Links to eTexts - History of Psychology The History of Psychology Links to Primary Source E-Texts on the Web Compiled by William J. House, Ph.D. Ancient Times --- The Christian Era --- The Renaissance --- The Enlightenment Modern American – Modern British -- Modern European Other Sites with Relevant Primary Source Literature Classics in the History of Psychology (Christopher Green, York University) George’s Page (The Mead Project, Brock University) Carrie (Full Text Electronic Library, University of Kansas) Celebration of Women Writers (Mary Mark Ockerbloom, University of Pennsylvania) Online Books (University of Pennsylvania) Hanover Historical Texts (Hanover College) Project Gutenberg Bartleby Bibliomania Mad Cybrarian Secular Web Online Library of Literature (Knowledge Matters Ltd.) Marxists Archive Internet Classics Archive Pirate Nietzsche Page Hanover Historical Texts Project (Hanover College) Akamac E-text Links Resource Pages for Biblical Studies (Volda University College, Norway) Please send your comments and suggestions to Dr.
Science - News for Your Neurons Jubilothèque — Charcot collection The BUPMC keeps in the Bibliothèque de Neurosciences Jean-Martin Charcot, historical collections mainly constituted by J.M. Charcot's personal library (books, journals, theses and offprint collections, manuscripts, observations, neurological covering the second part of the XIXth century) to which is added the Salpêtrière Interns' library (books, journals, neurology and psychiatry theses thèses for the period 1900-1950). Part of these collections was digitized with the double aim of preserving the original documents and ensuring the valorization of collections notable for their iconography : manuscripts of lessons and observations by J.M. The collection has been enhanced with four sets of documents, selected among Charcot's library and the Salpêtrière Interns' library and reflecting the treasures of the library, as well as the work of Charcot's colleagues and successors :
Mind Hacks documentsenmodetexte2 - histoirepsychologie ACH, Narziss (1871-1946) Oeuvres diverses de N. Ach - Fameux psychologue de l'école de Würzburg AZAM, Etienne Eugène (1822-1899) Azam, E. BALDWIN, James Mark (1861-1934) Baldwin, J. Baldwin, J. BEAUNIS, Henry (1830-1921) BELL, Charles (1774-1842) Bell, Ch. (1811). BINET, Alfred (1857-1911) BERNHEIM, Hippolyte (1840-1919) Bernheim, H. (1884). Bernheim, H. (1888). Bernheim, H. (1891). BERSOT, Ernest (1816-1880) Bersot, E. (1853). BROCA, Paul (1824-1880) Broca, P. (1861a). Broca, P. (1861b). Broca, P. (1861c). Broca, P. (1865). CABANIS, Pierre-Jean-Georges (1757-1808) Cabanis, P-J-G. Cabanis, P-J-G. Cabanis, P-J-G. (1844). CATTELL, James McKeen (1860-1944) Cattell, J. Cattell, J. CHARCOT, Jean-Martin (1825-1893) CHARCOT, Jean-Martin (1825-1893) Charcot, J. Charcot, J. DARWIN, Charles (1809-1882) Oeuvres diverses de DARWIN Darwin, Ch. (1859). Darwin, Ch. (1876). DELBOEUF, Joseph (1831-1896) Delboeuf, J. (1886). Delboeuf, J. (1889). DESTUTT de TRACY, A. Destutt de Tracy, A. DEWEY, John (1859-1952) Gall, F.
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