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Robots with a mind of their own

Robots with a mind of their own

Robots learn to walk like a senior citizen - tech - 22 December 2010 Video: Robot moves like a senior citizen Today's humanoid robots are able to run, somersault and even dance – now comes a robot that walks like a senior citizen. It leans on objects in its environment for support to help it move around and complete tasks. Robots, and more importantly roboticists, are looking at objects in the wrong way, thinks Sébastien Lengagne of Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba. "Roboticists usually just see objects as obstacles to be avoided," he says "But they can help us." Lengagne and his colleagues are developing a system to allow humanoid robots to use their entire bodies, and any surrounding objects, to help them move around cluttered environments and complete complex balancing tasks without getting stuck or falling over. "If I ask you to look below your desktop, you will put your hand on the desktop for support," he says. The team's robot, HRP-2, acts more like a human. Sidlebot More From New Scientist

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