Payvment - Shopping Cart Web Service Sell on multiple platforms An embeddable, centrally managed storefront that works on Facebook, mobile, blogs (like WordPress and Joomla), and basically any site you choose. Increase flexibility on option sets and inventory More control over products with attributes (like color and size) and the ability to track separate inventory for those SKUs. Configure shipping rules by geographic location Use your own shipping account for discounted rates and set up rules for accurate freight-pricing based on geographical locations. Sell e-goods Display and sell digital or virtual goods like software, audio, video, e-books and graphics on your storefront and deliver via a download link.
Cartographie : Observation et statistiques En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies. Accès rapides : vers le site web du ministère > Recherche avancée Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Énergie Commissariat général au Développement durable Thèmes Sujets transversaux Cartographie dynamique Deux outils cartographiques sont actuellement accessibles sur le site du service de l’Observation et des statistiques. Cartographie interactive Géoïdd France Cet outil permet de cartographier de nombreuses informations liées au développement durable pour la métropole et les quatre départements d’outre mer. Cartographie interactive Géoïdd littoral L'Observatoire du littoral, mis en œuvre par le SOeS, met à disposition des internautes un outil de cartographie dynamique. Vient de paraître Toutes les actualités Calendrier des parutions Sources et méthodes Glossaire Liens utiles The Video Game Atlas 18 Online Productivity Tools for Your Business This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Small business owners may have more of a need than most to be able to access their chosen suite of productivity tools from more than one computer or platform. As a business or startup owner you may have occasion to bring your work home with you, or require frequent access to your to-do lists, notes and documents on the go. Choosing primarily online tools for your productivity workflow is a great way to address the issue of source agnostic accessibility. It's also a convenient method to ensure you have a backup of your important day-to-day items and files in case a particular computer or device fails. With the tools on this list, you should be able to check in on your current workflow stack regardless of which machine you happen to be in front of, what operating system it uses, and what browser it's running.
Hypergéo Hypergeo est une encyclopédie électronique, en accès libre, consacrée à l’épistémologie de la géographie et élaborée selon une architecture de type hypertexte. Elle a pour objectif de faire connaître à un public d’enseignants et d’étudiants les principaux concepts et théories de la géographie contemporaine. Les termes présentés dans Hypergeo sont répartis de la façon suivante : un champ général Géographie, est entouré de trois paradigmes principaux : spatialité des sociétés, territoires et régions, sociétés et environnement. Hypergeo est une réalisation du GDR Libergeo Comité de lecture :S. Réalisation informatique :C. Cartographie :E. Traductions :Pr. Contributeurs :F. Coordination : B. Le terme grec oasis, dérivé de l’égyptien a été utilisé par les géographes pour étudier des espaces situés sur la rive sud de la Méditerranée.
david rumsey map collection Cartouches are the elaborate decorations that frame map titles and other information about the map. They add an artistic or symbolic narrative to the maps they describe. According to map historian Edward Lynam, cartouches that frame titles first appear on Italian maps in the 16th century. They persist on maps until the middle of the 19th century, going through many stylistic changes. Below are selected cartouches from maps in our collection, beginning in 1703 and ending in 1852. This first group of three cartouches are from Guillaume de Lisle's World Atlas of 1731: Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes que y ont ete faites; Guillaume de Lisle; 1708. Carte des Courones du Nord. Carte de la Grece. Henry Popple's 1733 atlas Map of the British Empire in America features a cartouche remarkable for its mysterious symbolism, including a severed head of a (we assume European) man with an arrow sticking into it: L'Empire du Japon; Didier and Gilles Robert de Vaugondy; 1750.
Online Productivity Tools for the Small Business : Technology :: Small business owners may have more of a need than most to be able to access their chosen suite of productivity tools from more than one com January 08, 2010 Small business owners may have more of a need than most to be able to access their chosen suite of productivity tools from more than one computer or platform. As a business or startup owner you may have occasion to bring your work home with you, or require frequent access to your to-do lists, notes and documents on the go. mobile productivity tools as a logical companion to this piece, and consider your phone platform and setup and how well it may integrate with particular tools as you build out your productivity arsenal. Remember the Milk. Toodledo is a popular newcomer with a full-featured slate of ways to enter, organize, and sort your tasks. TeuxDeux bills itself as a "simple, designy, free, browser-based to-do app" and embraces a minimalist interface accordingly. Evernote. Google Notebook and Zoho Notebook.