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Australia’s migration history - from 'White Australia' to multiculturalism

Australia’s migration history - from 'White Australia' to multiculturalism
Australia’s migration history The nineteenth century In 1788, when European settlement began, Australia’s Aboriginal population was about 400,000. Today, over 20 million people live here. Migration has been the main driver for this change. In New South Wales, four out of every ten people are either migrants or the children of migrants. Clearly Australia has a rich migration history. However, with the discovery of gold just outside Bathurst in 1851, the nature of Australian migration changed completely. The infamous ‘White Australia’ policy: keeping Australia British When the colonies federated in 1901, control of immigration changed. In 1914, with the outbreak of the First World War, migration almost ceased. With the 1918 peace came a revival of assisted migration schemes. ‘Populate or perish’: post war migration When the war ended, the government took an entirely new approach to migration. During the seven years this scheme operated, nearly 171,000 arrived. i James Jupp, 62 ii 62

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Chapter 1: Immigration 1901–39: An Overview - More People Imperative: Immigration to Australia, 1901–39 Immigration has been a vital feature of Australia's history and identity. The nation today is composed not only of its own indigenous peoples but a wide variety of ethnic and cultural groups. Although Australia has always been multicultural, for at least a century and a half after European settlement, the British predominated. This was especially so in the period from Federation until World War II, the period covered by this Guide. Kids News: Photos snapshot of post-war immigration during Ten Pound Pom White Australia scheme More than 1.5 million people came to Australia from the UK after World War II as “Ten Pound Poms*” in what is one of history’s largest planned immigrations. This collection of black-and-white photos provides a fascinating snapshot* of this period of history. Australia’s government, business owners and farmers wanted to increase the population, mostly so there were enough workers for all the jobs that needed doing. The people who came wanted to escape post-war food rationing* and housing shortages in the UK. Cities in the UK were heavily bombed during the war, so many houses were destroyed.

The changing face of modern Australia – 1950s to 1970s After the Second World War (1939–45) the Australian government committed to a vigorous and sustained immigration program. The purpose of this ambitious program was to meet labour shortages, protect Australia from external threat and create prosperity. As a result, from 1945 to 1975 Australia's population almost doubled from 7½ million to 13 million. Blow: Venus & Adonis Last updated: Feb. 14, 1997 Go to the Libretto Homepage Music composed by John Blow Libretto anonymous Date of composition: ca. 1682 for the entertainment of King Charles II Goto: DRAMATIS PERSONAE VENUS ADONIS CUPID FIRST SHEPHERD SECOND SHEPHERD SHEPHERDESS HUNTSMAN SHEPHERDS, SHEPHERDESSES, HUNTSMEN AND GRACES LITTLE CUPIDS OVERTURE (Maestoso, Allegro, Tempo Primo) THE PROLOGUE The curtain is drawn where is discovered Cupid with a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other and arrows by his side and around him Shepherds and Shepherdesses.

Ten Pound Poms Come over to the sunny side now. Australia, a great place for families. Opportunity for you. Migrant contributions honoured with new Australia Day award Bhutanese refugee Parsu Sharma-Luital has worked tirelessly with refugees and asylum seekers, but he says his work is not done. "The signal sends a very positive message, and we can very proudly say, 'Australia we are one more step ahead of multiculturalism'," Parsu says. Parsu first arrived in Australia in 2002. He came to study a masters degree and on the advice of University staff, the horticulturalist soon sought asylum to escape the unrest in his native Bhutan, which left many stateless.

Packing for a voyage to a new country Stephen Anstey: These are the items that my brothers and I bought or were given before we left England that we took onto the ship and we still have them. So this is the leather school satchel, that was actually our school bag in England and in this, it was like our hand luggage. We put many of these things into this bag, carried them onto the ship. I was given some money before I got on the ship and for the first time I actually had the means to buy some items that I'd always wanted as a kid in England. Why migrants may be our greatest economic asset - The Drum Opinion Posted Forget the myths. Migrants lift the three "Ps" of high economic growth - population, participation and productivity.

The Lion King and Hamlet: Similarities and Differences Both families are royal families. Simba is the main character in Disney's The Lion King. he is the son of Mufasa, the king of the lions, which makes Simba a prince. Hamlet, from Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is the son of the tragically murdered King Hamlet, which makes him a prince too. The uncle characters are very similar. The Ten Pound Pom experience They tell you all about these good things, I'll agree, but when you come out here, there's no good things at all. We were misled before we came here, told simply a pack of lies. The experiences of these assisted migrants from Britain vary greatly. Quite a few found it exactly what they expected. They could achieve in Tasmania what they couldn't achieve in Britain. They found the friendliness of the Tasmanians overwhelming.

Australia's migration history timeline Australia wants, and will welcome, new healthy citizens who are determined to become good Australians.Arthur Caldwell, Australian Minister for Immigration, 1945 British migrants arrive in Sydney on the Fairsea, c.1963. Courtesy National Archives of Australia After World War II ended in May 1945 Europe was in chaos. Germany was crushed and the map of Europe was being carved up by the United States and the Soviet Union. Western Europe was supported by the United States while Eastern Europe was invaded by the Soviet Union.
