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Research and Markets - Market Research Reports - Welcome

Research and Markets - Market Research Reports - Welcome

Veille concurrentielle How to Find Anything Online: Become an Internet Research Expert Einstein once said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” The same could be said of intelligence. What they don’t tell you is that the “smart” people of the world are, in most cases, just better at researching and learning things than everyone else. But researching is a learned skill, not something you’re born with. And while some people might be predisposed to learn things more easily than others, it’s generally not enough to make a measurable difference. By learning how to research, you can quickly and fairly easily become knowledgeable about just about anything. It’s all there, online, for free. Start with Wikipedia Whenever you try to learn something new on the Internet, start with Wikipedia. The main reason to start with Wikipedia is that it gives a good overview of most topics. Sure, any given page is bound to have some inaccuracies (as is the case on most user-generated websites), but most of the content is generally reliable. Move on to Google Go Multimedia

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Marchés internationaux Prenez connaissance des nouveaux marchés pour vos produits et services en étudiant les rapports sur les marchés étrangers qui sont regroupés par pays et par secteur d'activité. Vous pouvez examiner des statistiques et des données démographiques internationales générales pour mieux comprendre les marchés étrangers. Statistiques générales au niveau international Consultez des statistiques de divers pays fournies par l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, les Nations Unies, le Fonds Monétaire International, la Banque mondiale et autres organismes. Rapports d'études de marché, par pays Obtenez des renseignements sur les conditions socio-économiques générales de pays étrangers, ainsi que des renseignements sur des marchés où vous pourriez commercialiser vos produits et services. Rapports d'études de marché, par industrie Obtenez des renseignements sur les marchés étrangers ouverts à votre secteur industriel.

Research Databases: International Development Research Centre The databases collection of the IDRC Library is a resource intended to support the research activities of IDRC research teams. Contact your IDRC Program Officer for access. The full range of specialized library services available to IDRC funded researchers is described in Research Resources for IDRC Projects. Conditions of Use: These resources are governed by license agreements which restrict use to IDRC sponsored researchers and partners for the purposes of IDRC funded projects and research. Academic Search Complete A full text database delivering a multidisciplinary collection of scholarly journals. AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the U.S. Business Source Premier A full text database designed to meet the information needs of the business and economics researcher. CAB Abstracts Econlit EIU Country Reports Fuente Academica A collection of scholarly journals from Latin American and Spanish publishers.

Telekommunikation Wir untersuchen die Entwicklung von Kommunikations- und Infrastrukturbasierten Märkten, analysieren die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen, führen Marktanalysen durch, entwickeln Modelle und liefern so für Regulierungsinstanzen, Ministerien, Organisationen und Unternehmen zuverlässige Entscheidungsgrundlagen. Wir beantworten die Frage: Wie kann Wettbewerb in den Infrastrukturbereichen der Volkswirtschaft gefördert und wie kann die Informationsgesellschaft weiterentwickelt werden? Die Kommunikationsmärkte sind im Umbruch. Unsere Forschungsarbeit ist gleichzeitig die Basis für unsere Beratung.

Free Institutional Research – World Beta – Engineering Targeted While I use Hedge Fund Letters for my hedge commentary fix, I was wondering a little about where to go for the best free institutional research published online. I’m thinking in the vein of GMO, Hussman, PIMCO, Research Affiliates, etc. I’m going to start a list below, feel free to make some comments and I’ll add as they come in. Only requirement is the author(s) have to be institutional money managers: Hussman Research Affiliates First Quadrant (I really liked this currency paper) Buffett Letters Munger Letters Bridgewater Arrowstreet Capital Reed Conner SSgA FundAdvice EuroPacific O’Shaughnessy and here Reed, Connor, Birdwell Howard Marks (Oaktree) The LCM Perspective from Lotsoff Capital Management Martin Capital Western Asset Pzena PanAgora Gluskin Sheff

Call for contributions: New report on mobile payments and the future of merchant transaction fees By Sarah Clark • • Published November 26th, 2012 • Last updated 26 November 2012, 12:39 The NFC World team has identified ten pressure points that suggest the arrival of mobile payments will result in a fundamental change in the overall cost of processing payments and the way in which merchants transaction fees are calculated — and we’d like to hear from anyone who is working on ways to use mobile technology to cut the cost of processing transactions at the point of sale. “Mobile Wallet Adoption Drivers: Merchant Transaction Fees” is a new report that the NFC World team is working on for subscribers to The Mobile Wallet Report. So far, we have identified ten separate pressure points that, together, suggest that the arrival of mobile payments is set to significantly reduce the fees merchants have to pay to process transactions at the point of sale. The list of pressure points we have identified to date, and the questions we are looking to answer, are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Dulcinea Media, Inc. -- Uncluttering the Web Mobile Advertising | Mobile Monetization | Millennial Media 11 Competitive Intelligence Tools for SMBs | Small Business Tren It’s not stalking. It’s research. It’s you doing research on your competitors to help you stay up-to-date on what they’re doing so you know which direction you should go. It’s not stalking and everyone’s doing it. Here’s a list of 11 tools that can help you track your competitors movements on the Web and give you actionable information that you can use. It doesn’t make you a bad person. Google Alerts Google Alerts are great little inventions because they allow you track virtually anything and have it delivered either to your email or RSS. Twitter Follow your competitors on Twitter. Twitter Search Create RSS feeds or Save Twitter Searches to track important keywords, competitors’ Twitter user names, and product names (yours and theirs). If you’re using Twitter, you’re probably already familiar with Yahoo Site Explorer SEO for Firefox This is great FF plugin offered by SEOBook’s Aaron Wall that gives site owners a robust look at whatever site they’re looking at. Quarkbase Compete
