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A. H. Maslow (1943) A Theory of Human Motivation

A. H. Maslow (1943) A Theory of Human Motivation
Classics in the History of Psychology An internet resource developed byChristopher D. GreenYork University, Toronto, OntarioISSN 1492-3713 (Return to Classics index) A Theory of Human Motivation A. Originally Published in Psychological Review, 50, 370-396. Posted August 2000 [p. 370] I. In a previous paper (13) various propositions were presented which would have to be included in any theory of human motivation that could lay claim to being definitive. 1. The present paper is an attempt to formulate a positive theory of motivation which will satisfy these theoretical demands and at the same time conform to the known facts, clinical and observational as well as experimental. It is far easier to perceive and to criticize the aspects in motivation theory than to remedy them. The 'physiological' needs. -- The needs that are usually taken as the starting point for motivation theory are the so-called physiological drives. Undoubtedly these physiological needs are the most pre-potent of all needs.

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Fundamental human needs Human Needs and Human-scale Development,[1] developed by Manfred Max-Neef and others (Antonio Elizalde and Martin Hopenhayn), are seen as ontological (stemming from the condition of being human), are few, finite and classifiable (as distinct from the conventional notion of conventional economic "wants" that are infinite and insatiable).[2] They are also constant through all human cultures and across historical time periods. What changes over time and between cultures is the strategies by which these needs are satisfied. Human needs can be understood as a system - i.e. they are interrelated and interactive.

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School Belonging Consquences of Feeling a Sense of Belonging The term school belonging refers to students' subjective perception of being accepted and respected in their particular school setting. Some researchers have also examined the parallel perception in relation to specific classes; typically using the term class belonging.

Leonard Jimmie Savage Leonard Jimmie Savage (born Leonard Ogashevitz; 20 November 1917 – 1 November 1971) was an American mathematician and statistician. Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said Savage was "one of the few people I have met whom I would unhesitatingly call a genius."[1]

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14 Ways We Avoid Facing the Truth about Ourselves There are circumstances when we need to escape from our problems. A break from the pressures and troubles of our lives can refresh us and give us clarity. The problem arises when we do things to the point where we never face the truth about ourselves. To make things worse, we may select means of avoidance that are physically and/or psychologically damaging. In addition to activities being used to avoid facing the truth, they can also be extremely self-centered, self-gratifying, and spoiled child-like behavior. Here are the ways we avoid facing the truth about ourselves. Art valuation An art auction at Christies An art curator, Anne Pontégnie Historic valuation and contemporary art[edit] The source of a work's artistic charisma has long been debated between artists who create and patrons who enable, but the charismatic power of artworks on those who would possess them is historically the initial driver of value.[1][2] In the 1960s that charismatic power started edging over to accommodate commercialized culture and a new industry of art, when aesthetic value fell from prominence to parity with Pop art and Andy Warhol's idea of business art, a recognition that art has become a business and making money in business is an art.[3][4] One of many artists to follow Warhol is Jeff Koons, a stockbroker turned artist who also borrowed imagery from popular culture and made millions.[5][6]

The goosebumps test: Science has found the emotion you need to stay healthy - Association for Psychological Science Quartz: A link has long been proven between negative moods and ill health. But how do positive moods affect us physiologically? Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, set out to discover exactly that when they tracked emotions such as compassion, joy, love, and so on versus the levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6)—a secretion which causes inflammation in the body—in the saliva of 119 university students. The researchers found that those who regularly have positive emotions have less IL-6—and they noticed the strongest correlation with one particular emotion.

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