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Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators

Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators
By Laura Turner This is a continuing series on Web2.0 and other web-based tools for educators. This information is specific to math educators, but there is some crossover into science. Math educators will find a large number of useable interactive companion web sites for the teaching of math concepts and skills. 3Dvinci 3D design is a great motivational and instructional tool. It exercises both left-brain and right-brain skills, and appeals to students of all abilities. Algebasics This site contains a variety of interactive Algebra help/ problems/activities Archimy This site has a service for drawing the graphs of all kinds of functions . Arcademic Skill Builder Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students. Calc3D This site has interactive Mathematical graph and charting software for geometry and statistics CrickWeb Math interactive tools for white boards Java Math & Science Applets

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GridOmatic, print your own graph paper return to Bad pictures ? Click here GridOmatic, print your own graph paper, imperial or metric at any scale The only purpose of this little tool is to print graph paper, either as millimetric (with 10th divisions) or imperial (with 8th divisions). A laser or inkjet printer is capable of printing paper of a very high quality, and as a bonus you can adjust the scale, to enlarge/reduce the grid and suit your needs of any scale drawing.

iRed Lite - Takes Apple Remote Further iRed Lite can be activated by holding down the Menu button on your Apple Remote. This window shows you what happens when you now press another button: To switch to another layer, QuickTime e.g., simply hold MENU for a second, then navigate through the sections using the right/left buttons on your Apple Remote, then press MENU once again. That simple! For your convenience iRed Lite may announce the selected section by Mac OS's speech synthesizer.

Amazing Mathematical Object Factory AMOF, the Amazing Mathematical Object Factory, shown on the left, produces lists of mathematical objects in response to customer orders. Today you are a customer and you must tell AMOF what you want produced. This factory is totally non-polluting and the objects produced are absolutely free! Connecting to Math in Real Life By Wendy Petti Who needs math games when a world of meaningful real-life fun is beckoning? It's easy and rewarding to connect to the real world in math class. On the Information Highway," we can find online collections of real-world math activities, math activities with a specific real-life focus (including natural disasters), online data sources, portals for joining or launching collaborative math and science projects, and more. The real-world resources assembled here are sure to excite teachers and students alike.

KBruch Description KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions. Therefore 4 different exercises are offered. Exercise Fraction Task - in this exercise you have to solve a given fraction task. You have to enter numerator and denominator. 10 European Startups To Watch in 2011 When you hear Silicon Valley discuss the European startup scene it’s often negatively. Some say that the investors aren’t brave enough, some say the entrepreneurs aren’t bold enough. Whether there’s any truth in these accusations or not, the fact is that there are startups across Europe that are brimming with original ideas and creativity. Following on from our 10 Exciting European Startups from 2010, here are 10 startups to look out for in 2011. Pearltrees

10 Useful Math Practice Apps for Elementary Students April 4, 2015 Looking for some good iPad apps to help elementary students with their Math? The list below features some of the most popular iPad apps in this category. These apps have been endorsed by a larger base of teachers and educators and are ideal for classroom inclusion. Using these apps, kids will get to practice and develop different mathematical skills through a variety of games, activities, and interactive lessons. 107 Favorite iPad Apps for K-8 Great iPad apps for K-8 Tablet computing and mobile devices promise to have a dramatic impact on education. A growing number of schools across the world are jumping on the digital bus and embracing iPads (less often, other tablet products) as the latest tool to teach literature in multimedia, history through games and simulations, and math with step-by-step animation of problems.

My All Time Favorite Middle School Math Lessons I’m teaching high school now, but here are the lessons that I miss the very most. These are my “Must Do” lessons. I have a few friends who will teach middle school math (or Algebra 1) for the first time this year. Thanks to Jami for the inspiration for organizing these lessons. 5 Math Apps for Math Averse Students Math is a core subject and one used in everyday life, especially throughout the K-12 years. Students who enjoy and generally perform well in math classes will have their choice of an amalgam of apps to aid them in both study and enjoyment. There are, however, a fair number of students who simply don’t like to do math at school and who certainly won’t easily be tempted to do extra math at home.

Encyclopaedia Britannica If you sign up for a free 30-day trial you will also receive this useful free guide from Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 'Getting the best from your online research' will show you how to search safely and accurately, getting the best from what the internet has to offer. The Great Pi Conspiracy: Are We Using the Wrong Pi? My understanding of pi is that it is 3.141 with endless number. In other words, pi is a set of numbers that has no ending. It is infinite just like a circle. Because it is infinite, it can not be multiplied or divided with any number and come to any conclusion. You can not calculate a mathematical formula and come to a solid conclusion unless you make the number whole or round it down to numbers that can be divided. To solve the infinite pi problem, the Dark Forces and their minions (the Elites) created the whole number system and rounded the infinite natural pi down to numbers that can be multiplied and divided.
