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Net art exhibitions

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ELECTRONIC SUPERHIGHWAY (1966-2016) A Digital Art Tribute to Dada Gets an IRL Gallery Show. Paris - Exhibition - Galerie Charlot. Exhibition curated by Fabio Paris with Link Art Center, Brescia, IT "Plagiarism is necessary, it is implied by progress. Paris - Exhibition - Galerie Charlot

" — Isidore Ducasse, Comte de Lautréamont 1870 is a collaborative project designed to celebrate 100 years of Dadaism, in the light of two crucial concepts of the art of the twenty-first century that Dadaism anticipated: sharing, and the reuse of existing materials. For a year, from 5 February 2016 - the anniversary of the start of dada in Zurich - to 5 February 2017, published high quality digital copies (2D scans and 3D models) of a selection of Dadaist works and magazine covers, and invited artists, designers and students from all over the world to download them, use them in their work, and share the results in a dedicated gallery.

The scanning and publication of the original Dadaist works was made possible by the Campiani Collection, one of the most complete collections of Dadaist works in Italy.

Electronic superhighway - whitechapel gallery - London - 2016

Art, Technology and Online Identity. Hypersalon. Full screen. Offlineart: new2. Unpainted. Mal au Pixel 7. Schedule · saturday october 27 exhibition seminar 1 City Sniffing workshop· sunday october 2 Pixelache meeting faceless· octobre 26 – december 18 weekly workshops · november 13 Big Kiss Goodnight · saturday decembre 08 seminar 2· sunday december 09 workshop Internet anonymity Globodrome press review English speaking French speaking.

Mal au Pixel 7

Terminal. Form@ts. Cycle « Side Effects » Une exposition proposée par Christophe Bruno, en collaboration avec Samuel Tronçon et Chrystelle Desbordes. 16 mars – 22 octobre 2012 L’exposition « Form@ts » s’intéresse à l’émergence, l’obsolescence et l’import-export des concepts et des formes artistiques, dans le contexte du réseau Internet.


Elle propose des projets artistiques qui sont chacun représentatifs de la question du format, non pas en tant que forme figée, mais au contraire, en tant que représentation d’une hybridation, d’une friction entre plusieurs formes, souvent importées d’autres champs de la représentation et du savoir. Form@ts : Internet support et matière à œuvre. L’espace virtuel du Jeu de Paume, propose, depuis mars 2012, une exposition en ligne intitulée Form@ts.

Form@ts : Internet support et matière à œuvre

Conçue par Christophe Bruno, elle réunit six projets, dont certains collectifs, qui utilisent le web à la fois comme support et comme matière. 404 Not Found, presented by BAL’s Night & Day Series. Berlin Art Link (BAL) proudly presents 404 Not Found, the second exhibition in their ongoing Night & Day Series, which will feature works by six web and digital artists including Aram Bartholl, Bennett Williamson, Billy Rennekamp, Duncan Malashock, Elvia Wilk and Ola Vasiljeva.

404 Not Found, presented by BAL’s Night & Day Series

Each will present a single work. To an Internet artist, the gallery often presents an inconvenience rather than an opportunity. They are asked to artificially amend their work so that it appears more lofty or meaningful than “just another YouTube video.” Projectors take the place of monitors, screenshots replace active webpages, and the inherent interactivity of the work is removed because we are told to “please step away from the art.” Duncan Malashock “Birthstone Puzzle” (2011), video still Duncan Malashock’s video Birthstone Puzzle is a web video intended for viewing on Vimeo and presented as such. Elvia Wilk’s HTML poetry is a interactive clickthrough experience. Introduction to (1994-1999) Art at Internet Week. Has the Internet Made Everyone an Artist?

Art at Internet Week

Panel at Internet Week (all photos & screencaps by the author for Hyperallergic) Artists in the digital age and presenting art online, as well as exhibiting online art in offline spaces, were the focus of a couple of panels at Internet Week, a citywide festival examining the digital landscape that was held May 14 to 21. While art was definitely not central to much of Internet Week, these two panels, “Has the Internet Made Everyone an Artist?” And “Digital Gallery,” brought it into the wider dialogue on the involvement of individuals and institutions in the spread of ideas through the internet, and melding these ideas with the physical world. Both of these panels can be streamed online below.

The hello cube - tate modern

SPEED SHOW. Hacks - Gray Area Foundation for the Arts. The role of social media and technology with Al Jazeera The popular uprising in Egypt captivated the world both online and off, and Al Jazeera was at the forefront of the coverage in every media format from broadcast TV to social networks.

Hacks - Gray Area Foundation for the Arts

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin of Al Jazeera English will talk about how they covered the revolution and the role of technology in the events on the ground. We will also have a recap of the events by Amir Khella (@amirkhella), Egyptian and founder of Keynotopia and Rio Akasaka (@rioakasaka) will present his project: What do 24 hours of Mubarak tweets look like. This is a joint event hosted with HackDemocracySF. Event listing on DAM] ARTHACKDAY. Prosume This! BYOB (Bring Your Own Beamer)