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Dr. Hans Holzer interview - A Lifetime of Explaining the Unexplained February 7, 2005 Interview by Jeff Belanger Hans Holzer died on April 26, 2009, at the age of 89. Dr. Holzer was a pioneer and trail-blazer in the paranormal community. He will be missed. This past January, Dr. After penning 138 books as well as several plays, musicals, films, and documentaries and hosting a television show, the only thing that slows him down today is a mishap from an operation on his leg three years ago. Supernaturally speaking, Dr. I spoke to Dr. I wanted to hear them. Born January 26, 1920 in Vienna, Austria, Holzer embraced the supernatural from a young age. “Did you get in trouble?” “The next thing that happened was the mothers came in and said, ‘What kind of a kindergarten are we running here?’ In 1938, 18-year-old Holzer saw a very big war coming to his region. “What was your first paranormal experience?” “It’s not a question of whether I had experiences,” he said. “I’ve read you don’t like the term ‘supernatural’,” I said. “Why is that?” “And that’s what I do.”

VOA Special English Religion vs. Humanism: Isaac Asimov on Science and Spirituality by Maria Popova “The soft bonds of love are indifferent to life and death.” Science and religion have a long history of friction as diametric opposites. But some of humanity’s greatest minds have found in science itself a rich source of spirituality, from Albert Einstein’s meditation on whether scientists pray to Richard Feynman’s ode to the universe to Carl Sagan on the reverence of science to Bucky Fuller’s scientific rendition of The Lord’s Prayer to Richard Dawkins on the magic of reality . Here comes a wonderful addition from the mind of beloved science fiction author Isaac Asimov , found in the altogether indispensable It’s Been a Good Life ( public library ) — a revealing selection of Asimov’s letters, diary entries, and his three prior autobiographies, In Memory Yet Green (1979), In Joy Still Felt (1980), and the posthumously published I. Asimov succinctly recapitulates his philosophy: I have never, not for one moment, been tempted toward religion of any kind. Donating = Loving

Le Malleus Maleficarum à la lumière de l'historiographie : un Kulturkampf ? Si les souhaits d'un des premiers chercheurs dans le domaine de la sorcellerie, Georg Conrad Horst, avaient été exaucés, le Malleus, qui est selon lui l'instrument fatal pour imposer la volonté de la bulle Summis desiderantes affectibus, n'aurait jamais été traduit : « Le Marteau des Sorcières n'a jamais été traduit, et ce fut fort sage et raisonnable. Si jamais, ce qui n'est guère à craindre, un écrivain ou un éditeur devait avoir cette idée folle, la police devrait intervenir ». Ce destin devait pourtant être épargné à Schmidt et ses successeurs. J. Voir A. P. W. P. Voir dernièrement W. G. La page de titre elle-même : Indices auctorum, capitum, rerumque non desunt, indique, contrairement à W. H. J. A. W. J. A. Ces quatre pièces furent imprimées après la première édition du Malleus maleficarum, si bien qu'elles furent reliées aux exemplaires encore invendus, ou lancées sur le marché comme éditions à part. A. Voir sur ce point M. MM III, q. introductoria. MM I, 11 ; II ; 1, 2 ; 3. A.

Как выучить английские неправильные глаголы Английский язык всё больше и больше приобретает статус международного. Его учат в странах Евросоюза, России, Китае. Со знанием английского языка проще устроиться на хорошую работу. Возможно, секрет в том, что это - язык ведущих стран мира. Что это такое? Все глаголы в английском языке имеют три формы, которые формируются благодаря несложным правилам. С какой стороны подойти? Существует несколько мнений. Тем, кому отступать поздно и некуда, остаётся запастись терпением, выбрать себе подходящий метод обучения и смело двигаться вперёд! Метод рифмования. Этот метод основан на том, что большинство неправильных глаголов можно зарифмовать. come – came — come become – became – become speak — spoke — spoken break — broke – broken Те неправильные глаголы, которые не удалось зарифмовать с себе подобными, прекрасно рифмуются со строчками на русском языке. Проверить себя: сделать тест на неправильные глаголы из этого стишка Коллекция таких стишков собрана на сайте Группа 1.

Isaac Asimov on the Thrill of Lifelong Learning, Science vs. Religion, and the Role of Science Fiction in Advancing Society by Maria Popova “It’s insulting to imply that only a system of rewards and punishments can keep you a decent human being.” Isaac Asimov was an extraordinary mind and spirit — the author of more than 400 science and science fiction books and a tireless advocate of space exploration, he also took great joy in the humanities (and once annotated Lord Byron’s epic poem “Don Juan”), championed humanism over religion, and celebrated the human spirit itself (he even wrote young Carl Sagan fan mail). Like many of the best science fiction writers, he was as exceptional at predicting the future as he was at illuminating some of the most timeless predicaments of the human condition. In a 1988 interview with Bill Moyers, found in Bill Moyers: A World of Ideas (public library) — the same remarkable tome that gave us philosopher Martha Nussbaum on how to live with our human fragility — Asimov explores several subjects that still stir enormous cultural concern and friction. Painting by Rowena Morrill

The Malleus Maleficarum Digital Storytelling with Voicethread (and How to Do It Offline) As regular readers of this blog will know, I love doing things in class that are simple yet productive and full of student-generated content. It might be something like a drawing activity that leads into a whole series of other tasks, a couple of everyday items as the basis of discussion, or, as featured on my recent guest post on Teaching Village, a basic digital camcorder and some very creative young minds. Another simple but effective web 2.0 tool I really like using is Voicethread. I love the interactivity it offers with different people able to leave messages on the same presentation slide as well as the option to combine images or text with audio or video comments. “Great - do it” they said. “Sure,” I replied. (..pause..) “Isn’t there a way to do it without all that?” Luckily for them, I’m a resourceful guy and I found a way to make Voicethreads offline. So, my idea was to record each group narrating their own version of the same picture story and add them all to a Voicethread.

Nicolas Flamel Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Nicolas Flamel (vers 1330 ou 1340, peut-être à Pontoise – 1418 à Paris), est un bourgeois parisien du XIVe siècle, écrivain public, copiste et libraire-juré[1]. Sa carrière prospère, son mariage avec une veuve ayant du bien, et ses spéculations immobilières lui assurèrent une fortune confortable, qu'il consacra, à la fin de sa vie, à des fondations et constructions pieuses. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Pour un personnage de l'époque n'appartenant pas à la noblesse, une documentation relativement importante existe sur Nicolas Flamel[3] : les actes de la paroisse de Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie, réunis au XVIIIe siècle, divers documents personnels de lui et de sa femme dont son testament, ainsi que des descriptions et des illustrations, postérieures à sa mort, des bâtiments et monuments religieux qu'il fit bâtir. Flamel écrivain-public et libraire-juré[modifier | modifier le code] Nicolas et Pernelle[modifier | modifier le code]
