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Booz Allen Hamilton: A Strategy and Technology Consulting Firm

Booz Allen Hamilton: A Strategy and Technology Consulting Firm
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Congress Asks to Review DoD and NSA Contracts With HBGary | Threat Level Update: This story was updated with comment from the House Armed Services Committee and Johnson’s office March 17, 2011 at 2 p.m. PDT. Anonymous’ recent exposure of a federal contractor’s plan to take down WikiLeaks has led to a congressional probe seeking data on contracts the company and its partners hold with the U.S. military and intelligence agencies. The House Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities on Wednesday asked the Defense Department and its intelligence arm — the National Security Agency — to hand over copies of any contracts they may have signed with HBGary Federal, Palantir Technologies and Berico Technologies. Rep. Miller replied that he would have to check with the Defense Department’s general counsel to “make sure that the provision of that type of information is allowed contractually.” Subcommittee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) interjected that the information should be provided to the entire committee. Last month, Rep. Gen. See also

Initiative ISCN ? | Sur la technique et autres, et son besoin de carburant ideogrammatique non assumé Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map | Portfolio Mapping | Blue Ocean Strategy Tools and Frameworks A useful exercise for a corporate management team pursuing profitable growth is to plot the company’s current and planned portfolios on the Pioneer-Migrator-Settler Map created by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. © Kim & Mauborgne. Settlers are defined as me-too businesses, migrators are business offerings better than most in the marketplace, and a company’s pioneers are the businesses that offer unprecedented value. If both the current portfolio and the planned offering consist mainly of settlers, the company has a low growth trajectory, is largely confined to red oceans, and needs to push for value innovation. If current and planned offerings consist of a lot of migrators, reasonable growth can be expected. This exercise is especially valuable for managers who want to see beyond today’s performance. Clearly, what companies should be doing is shifting the balance of their future portfolio toward pioneers. For more articles on this tool,SEARCH THE eLIBRARY

WAN Optimization & Secure Web Gateway | Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Treliant Balkinization Bradley Manning, Barack Obama and the National Surveillance State In 2006, Sandy Levinson and I predicted that the next president, whether Democratic or Republican, would ratify and continue many of President George W. Bush's war on terrorism policies. The reason, we explained, had less to do with the specific events of September 11th, and more to do with the fact that the United States was in the process of expanding the National Security State created after World War II into something we called the National Surveillance State, featuring huge investments in electronic surveillance and various end runs around traditional Bill of Rights protections and expectations about procedure. Barack Obama has largely confirmed these expectations, much to the dismay of many liberals who supported him. One might have hoped that,given his campaign pronouncements, an Obama Administration would have implemented a framework that is closer to the values of civil liberties. Nor should this be surprising.

Home - Crypto-Parties 2013 Qu'est-ce qu'une Crypto Party ? Un temps pour apprendre à sécuriser nos échanges en ligne. Il s'agit d'un regroupement informel avec des PCs, de la musique et des boissons, dans le but d'échanger / partager des connaissances permettant d'assurer la confidentialité de nos échanges via Internet. Pour beaucoup de monde, Internet est devenu le principal vecteur de communication avec l'entourage, les collègues, le travail, … mais pour beaucoup de monde également les dangers sont mal identifiés et les solutions ne sont pas connues. CryptoParty @Salon de la CIA Join the party ! Rejoignez-nous ce vendredi 25 avril à 20h30 au Salon de la CIA pour vous informer, apprendre à vous protéger, discuter de ces sujets et boire un verre à la CryptoParty. Au programme : Pour toute personne sensible à ce sujet, quel que soit le niveau de connaissances, souhaitant s'informer sur les risques ou apprendre les rudiments de protection des données. Atelier de cryptage - Roberto Paredes (GSARA), informaticien.

The Gallup Path by Gagandeep Anand on Prezi SOA| BPM | ESB | Integration – Improve Business Process Faster with Software AG Fujitsu on-boards customers30 percent faster. Fujitsu Technology Solutions is faster and more agile, thanks to webMethods. Stand out in adigital world. See how Software AG can help yourorganization respond faster and smarter,innovate with momentum and create theultimate customer experience. Consistent data:It’s essential to the Digital Enterprise. Bad data costs $3 trillion a year, experts say.
