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Future Learning Short Documentary

Future Learning Short Documentary

Related:  2020

Ten Skills for the Future Workforce Ten Skills for the Future Workforce Sense-making, social intelligence, novel & adaptive thinking, cross-cultural competency, computational thinking, new-media literacy, transdisciplarity, design mindset, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration. These are the 10 skills needed for the future workforce. For a full report, see the work done by the Institute for the Future with Apollo Group looking at the Skills Needed by 2020 (also available on the IFTF website). A summary map is also available. The related, Shape of Jobs to Come: Possible New Careers Emerging from Advances in Science and Technology (2010 – 2030) full study from FastFuture is also very insightful (summary of study).

Dispositions: What the heck are they, and how do we teach them? Educators from all sides of the spectrum seem to agree that it isn’t sufficient for us to support students to just develop academic knowledge, we also need to support them to develop characteristics that will help them to have, ‘Healthy relationships to themselves, to other people, and to learning so that they can navigate their lives in ways that are empowering and satisfying to them.’ – Kate McAllister) This idea is captured well by Guy Claxton’s idea of the learning river. The learning river is a powerful metaphor that describes three different layers of learning that simultaneously occur in the vast majority of classrooms (whether we, as teachers, have designed it or not!). On the surface, and most readily observable, we teach knowledge. Deeper down we teach skills and literacies that support that knowledge. And flowing along the bottom, often imperceptibly, is the formation of attitudes and dispositions.

New Pedagogies For the Digital Age 15 Habits For Learning In The 21st Century 10.89K Views 0 Likes Defining 21st century skills is an editorial matter, but part of a larger, important conversation. How has learning changed in the 21st century? Here's our take. Why 21st century skills are not that 21st century Whenever I hear anyone talk about preparing students for the 21st century, I am always sceptical. Partly this is because it is never made clear exactly what is so different about the 21st century that requires such different preparation. For the American organisation Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), which is sponsored by a number of multinational corporations, the four important 21st century skills are ‘critical thinking and problem solving; communication, collaboration; and creativity and innovation.’[i] For the Royal Society of Arts, the skills that are needed for the future are: ‘citizenship, learning, managing information, relating to people and managing situations’.[ii] For Sir Ken Robinson, in the 21st century people need to be able to ‘adapt, see connections, innovate, communicate and work with others’.

We help great education practice become common practice. What is it? A collaborative (or cooperative) learning approach involves students working together on activities or learning tasks in a group small enough for everyone to participate on a collective task that has been clearly assigned. Students in the group may work on separate tasks contributing to a common overall outcome, or work together on a shared task. Some collaborative learning approaches put mixed ability teams or groups to work in competition with each other in order to drive more effective collaboration. There is a very wide range of approaches to collaborative and cooperative learning involving different kinds of organisation and tasks. Peer tutoring can also be considered as a type of collaborative learning, but in the Toolkit it is reviewed as a separate topic.

Project Based Learning Resources (image from Project Based Learning (PBL) is a great way to teach students content, 21st century skills, and engage them in something fun and educational. I spoke more about PBL in an earlier blog ( and we had some great reader comments (Tech&Learning, May 2009, page 14).

Teaching resources - Healthy Kids Healthy Kids Association developed resources Crunch&Sip curriculum materials – a comprehensive resource that covers food groups, everyday vs sometimes foods, the importance of water, and fruit and vegetables. It also includes worksheets, quick brain breaks and an A-Z of fruit and vegetables. Crunch&Sip healthy eating games – a set of four games that cover similar themes to the Crunch&Sip curriculum materials.

The 7 Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today by Terry Heick, : Shift_Learning: The 7 Most Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today So we’re taking a stand here. This is all incredibly subjective, but so are the VH1 Top 100 Hair Bands Videos and those are fun, am I right? So subjective it is. Let’s make a list. Patterns: Learning, Thinking, Creating By Kevin Washburn, on January 10th, 2012 It seems contradictory. The brain seeks and sees patterns, but when asked to find patterns, many people become uneasy.

The Future Of Work Will Demand These 8 New Skills The future of work is upon us and while we’ve been entrenched at home, the world has changed significantly. Getting back to work won’t be getting back at all, it will be a new game. And success in the future will require new skills—some of which may come as a surprise. A study by Monster found 82% of companies are planning to hire in the new year. 15 Ways Digital Learning Can Lead To Deeper Learning How To Use Mood Boards For Visual Learning 4.70K Views 0 Likes Mood boards are used for photography, game design, interior design, marketing, fashion, music, advertising and even architecture; but who’s to say they shouldn’t be used in the classroom? (You might be doing this already!)

The c MOOC as knowledge ecologies Thanks to Stephen Downes for the reference to Dr. Mohamed Amine Chatti’s Knowledge Management: A Personal Knowledge Network Perspective. Here are some abstracts that I would like to quote: Knowledge ecologies are thus self-controlled and self-contained entities. Knowledge ecologies lacked a shared repertoire and are thus open and distributed knowledge domains.The result of participation in a knowledge ecology is a restructuring of one’s PKN, a reframing of one’s theories-in-use and an extension of one’s external network with new tacit and explicit knowledge nodes; i.e. people and information (external level)Knowledge ecology is a more general concept than intensional networks.In essence, a knowledge ecology is a complex adaptive system that emerges from the bottom-up connection of PKNs. That is a wonderful analysis of knowledge ecology, with a model of Knowledge Management based on Personal Knowledge Network perspective.

Learning Theories: Understanding the 4 Major Ones for the Classroom - Leader In Me What are the four major learning theories, what is the role they play in education today, and how does it all connect with Leader in Me? Let’s dig in! Behaviorist Theory What is it? 8 Quick Formative Assessment Strategies to Check for Understanding Using formative assessments designed to check for understanding and provide students with feedback and support is one of the most effective ways to improve and enhance student learning. Yet because of the need to cover large amounts of information and develop many skills, teachers may not take time checking to make sure students understand a concept or can effectively apply a skill, and, if they don’t, figuring out ways to improve their learning. Thankfully, there are practical, proven formative assessment techniques that teachers can use as a quick “pulse check” to gauge students’ understanding. The eight techniques here can be applied across grades and subject areas in virtual, hybrid, and in-person learning environments.
