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Amon Tobin - ISAM

Amon Tobin - ISAM
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IMOGEN HEAP | LIKE NO OTHER gHoST riDEr : Drum'n'Bass Sargent House 2011 The Bird And The Bee May 7th, 2013 May 16th, 2012 Recently, TB&TB Merch Gal Nikki solicited fans to send questions to Greg and Inara through the Facebook page. If you could be the opening act for anyone, who would it be? Who would be the ultimate opening act for you? What talent do you wish you had? What is the first concert/musical performance you attended? If you want to share: Who will you interpret on the next volume of 'Interpreting the Masters'? If you could be any one person for a day, who would it be? The greatest lesson you ever learned from your parents? The greatest lesson you ever learned from a child? What is something about you that nobody would guess? Which is your favorite video you've made and why? What is the craziest tour story you have to share? What are some of the things you do to keep from going into or breaking out of artist/writer's block? How has the experience of having children and family life in general impacted your creative output? November 17th, 2011 November 2nd, 2011 Hello everybody!!

The Cinematic Orchestra Vantaa by Vladislav Delay | Vladislav Delay Vladislav DelayVantaa CD/Digital Album Raster-Noton 2011Buy from artist Info With Vantaa, Raster-Noton releases for the first time an album by Vladislav Delay aka Sasu Ripatti. Vantaa will be the beginning of a long lasting collaboration, which will extend and deepen the spectrum of the label, whereas it falls in line with releases of, for example, William Bassinsky, Robert Lippok, or Mitchell Akiyama. Even though complex electronic manipulations are used, Vantaa wants to sound like a piece of nature, resulting in a mixture of techno/dub and organic textures. Vantaa‘s style is sensitive and intelligent, but nevertheless subtly stirring and rich in detail. Snippets Tracklisting 01. Review by Adash, Finnish electro wunderkind Sasu Ripatti made his name as Luomo over a decade ago, mastering the art of crafting subtly restrained yet achingly sensual tracks of extraordinary length and staying power. Review by Eric Grandy, Review by Tomass Laninka, musicAddicted

LAMB 5 Qui sommes nous? - Dealer de musique Dealer de musique c’est avant tout une idée et une envie : partager et faire découvrir la musique qu’on aime au plus grand monde. Aujourd’hui avec un site, des applications mobiles, une chaîne Youtube, les réseaux sociaux et la création d’un label, la galaxie Dealer de Musique continue de s’étendre avec la même ambition, partager encore et encore de la musique et des émotions. Le blog a été nominé et shortlisté en 2013 aux Golden Blog Awards dans la catégorie Blogs musicaux.Top 10 des blogs de musique électronique à suivre sur MyBandNewsTop 10 Best YouTube Channels for dance music on Stoney Roads

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