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About the project is a hub for news and resources from the community of journalists, editors, designers and developers who use data to support journalism. The website is part of an European Journalism Centre initiative dedicated to accelerating the diffusion and improving the quality of data journalism around the world. We also run the online course Doing Journalism with Data as well as the School of Data Journalism, and are behind the acclaimed Data Journalism Handbook. This intiative receives partial funding from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Join the mailinglist

Related:  COPU - Periodismo de datos

Data Visulization Course Materials This resource page features course content from the Knight Center for Journalism in the America's massive open online course (MOOC), titled "Data Visualization for Storytelling and Discovery." The four-week course, which was powered by Google, took place from June 11 to July 8, 2018. We are now making the content free and available to students who took the course and anyone else who is interested in learning how to create data visualizations to improve their reporting and storytelling. content curation » Search Results Megan GarberFebruary 1, 2011 One of the biggest challenges in covering the unrest in Egypt — or, for that matter, in covering any event that’s in some way “foreign” — is determining who can provide relevant and accurate news about the event. To curate content is in large part to curate expertise; faced with a frenzy of news updates — some of them true, some of them false, some of them in-between — how do you know which updates, and whose updates, to listen to? How do you know whom to trust? Sulia, a NYC-based startup, has made it a point to figure that out. Using a combination of crowdsourcing, human editorial insight, and machine learning, Sulia creates topic channels, somewhat akin to news verticals, whose content is curated from experts in particular subjects — both broad (tech and science) and narrow (Ruby and Ruby on Rails), both of historical import (the protests in Egypt) and not so much (bacon).

Florence Nightingale is a Design Hero - Nightingale - Medium Founder of modern nursing. Feminist champion. Celebrity entrepreneur. Passionate statistician. Political operator. Data visualization pioneer. Cyborg no more! The BBC moves to human-edited Twitter feeds Move over, auto-tweets: This week, the BBC has switched its @BBCNews Twitter feed to all-human curation. (One small step for a news feed; one giant leap for newsfeedkind.) It’s a lot like the experiment The New York Times tried with human Twitter curation this spring…except that it’s not an experiment. It’s a new strategy. One that involves, at the moment, a team of four people working across three core Twitter feeds — @BBCNews, @BBCBreaking, and @BBCWorld. “We want to be tweeting with value,” Chris Hamilton, BBC News’ social media editor, told me of the move.

How to Filter in R: A Detailed Introduction to the dplyr Filter Function Data wrangling. It’s the process of getting your raw data transformed into a format that’s easier to work with for analysis. It’s not the sexiest or the most exciting work. In our dreams, all datasets come to us perfectly formatted and ready for all kinds of sophisticated analysis! In real life, not so much. It’s estimated that as much as 75% of a data scientist’s time is spent data wrangling. The 5 Models Of Content Curation Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J. Paul Getty) who had a passion for art.

Learning and Teaching R As an experienced R user, I have seen numerous social media posts and perhaps even a few stackexchange requests over the years asking the question, “how do I learn R?”. This is a great question. A related one is, “how do I teach or coach R?” To the would-be student, I ask, “What attracted you to R in the first place?”

Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in R Introduction Are you trying to compare price of products across websites? Are you trying to monitor price changes every hour? Or planning to do some text mining or sentiment analysis on reviews of products or services? FAQ: Books to read in preparation for doing a data journalism course This is what you’ll look like after reading all of these books… (“Study of a Man Reading” by Alphonse Legros) This latest in the frequently asked questions series is an answer to an aspiring data journalism student who asks “Would you be able to direct me to any resources or text books that might help [prepare]?” Here are some recommendations I give to students on my MA in Data Journalism… Books on data journalism as a profession Data journalism isn’t just the application of a practical skill, but a profession with a culture, a history, and non-technical practices.

Introducing The Curator's Code: A Standard for Honoring Attribution of Discovery Across the Web by Maria Popova UPDATE: Some thoughts on some of the responses, by way of Einstein. UPDATE 2: This segment from NPR’s On the Media articulates the project well — give it a listen.
