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Tracking the Internet of Things

Tracking the Internet of Things

Mapping Stereotypes Get your copy on: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon DE / Amazon FR / Amazon IT / Amazon ES / Amazon Canada / Amazon Japan / Amazon India / Amazon Brazil Atlas of Prejudice: The Complete Stereotype Map Collection Twine, A Tiny Gizmo That Holds The Internet's Future "In the future, your house will send you a text message to warn you that your basement is flooding." Sounds like the kind of hooey you only hear in those fantastical "future of…" videos, doesn’t it? Not anymore. Two MIT Media Lab graduates have created a "2.5-inch chunk of the future" called Twine that does exactly that, and more, and is available right now. Using sensors, such as those on the Arduino Platform, you can record data out to the cloud by using xmpp, http or smtp protocols. For low powered devices, you can use more basic protocols like mqtt and use a middle tier server of your own to relay data out to Nimbits. We provide a basic Arduino Library, which you can use out of the box, or use it as a sample to write your own.

NoSQL, huh, what is it good for?… « Adam's Big Data Discoveries …Actually quite a lot really. Say it again, y’all! In this post I try to dymystify NoSQL for the Relational DB crowd / average human, and give some real world examples of how NoSQL can help. Stop Puppy Whining, Crying, Whinging or Screaming Fast! How To Stop Dog Whining So you've got a whinging, whiny little puppy or older dog - it's got to be one of the most annoying and frustrating sounds of all doesn't it? Firstly I should say that this whining is a perfectly natural behavior for a young puppy - it is how they get attention from their mother from a very early age. It's when the whining or crying drags on and on and becomes a long term persistent habit that it becomes a problem for us dog lovers.

all about visual art Desktop Calendar – January 2014 2014 begins and we are starting the fourth round of our desktop calendar series. We are looking forward to a successful New Year and wish you all the best. If you want this wallpaper at your desktop feel free to download in different resolutions or tell us if you need something else. [...] Dezember 31, 2013Toni PolkowskiDesign, Photography, Wallpaper

Reducing Reactivity in Dogs - The Pawfectionist Dogs react to many different things for many different reasons. The most common one I am faced with is dogs that are fearfully reactive to other dogs. Owners have tried socialising the dog with other dogs, keeping away from other dogs at all costs, telling the dog off, rewarding the dog and everything in between to help fix this problem without success. CC3000 Basic Wi-Fi example application for Launchpad From Texas Instruments Embedded Processors Wiki Translate this page to This wiki describes the first-time installation and use of the CC3000 device with the MSP-EXP430G2-Launchpad device. Note: while this document refers to the MSP-EXP430G2-Launchpad device specifically, this same information is used to describe the Basic Wi-Fi example application for all of the supported TI platforms.

References to Editorials If you click on the links below, then you will be able to retrieve the relevant editorial from Environment and Planning B in the last ten years Batty M, (with Cheshire, J.) 2012, ” Visualisation Tools for Understanding Big Data”, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(3) 413 – 415 Full-text PDF size: 217 Kb Batty M, 2012, “Smart Cities, Big Data”, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(2) 191 – 193 Full-text PDF size: 49 Kb Batty M, Cheshire J, 2011, “Cities as flows, cities of flows” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 38(2) 195 – 196 Full-text PDF size: 41 Kb Batty M, 2010, “The pulse of the city” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37(4) 575 – 577 Full-text PDF size: 52 Kb

How To Crack A Wi-Fi Network's WPA Password With Reaver Your Wi-Fi network is your convenient wireless gateway to the internet, and since you’re not keen on sharing your connection with any old hooligan who happens to be walking past your home, you secure your network with a password, right? Knowing, as you might, how easy it is to crack a WEP password, you probably secure your network using the more bulletproof WPA security protocol. Here’s the bad news: A new, free, open-source tool called Reaver exploits a security hole in wireless routers and can crack most routers’ current passwords with relative ease. Here’s how to crack a WPA or WPA2 password, step by step, with Reaver — and how to protect your network against Reaver attacks. In the first section of this post, I’ll walk through the steps required to crack a WPA password using Reaver.

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