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iDigi Device Cloud

iDigi Device Cloud

paraimpu NanoService - Sensinode Ltd Sensinode’s NanoService™ solution provides end-to-end web services optimized for the unique constraints of M2M deployments. Features of NanoServices include: high efficiency, resource discovery and management, eventing, semantic naming, semantic search and end-to-end security. The NanoService Platform (NSP) is a flexible and highly-scalable product designed to enable the deployment of challenging M2M applications on private server, private cloud or public cloud environments. It provides a directory and semantic lookup of all M2M nodes and resources in the system, provides transparent proxy services between the large-resource traditional Internet and constrained-resource protocols, and supports an eventing model that is critical to the effectiveness of Embedded Web applications. Complete graphical Reference Applications and Java SDKs with source code, along with device libraries, decreases time to market for both M2M device and Web Apps. NanoService™ Platform Product Flyer (PDF) Feel, Act, Make sense • les plateformes d'information Platform/amee-platform Our Vision: "Environmental Intelligence, Everywhere. We believe that information about our environmental impact can and should be available everywhere, to help us better measure and manage resources. Whether it’s on software applications, consumer product labels, buildings, vehicles, or... Platform/arkessa-platform Arkessa enables remote devices to operate, be monitored, managed and controlled as though they were connected directly to your desktop, tablet or smart phone. Platform/arrayent The Arrayent Connect Platform is an "IoT platform that enables you to connect your products to value-added smartphone and web applications with unprecedented low-cost and simplicity." Platform/axeda-platform From their site: Axeda is the leading cloud platform provider for connected products and M2M applications. Platform/bugswarm Platform/carriots-cloud-platform Our goal at Carriots is to help you build applications for the Internet of Things. Platform/evrythng-platform Platform/kaa

Why Apple could help kick-start NFC next year The market for NFC (near field communication) enabled phones is still quite small, but it’s expected to blossom next year as Apple and Microsoft could join the party, launching NFC-equipped iPhones and Windows Phone 7 devices. That’s according to a report out from Digitimes, which said those two platforms will join Android, Symbian, BlackBerry and Bada with NFC support next year. Digitimes said according to talks with Taiwanese smartphone makers, the number of NFC-equipped smartphones will grow from less than 10 percent now to more than 50 percent within three years. Sources, however, told Digitimes the industry still needs to work through a number of issues, including standardizing specifications, the ecosystem and commercial operations. The NFC wave grows It’s not that surprising that Microsoft and Apple want to jump on board with NFC next year. If this all comes to pass as expected, the future of NFC will really start to come together. Apple as NFC catalyst Apple’s digital wallet

Internet of Things wiki The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable it to achieve greater value and service by exchanging data with the manufacturer, operator and/or other connected devices. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure. The term “Internet of Things” was first documented by a British visionary, Kevin Ashton, in 1999.[1] Typically, IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine communications (M2M) and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications.[2] The interconnection of these embedded devices (including smart objects), is expected to usher in automation in nearly all fields, while also enabling advanced applications like a Smart Grid.[3] Early history[edit] In its original interpretation,[when?] Media[edit]

Nanode Kit with FREE 1 Year Pachube Pro Account [NANODE-KIT] - £18.33 Nanode is an open source Arduino-like board that has in-built web connectivity. It connects to a range of wireless, wired and ethernet interfaces. It allows you to develop web based sensor and control systems - giving you web access to six analogue sensor lines and six digital I/O lines. Key Features Three connectivity ports: Ethernet, Wireless* and Wired SerialCan be remotely configured by browserCan send and receive data using PachubeOn chip web server allows remote control of I/Ocompletely through-hole construction - so easy to build with readily available componentsbreadboard compatible100% open sourcecompatible with most Arduino shields and softwareUSB programming interface* Easily extended with JeeNodes Wireless module Technical Specifications Applications Remote sensing and controlWeb server and clientSmart sensor networksHome AutomationEnergy MonitoringMachine ControlOpen Energy Monitor Documents Programming the Nanode using FTDI cable.
