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The Blog /// Digital, Buzz, viral & social media marketing agenc

The Blog /// Digital, Buzz, viral & social media marketing agenc
Related:  Strategy and Management 10 questions pour élaborer son plan de communication marketing 10 questions pour élaborer son plan de communication marketing 4ème variable du sacro-saint « marketing mix », la communication marketing a toujours été une nécessité pour les entreprises. C’est elle qui permet à « l’offre » de rencontrer « la demande ». C’est elle qui , parfois, fait la différence entre 2 marques. Ne rien faire, c’est déjà communiquer. La communication marketing, c’est communiquer:le bon messageà la bonne personneau bon momentau bon endroitsur le bon support Or, tous les entrepreneurs ne naissent pas tous publicitaires de génie. 1 – Dans quel contexte externe & interne dois-je communiquer? Comme toute chose dans le marketing, le travail commence avec une solide analyse SWOT. 2 – Quels objectifs je poursuis: me faire connaître, me faire aimer, faire agir? La communication ne fait pas « vendre » en soi. La notoriété – se faire connaitreL’image – se faire aimerLes comportements – faire agir 3 – A qui dois-je m’adresser? La communication s’adresse toujours à des cibles.

There has been much speculation recently about the role Facebook Credits could play in becoming a global virtual currency, and even the possibility of Facebook becoming a bank. In many ways, it already is becoming a bank – just not in the traditional sense. Facebook is harnessing the power of the social graph, and has certainly adopted an expanded definition of what ‘currency’ means. It’s time for the rest of us to hop on board. As I’ve been conducting research for The Future of Facebook Project, the experts and thought leaders interviewed shared some compelling views about the evolution of virtual currencies, and Facebook’s potential role in their development. Money is a tool we use for arms-length transactions, where there isn’t an assumption of any kind of relationship or trust between parties. What this means is that money isn’t the only kind of currency that can facilitate a transaction anymore. Credits as Currency Identity as Currency Reputation as Currency New Currencies = New Banks

Imazine : E-commerce, Interfaces et Geekeries B&G - Glossario di Comunicazione Glossario > Comunicazione e Marketing Cercare per conoscere. Conoscere per comprendere. Selezionate la lettera desiderata dall'elenco sottostante per accedere alla pagina corrispondente del glossario: Definizioni relative alla lettera: A La pubblicità tradizionale rivolta ai media: campagna stampa, spot TV, radio comunicato, affissione… Tutto quello che non rientra nell'ABOVE, viene definito below the line. ^ Torna all'inizio ^ Figura professionale che, all'interno dell'agenzia, cura il rapporto con il cliente. Figura avente funzione di intermediazione tra il Cliente e l'Agenzia di pubblicità. Termine derivato dall'unione delle due parole inglesi "advertising" e "game", si riferisce ad un gioco associato alla pubblicità o, meglio ancora, di pubblicità associata ai giochi. Nella lingua inglese indica la pubblicità. Mezzo pubblicitario basato sull'esposizione di manifesti di varie dimensioni in luogo pubblico. Società che rileva i dati di ascolto televisivo.

This post originally appeared on, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about social media, business and technology. Citing a recovering economy and increasing marketer interest in the space, research company eMarketer recently raised its 2010 spending forecast for advertising on social networks by nearly 30% to $1.68 billion domestically. Within the social media world, however, a number of trends are dictating how, why and where money gets spent — trends that will push the industry past the $2 billion mark in 2011, according to eMarketer’s projections. A Snowball Effect at Facebook Not surprisingly, the biggest beneficiary of the current euphoria around social is Facebook, with several estimates now pegging the company’s 2010 revenue at better than $1 billion. There’s also a growing sense that social media advertising can deliver a return on investment. Twitter’s Experimental Phase Case studies are still limited, though. Social No Longer Sits at the Kids’ Table

If You Love Your Brand, Set It Free How Much Does Social Media Cost Companies in 2012? UPDATE: If you would like to see the newest version of my Social Media Marketing Rate Sheet, please Click Here. Two years ago I wrote a post entitled So How Much Will a Social Media Strategy Cost, which was designed to give businesses and organizations an idea of how much they should expect to pay consultants and agencies for basic social media marketing services. As you might expect, that post was insanely popular, so I followed it up with How Much Does Social Media Cost Companies in 2011 last year, and now this year those prices are being updated again with this post. For all three, these prices are taken from published rates found online, as well as what other agencies and consultants have told me they charge for these services. In general, both posts in 2010 and 2011 were designed to give companies basic price information around the most common services, such as setup and execution of a blog, Twitter and Facebook page, as well as basic Social Media Training. Now, on with the prices.

Conversation Agent Woot! @JugnooMe is Here And You're Invited to the Open Beta! Back in November, I shared a brief introduction to JugnooMe, the first salvo from the Toronto-based start-up I joined that month. Since then, we’ve been working like crazy loons to bring our product(s) from creation, to private beta, to fixes, changes and more. Yesterday, all that hard work came to fruition as we launched the first release into open beta, with the JugnooMe social dashboard. So what is it and how can it help you? Taking Your Business Social At Jugnoo, our goal is simple – to make the social web simple, accessible and monetizable for everyone, regardless of expertise, budget and resources. To do this, we’re creating a suite of tools that will enable both people and businesses to make the most of their presence online, as well as transfer that to success offline. The product itself is constantly evolving (with the next set of updates coming in March), but the first release includes features such as: This ties back into our ethos of making the social web easy for everyone.
