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World's Largest Social Trading & Investment Network

World's Largest Social Trading & Investment Network

Related:  FinTech - Finance 2.0

Skimm démocratise le QR Code Alors que le NFC peine à trouver sa place dans le paiement mobile et que son absence sur l’iPhone 5 ne va pas lui faciliter la tâche [1], d’autres solutions se profilent à l’horizon. C’est le cas de Skimm, une start-up fondée en janvier par deux anciens étudiants de Sciences Po Paris et qui compte désormais 10 salariés. Le principe de fonctionnement est assez simple : les particuliers téléchargent l’application Skimm sur leur iPhone [2] et les commerçants la version pro [3] sur leur iPhone ou sur leur logiciel de caisse. Au moment du paiement, le commerçant émet une facture sous forme d’un QR Code [4], une évolution du traditionnel code-barre. The Conversation Prism v4.0 What’s different from 3.0 ? Well, version 4.0 brings about some of the most significant changes since the beginning. In this round, we moved away from the flower-like motif to simplify and focus the landscape. With all of the changes in social media, it would have been easier to expand the lens. Instead, we narrowed the view to focus on those that are on a path to mainstream understanding or acceptance.

Keynes’ Jetpack I draw the conclusion that, assuming no important wars and no important increase in population, the economic problem may be solved, or at least within sight of solution, within a hundred years. This means that the economic problem is not – if we look into the future – the permanent problem of the human race …— John Maynard Keynes, “Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren,” 1930 The short run had never looked as bleak to Keynes as it did in 1930: “a slump which will take its place in history amongst the most acute ever experienced.” In Britain, the twenties had not so much roared as spluttered. But when Keynes visited Madrid to give a lecture, he chose to adapt one he had been trotting out to students for more than two years, attacking both revolutionary and reactionary doomsayers.

R Learning Path: From beginner to expert in R in 7 steps This learning path is mainly for novice R users that are just getting started but it will also cover some of the latest changes in the language that might appeal to more advanced R users. Learning R can be tricky, especially if you have no programming experience or are more familiar working with point-and-click statistical software versus a real programming language. This learning path is mainly for novice R users that are just getting started but it will also cover some of the latest changes in the language that might appeal to more advanced R users.

BlooSee BlooSee is a web- and mobile-based social mapping platform for ocean recreation and conservation. The platform is designed to host a combination of crowdsourced and institutional media, forecasts, charts, and location based points of interest, safety, navigation, conservation, and cruising routes. BlooSee is owned by BlooSee, Inc. a Silicon Valley Startup company[1] originally founded in 2010 by internet entrepreneurs Pedro Valdeolmillos (originator of the idea) and Marc Puig. The Explore Section[edit] Nautical charts

How it Works - Online Investing with Motif Investing Sparkline - News for Inspired Investing How It Works Games People Play Apr 07, 2014 As if there was any doubt, the world of sports is no longer a niche market merely catering to hardcore participants. Les Fintech bousculent la finance - Le 02 Septembre 2016 Quelque 4 000 Fintechs existeraient dans le monde, sûrement une faible minorité d'entre elles subsistera dans les trois ans. Une chose est sûre, depuis la crise des prêts à risque en 2008, le secteur traditionnel bancaire n'a jamais été autant bousculé. Les Fintechs arrivent avec des produits innovants à moindre frais et proposent une nouvelle expérience pour les utilisateurs. Elles sont d'autant plus motivées que les différentes directives européennes leur donnent toujours plus de pouvoir et d'ouverture. En parallèle, le secteur financier mène aussi sa lente mutation en profitant de la technologie révolutionnaire blockchain qui consiste à se passer de tout intermédiaire.

