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Films For Action Presents: The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm

Films For Action Presents: The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm
By Films For Action / Film offers us a powerful tool to shift awareness and inspire action. By hosting community film screenings and sharing them online, they offer a method to break our dependence on the mainstream media and become the media ourselves. We don't need to wait for anyone or anything. Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries below. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. Our society needs a new story to belong to. But most of all, we need to see the promise of the alternatives - we need to be able to imagine new exciting ways that people could live, better than anything that the old paradigm could ever dream of providing. And all of this knowledge and introspection, dreaming, questioning, and discovery is essential for a cultural transformation that addresses root causes. So take this library of films and use it. Related:  Justice/ Sustainability Documentaries

Green Build TV | Green Build TVGreen Build TV | Green Build TV Green The Film Biblio. La page bibliographie... Voici une liste (non exhaustive) des ouvrages que j'ai préférés dans un premier temps ; puis en fin de page de ceux qu'au contraire je n'ai pas aimé du tout. Tous sont bien entendu sur le thème du surdouement, &/ou d'Asperger. Il ne s'agit là que d'avis personnels, à vous de vous faire votre propre opinion sur chacun de ces livres vous trouverez aussi de très nombreuses chroniques sous forme de critiques complètes d'ouvrages faisant l'actualité dans le domaine de la précocité intellectuelle & du spectre autistique, à retrouver dans la catégorie suivante « Au fil des pages » <A HREF=" Commençons par ceux que j'ai aimé, certains jusqu'à les consulter très volontiers quand je suis confrontée à une nouvelle problématique : - "L'enfant doué, l'intelligence réconciliée " de Arielle ADDA & Hélène CATROUX (éd. " de Arielle ADDA (éd. - "Les enfants surdoués : Ou La précocité embarrassante - "Accompagner l'Enfant Surdoué - "On se calme !

Wilson Solar Grill Stores the Sun's Energy For Nighttime Grilling Many of us will be firing up our grills this weekend for some well-deserved barbecue time. After all, barbecuing is one of America’s greatest pastimes, but it certainly isn’t one of our most environmentally friendly. Whether you prefer charcoal, wood chips or propane, grilling releases emissions and contributes to poor air quality. Up until now, solar powered grilling has required, as you might expect, the sun, which means traditional fuel-fired grills are required after sunset. Wilson’s technology harnesses the sun and stores latent heat to allow cooking times for up to an amazing twenty five hours at temperatures above 450 degrees Fahrenheit. “There are a lot of solar cookers out there,” says Wilson, “but surprisingly not many using latent-heat storage as an attribute to cook the food.” A group of MIT students are working with the technology to develop a prototype solar grill. + Solar Grill on Barbecue Lovers Via Treehugger Images ©Derek Ham

Waste = Food Man is the only creature that produces landfills. Natural resources are being depleted on a rapid scale while production and consumption are rising in na­tions like China and India. The waste production world wide is enormous and if we do not do anything we will soon have turned all our resources into one big messy landfill. But there is hope. A design and production concept that they call Cradle to Cradle. Large companies like Ford and Nike are working with McDonough and Braun­gart to change their production facilities and their products. Watch the full documentary now - Ingeniería medioambiental para sobrevivir en el infierno La atmósfera terrestre está a punto de alcanzar los 400 ppm (partes por millón) de CO2, un nivel que no se había visto desde el pleistoceno, hace 3 millones de años, cuando aún disfrutábamos de cuatro grados más. Esperamos compartir su superficie con 8 mil millones de personas, la mayor parte de países cuya economía se ha disparado a cambio de la destrucción irreversible del único planeta en el que podemos vivir. Ese infierno no es algo que será, es algo que ya existe, lo habitamos todos los días y lo hacemos todos juntos. Como le dice Marco Polo a Kublai Kan en Las Ciudades Invisibles, sólo hay dos maneras de no sufrirlo: aceptarlo y volverse parte de él hasta el punto de no verlo, o buscar y saber reconocer quién y qué, en medio del infierno, no es infierno y hacerlo durar y darle espacio. Una es fácil y popular; la otra es arriesgada, exige atención y aprendizaje continuo. El edificio que devora polución Toma nota, Natalie Jeremijenko. El banner que da de beber

Eco-Arquitecture and Planning A Quiet Revolution: The Earth Charter and Human Potential | Resource Center A 30-minute film featuring three dramatic case studies of how individuals in India, Slovakia and Kenya have contributed to solving local environmental problems. Narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Meryl Streep, and featuring interviews with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other experts, the film's primary message is that even one person's action can make a dramatic difference. "...feeling powerless to affect the crisis facing humanity, many do nothing. But a growing number of ordinary people are carrying out a quiet revolution." "Sometimes I tell myself, I may only be planting a tree here, but just imagine what's happening if there are billions of people out there doing something. The film is now available in 8 languages--English, Japanese, Chinese (traditional), Korean, Spanish, French, German and Arabic. Click here to view the full video ▲ Back to top

Creando una familia | Web de apoyo en reproducción asistida de Eva María Bernal PROMISSO CONSCIENTE: Adobe - Como fazer Tijolo Ecológico de Barro, Água e Esterco Adobe - Como fazer Tijolo Ecológico de Barro, Água e Esterco Por Marise Jalowitzki24.agosto. amigo perguntou se seria possível fazer tijolo ecológico apenas com barro. Pesquisando, encontrei no Wikipedia, o termo Adobe e uma rápida explicação:" Adobe - essa técnica consiste em moldar o tijolo cru em formas de madeira, onde o bloco de terra é seco ao sol, sem que haja a queima do mesmo. A mistura a ser moldada pode ser feita apenas com água e terra ou com o acréscimo de estabilizante e fibras naturais. A preparação para o curso de bioconstrução me apresentou o desafio de fabricar tijolos de adobe. Muito havia ouvido falar mas nunca tinha estado, conscientemente, perto de um tijolo de adobe e muito menos fazia idéia de como seria fabricá-los. Bem, tive que me virar e fiz conforme me foram indicando meus amigos Jorge, Tomaz e Cecília. Faça uma agitação bem intensa e depois deixe descansar.

Wall of Films! | Over 500 Social Change Documentaries on 1 Page Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries above. Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. From all the documentaries above, it's evident that our society needs a new story to belong to. But most of all, we need to see the promise of the alternatives - we need to be able to imagine new exciting ways that people could live, better than anything that the old paradigm could ever dream of providing. And all of this knowledge and introspection, dreaming, questioning, and discovery is essential for a cultural transformation that addresses root causes. So take this library of films and use it. Activism - Animal Rights - Big Ideas - Big Media - Climate Change - Corporations

30 Challenges for 30 Days Did you know that it takes 30 days to form a new habit? The first few days are similar as to how you would imagine the birth of a new river. Full of enthusiasm it gushes forth, only to be met by strong obstacles. So, take a moment to reflect on the question ‘Who do I want to be in 5 years?’ Check out this short TED talk first to get inspired: Now pick one or more challenges and stick with them! However, be cautioned, picking too many challenges at the same time can easily result in a failure of all of them. #1 Write a I-Like-This-About-You note/text/email each day for someone (Easy) This is the perfect way to let someone else know you care. #2 Talk to one stranger each day (Hard) This is a great one to cure approaching anxiety. #3 Take one picture each day (Hard) This one gets harder nearing the end of the challenge because at one point you will run out of the easy shots. #4 Re-evaluate one long-held belief each day (Intermediate) #5 Take a 30 minute walk each day (Easy) We recommend:
