenir mon apport de contenu, disons, théorique, mais également de prendre soin d’apporter une touche de pratique pour concrétiser ces idées. N’oubliez pas que les entreprises ne sont pas les seules à pouvoir profiter de ce genre d’occasions. Le tag de photos sur Facebook, une fonctionnalité encore sous-estimée Lorsque l’on pense « Campagne Facebook », on imagine rapidement la création d’une application, d’onglets personnalisés, voire de Social Media Ads. 1. [En savoir plus] 2. [En savoir plus] 3. [En savoir plus] 4. [En savoir plus]

3 Ways Educators Are Embracing Social Technology The modern American school faces rough challenges. Budget cuts have caused ballooning class sizes, many teachers struggle with poorly motivated students, and in many schools a war is being waged on distracting technologies. In response, innovative educators are embracing social media to fight back against the onslaught of problems. Technologies such as Twitter and Skype offer ideal solutions as inexpensive tools of team-based education. Skype and Language Learning Why force students to yawn over a textbook when a real-life native speaker is only a Skype call away? "I absolutely fell in love with this program," wrote one student. Perhaps the greatest benefit of using Skype is the radical increase in motivation. Mobile Phones While many schools around the country have declared all-out war on mobile devices, Wiregrass High School took a decidedly different approach, integrating cell phones into the entire educational experience. Twitter Conclusion More social media resources from Mashable:

How To Build an Online Community - Kristen Taylor - Technology Editor's note: If you're launching a website or app today, you need to build a community around your content. But how? Some sites explode while other nearly identical sites wither. It seems the best you can do sometimes is put out content and start sacrificing goats. What little we do know about how to build social apps and sites is folklore, anyway. Read more entries from our Syllabus-as-Essay series. On the first day of class, we came up with a name. The students were enrolled in a course titled "Creating Community Environments," which, while descriptive, felt a little pedantic for this graduate class at ITP. Intentionally occupying the strange crawlspace between ITP's studio lab sessions with lasers and theoretical discussion sections, CommunITP class has become a community of practice around online social tools and spaces in its inaugural run. Section I: Locating Identity Week 1: Awareness and Initial Affirmation Week 2: Migration and Movement Week 3: Markets and Ephemeral Goods

Edmodo:The Total Classroom Solution In a digital world where we can easily "find an app for that" to help solve many problems, rarely do teachers have a one stop shopping place for all their classroom digital needs. There are many individual tools that can aid a teacher in retrieving student's digital work, polling/quizzing students or assigning work, but each of these tools usually requires a separate account. However, there is one, free, Web 2.0 app that brings everything together that you need for your classroom, including a social learning environment. The app that does all of this is called Edmodo. Here are just a few features that make Edmodo so great for teachers and students: A place to assign and turn in work: The teacher can attach any file they may need for an assignment (rubric, worksheet, etc.) and students can upload any file to turn in their work. Although, there are a lot more features to discuss, these are the cornerstone of what makes Edmodo so great for the classroom! Resources:

Chris Anderson : « A l'avenir, chaque entreprise va devoir fabriquer des produits gratuits » Chris Anderson, 47 ans, est depuis 2001 rédacteur en chef de Wired ( lire son blog ), un magazine doublé d'un site internet créé en 1993 consacré aux nouvelles technologies. Physicien de formation, il a travaillé au laboratoire de Los Alamos, avant de devenir journaliste au magazine britannique The economist , où il a été l'un des premier à «couvrir» le monde de l'internet. Wired milite pour la liberté d'entreprise, et pour limiter le plus possible l'intervention du gouvernement dans la vie publique. Ancré dans la culture de la côte ouest des Etats-Unis, Wired sert de bréviaire aux «techno-utopiens» qui voient dans la loi du marché et le progrès technologie, un moyen de libération de l'individu, et l'avènement d'une société post-industrielle d'abondance transcendant les clivages politiques. Votre livre s'intitule «gratuit», mais bien sûr vous ne voulez pas dire qu'un jour tout deviendra gratuit? _ Je n'ai jamais dis ça. _ Il y a trois type de gratuité. Et dans l'avenir?

Education Technology Grants and Other Funding for Classroom Technology Keeping up with all the possible grants for K-12 schools that might be out there is a BIG job, so why not let Grant Wrangler do it for you? This website is an incredible starting point for finding available grants specifically targeted to your focus! Find Grant Templates for CPS and the Mobi View, a list of private and federal-funded grants, and information on federal funding sources. In addition, as eInstruction by Turning Technologies, even more support is available to assist you by providing free support and advice for funding efforts through an experienced and knowledgeable Funding Specialist.

Court document sur ce qu'est un wiki, ses avantages et inconvénients et des pistes sur son utilisation en enseignement. by carlchateauvert2 Mar 12
