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The Century of the Self

The Century of the Self
This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings profoundly. His influence on the 20th century is widely regarded as massive. The documentary describes the impact of Freud's theories on the perception of the human mind, and the ways public relations agencies and politicians have used this during the last 100 years for their engineering of consent. Among the main characters are Freud himself and his nephew Edward Bernays, who was the first to use psychological techniques in advertising. Freud's daughter Anna Freud, a pioneer of child psychology, is mentioned in the second part, as well as Wilhelm Reich, one of the main opponents of Freud's theories. Happiness Machines. The Engineering of Consent. There is a Policeman Inside All of Our Heads, He Must Be Destroyed.

2012 – Burzynski – Cancer Is Serious Business | Equal Money System Cancer indeed is a serious problem worldwide and it seems that instead of being eradicate, the disease is only increasing. One should start asking questions like: How is it that we haven’t found a cure for cancer yet? How come, we don’t know what causes cancer? Why cancer is common in the west and less common in the east of the world? How much money the drugs companies make from those who are suffering from cancer? Why the common treatment for children that have cancer is poison (Chemotherapy) and it is still allowed even though it was proven to do much more harm than good? How come we accept for granted that frying your brain with Chemotherapy is allowed even though it has only a few percentage of success? The documentary “Burzynski – “cancer is serious business” is a very good example for how ignorant we have become and how we are allowing our lives to be compromise through blindly believe what the media and the drugs companies are telling us. How many of us heard about Burzynski treatment?

Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil A brilliant young man, he was appointed professor at the University of Basel aged 24 having not even finished his degree. His evanescent philosophical life ended 20 years later when he went insane and died shortly afterwards. Nietzsche's argued that the Christian system of faith and worship was not only incorrect, but harmful to society because it allowed the weak to rule the strong - it suppressed the will to power which was the driving force of human character. Nietzsche wanted people to throw of the shackles of our misguided Christian morality and become supermen - free and titanic. However, without God he felt that the future of man might spiral into a society of nihilism, devoid of any meaning; his aim was for man to realise the lack of divine purpose and create his own values. Watch the full documentary now -

Redefining Food Occupy the Space you Breathe in - Reclaim your Feet. Get Equalified for Life: Desteni is a Group of beings that do not accept the current state of humanity as limited, fearful, greedy, ego-driven beings that only consider their own survival - while forgetting that the majority of this world, are living like slaves on even less than 2 dollars a day. Those participating with Desteni over the years have already proven that the individual can actually break free from this 'human nature' and become a self-responsible being that actually cares about life. The Equal Money system is a completely new money system, where all are allotted an equal share of money with which they can support themselves in their basic needs from birth to Death, and will allow All to live a Dignified Life. Desteni is a Group of beings that do not accept the current state of humanity as limited, fearful, greedy, ego-driven beings that only consider t...

Heidegger: Thinking the Unthinkable | Watch Free Documentary Onl German philosopher Martin Heidegger addressed the central question of human existence full on, by examining how human self-awareness depends on concepts of time and death. His preoccupation with ontology - the form of metaphysical inquiry concerned with the study of existence itself - dominated his work. The central idea of his complex Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) (1927) could be summed up in the phrase 'being is'. Man had to ask himself 'what is it to be?' Heidegger also felt that art, like language, was important evidence of existence, something which was a real existence rather than a mere recreation of reality. Despite this, his work has been widely influential, especially on the thought of twentieth century philosophical giants such as Sartre, Lacan and Derrida. Watch the full documentary now -

Philosophy Karl Popper: Discussion Popper's Problem of Induction. Quotes Karl Popper Discussion of Metaphysics / Philosophy of Karl Popper's Problem of Induction & the Evolution of Absolute Truth Karl Popper Pictures, Quotes 'Objective Knowledge' In my opinion, the greatest scandal of philosophy is that, while all around us the world of nature perishes - and not the world of nature alone - philosophers continue to talk, sometimes cleverly and sometimes not, about the question of whether this world exists. They get involved in scholasticism, in linguistic puzzles such as, for example, whether or not there are differences between 'being' and 'existing'. (Popper, 1975) Introduction to Karl Popper The philosophy of Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn are very similar - they argue that truth is evolving and can never be absolutely known. I apologise if this is abrupt - but we can now deduce what reality is without opinion, so this is stated absolutely simply because it is true. Geoff Haselhurst Realism of Karl Popper My thesis is that realism is neither demonstrable nor refutable.

Thinking, Fast and Slow Thinking, Fast and Slow is a best-selling[1] 2011 book by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics winner Daniel Kahneman which summarizes research that he conducted over decades, often in collaboration with Amos Tversky.[2][3] It covers all three phases of his career: his early days working on cognitive biases, his work on prospect theory, and his later work on happiness. The book's central thesis is a dichotomy between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The book delineates cognitive biases associated with each type of thinking, starting with Kahneman's own research on loss aversion. Prospect theory[edit] The basis for his Nobel prize, Kahneman developed prospect theory to account for experimental errors he noticed in Daniel Bernoulli's traditional utility theory. One example is that people are loss-averse: they are more likely to act to avert a loss than to achieve a gain. Two systems[edit]

Behavioral economics There are three prevalent themes in behavioral finances:[3] Issues in behavioral economics[edit] Behavioral finance[edit] The central issue in behavioral finance is explaining why market participants make systematic errors contrary to assumption of rational market participants.[1] Such errors affect prices and returns, creating market inefficiencies. Behavioral finance highlights inefficiencies such as under- or over-reactions to information as causes of market trends (and in extreme cases of bubbles and crashes). Other key observations include the asymmetry between decisions to acquire or keep resources, known as the "bird in the bush" paradox, and loss aversion, the unwillingness to let go of a valued possession. Quantitative behavioral finance[edit] Quantitative behavioral finance uses mathematical and statistical methodology to understand behavioral biases. Financial models[edit] The stock image coefficient Criticisms[edit] Behavioral game theory[edit] The animal as a human analog[edit]

William Burroughs at 100: Thurston Moore on seeing him watch Patti Smith at CBGB, his response to Kurt Cobain’s suicide and ‘cut-up’ songwriting | The Collected Works of Kevin EG Perry “Panorama of the City of Interzone. Opening bars of East St. Louis Toodleoo … at times loud and clear then faint and intermittent like music down a windy street…. The room seems to shake and vibrate with motion…” That was how William S Burroughs introduced the world to the ‘Interzone’ in his heroin-and-hashish-soaked 1959 novel ‘Naked Lunch’. Kurt Cobain was such a big fan that he played discordant guitar on a spoken-word performance called ‘The “Priest” They Called Him’. While Burroughs lived all over the world, including in London and in Tangier, in north Morocco, the city that inspired ‘Interzone’, he is perhaps most associated with the New York scene that he inhabited with fellow poets and writers like Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore moved to New York as a teenager to become a part of this scene. What was your first impression of Burroughs? I used to live near him in New York City. Was he going to the shows? Did you meet him? I think he influenced me.
