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What are 10 Addictive Types of Content?

What are 10 Addictive Types of Content?
Are you having problems driving traffic to your blog? Are you finding that no one is retweeting your content or sharing it on Facebook? When starting a blog the challenge for any blogger is providing content that will entice and delight your readers. You want them looking forward to your next article. Developing an antenna for creative ideas for content is a skill that can be developed. What I have found effective is to take notes when reading a book or after a meeting when customers provide insights into their business dilemmas. Everyone has Problems One thing to keep in mind is that every business or reader has day to day challenges and problems that they want help solving. Ideally you want your blog to become the industry resource or Bible that becomes the “Go To Portal” for your subscribers. Social Proof is Vital Do you have clients saying to you “What are some of your customers finding what works for them?” 10 Addictive Content Types 1. Example: 2. Example 90 Tips to Make Your Blog Rock 3.

10 Ways To Find Inspiration To Develop Content For Your Blog It is something all bloggers battle with..coming up with topics, ideas and content for your next post. I am certainly not immune from this constant challenge of finding inspiration and it continues to be a never ending battle every day. I recently was directly tweeted by Aaron Lee a cyberspace buddy whose opinion I value. He made a very kind compliment about my blog content after I had thanked him for retweeting my latest post and he then proceeded to make the suggestion ‘”How Do You Focus On Creating Blog Content?” So what do I do to clamber over the writers block so I can have a quiver full of tools to help me write the daily post. 1.

Linchpin Bloggers: These 5 Bloggers Are Indispensable To Me This is just a short list of bloggers I visit nearly every day. These five bloggers have become what I termed “Linchpin Bloggers,” of course inspired by Seth Godin. They are indispensable to me. How Tumblr is Changing Journalism Earlier this week we looked at the remarkable growth of Tumblr, a blogging and curation service that now gets over 12 billion page views per month. Tumblr is mostly used as a consumer curation tool - it's an easy way for people to re-post articles, images and videos. But Tumblr can also be used to power a news website. That's exactly what ShortFormBlog does. Launched in January 2009 by Ernie Smith from Washington D.C., the site publishes about 30 news soundbites a day.

5 Content Marketing Ideas Worth Stealing Marketing in the past often consisted of one off campaigns that didn’t build a relationship with your customer or prospect. It was about the “deal” …closing the sale. It was sometimes called “Hit and Run” marketing. Content Marketing is about creating compelling, contagious content and sharing it freely on social networks and blogs. Bloggers: 23 Ways to Counter Writer’s Block All of a sudden, your blog seems like a dog biting your heel cap and refusing to let go. You do not have time for yourself, all your research zeal has been exhausted and the topics you want to write on are all water down. They have no juice anymore. How to Crack the Twitter Code and Go Global: Part 2 In Part 1 of his series, Global Social Media Coaching founder Keith Keller advised on how to start out in Twitter marketing. In Part 2, he shares some more ideas to make the Twitterverse an easier place for businesses and solo entrepreneurs to navigate, based on his learning programme Twitter 101 – Cracking the Twitter Code. Listen to the full interview or read the highlights. The principle of doing successful business on Twitter is to ‘give, give, give, then ask’. That’s why I say sharing is better than chocolate – it’s more rewarding in the long run!

20 Ideas for Social Media Content That Engages The cry of “Content is King” has been a rallying call for bloggers and on-line publishers for years. Creating and marketing your content is now as easy as typing text and uploading images and videos and then hitting the publishing button. This has been facilitated by the advent of social networks and blogging software that facilitate fast efficient multi-media publishing. The reality is that everyone is now a publisher as social media has provided easy to use tools which has put a personal printing press in everyone’s hand.

20+ Tools to Create Your Own Infographics A picture is worth a thousand words – based on this, infographics would carry hundreds of thousands of words, yet if you let a reader choose between a full-length 1000-word article and an infographic that needs a few scroll-downs, they’d probably prefer absorbing information straight from the infographic. What’s not to like? Colored charts and illustrations deliver connections better than tables and figures and as users spend time looking back and forth the full infographic, they stay on the site longer. Plus, readers who like what they see are more likely to share visual guides more than articles.

A Guide to Integrated Digital Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC] Marketing is evolving to meet the needs of the consumer in this tech-reliant world. The Internet and the rise of mobile have created an environment in which consmers demand personalization and immediate access to information. To stay competitive, brands must adopt a marketing strategy that is both integrated and digital. This infographic details the 6 key components that make up an effective integrated digital marketing strategy. 5 Key Steps To Mastering The Social Media Marketing Landscape I had the pleasure of being accomodated at 5 star hotel the other day and when I went down to breakfast I was confronted by an array of food selections that an ancient Roman Emperor would have been impressed with. The luxury of choices that confronted me was overwhelming and selecting what to eat almost becomes an exercise in filtering the noise and array of stimuli of sight and smell that stood spread before me. Do I eat something that is a change from my normal day to day diet or should I be courageous and select something I would not normally have at home? Should it be really healthy, slightly healthy or or just plain decadent. Will it be a hot or a cold meal.

5 Lessons from Coca Cola's New Content Marketing Strategy Coca Cola has been part of popular culture for over 100 years and has been called a “Vision Brand“. Its marketing and communication is purposeful and connects with its audience in a way that makes it stand out from its competitors. Its mission is not about selling products but to create significant positive change in the world that makes the world a better place. Coca Cola’s mission statement

7 Ways to Get More Out Of Your Content Marketing Strategy You’ve decided to pursue a content marketing strategy. You have an outstanding piece of content you’ve spent hours creating, putting your heart and mind into the piece and that is great. Then, you published it. Yet after sometime, you begin to get the feeling, “Maybe I could have gotten more out of my outstanding piece of content.” What could you have done?
