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Meet Node-RED, an IBM project that fulfills the internet of things’ missing link If you play around with enough connected devices or hang out with enough people thinking about what it means to have 200 connected gizmos in your home, eventually you get to a pretty big elephant in the room: How the heck are you going to connect all this stuff? To a hub? To the internet? To each other? It’s one thing to set a program to automate your lights/thermostat/whatever to go to a specific setting when you hit a button/lock your door/exit your home’s Wi-Fi network, but it’s quite another to have a truly intuitive and contextual experience in a connected home if you have to manually program it using IFTTT or a series of apps. Imagine if instead of popping a couple Hue Light Bulbs into your bedroom lamp, you bought home 30 or 40 for your entire home. Organic programming: Just let it go If you take this out of the residential setting and into a factory or office it’s magnified and even more daunting because of a variety of potential administrative tasks and permissions required.

Scrollitelling : quel outil pour vos récits multimédias immersifs ? Un an après Snow Fall, les formats multimédias immersifs (parfois baptisés « scrollitelling ») se multiplient sur les sites de presse, et des outils commencent à apparaître pour épauler les journalistes. Plateformes wysiwyg, extensions WordPress, scripts open source à coder : voici un panorama des solutions disponibles à ce jour. ↑1 » Les plateformes en ligne Pas besoin de mettre les mains dans le code… ou si peu. Scrollkit C’est actuellement la plateforme gratuite la plus aboutie. La fonctionnalité la plus puissante de Scrollkit est son module Skrollr, qui gère les effets de parralaxe de façon plutôt intuitive (à condition de connaître un peu de CSS). La plateforme gère de façon imparfaite le responsive design pour l’affichage mobile, mais ce problème est réglable : le grand point fort de Scrollkit est en effet la possibilité d’exporter le projet en fichier HTML, et de le personnaliser à l’envie – sans aucune dépendance aux serveurs du service. Shorthand Creatavist Racontr Mais aussi… sStory

How To Create Outstanding Modern Infographics In this tutorial you will learn that data doesn't have to be boring, it can be beautiful! Learn how to use various graph tools, illustration techniques and typography to make an accurate and inspiring infographic in Adobe Illustrator. Start by using the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a shape. The entire design is based on a grid of four columns. Condense the shape so it fits within the left-most guide and centre guide. Move the shape over to the right and add another guide to the centre here. Using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw a thin white box on the centre line that will be the width of the gap between the columns. Repeat the process for the other columns with your final result being below. I like to place the most important graphics first and work-in the ancillary charts and graphs afterwards. Early on you can experiment with placing a main graphic that will help give the piece some visual interest. Give the circles a variety of gradients. I'm using a variety of graphs in this infographic.

LeechBlock Current Version: What is LeechBlock? LeechBlock is a simple productivity tool: an extension for the Firefox web browser designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. You can specify up to six sets of sites to block, with different times and days for each set. The sites to block can be specified using wildcards (e.g., * and exceptions (e.g., LeechBlock also keeps track of the total amount of time you have spent browsing the sites in each block set. LeechBlock was inspired by Gina Trapani's Invisibility Cloak user script for the Greasemonkey extension. How do I get started with LeechBlock? Install the Firefox web browser (if you haven't already done so). That's it! Visit the examples page for some examples to illustrate the different settings or visit the FAQ page for answers to some frequently asked questions. Is there anything important I need to know about using LeechBlock? | Collecting all the cheat sheets Smithsonian X 3D Sociallymap - Qualitative automation tool System of Transmission of Electrical Energy SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 645,576, dated March 20, 1900. Application filed September 2, 1897. Serial No. 650,343. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I, NIKOLA TESLA, a citizen of the United States, residing at New York, in the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful improvements in Systems of Transmission of Electrical Energy, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the drawing accompanying and forming a part of the same. It has been well known heretofore that by rarefying the air inclosed in a vessel its insulating properties are impaired to such an extent that it becomes what may be considered as a true conductor, although one of admittedly very high resistance. Referring to the drawing, A is a coil, generally of many turns and of a very large diameter, wound in spiral form either about a magnetic core or not, as may be found necessary.

xSpin It ! - L'éditeur de spin polymorphe francophone et sexy Watreco Watreco is a market driven research and innovation company in cleantech. With an innovative and sustainable approach under the principle "from Nature to Industy", Biomimetic, the company develop and sell energy efficient products and systems for water treatment on a global market. The solutions are based on the patented Vortex Generator and the technology platform VPT - Vortex Process Technology. Energy savings with Realice Watreco focus is to deliver energy-saving and sustainable solutions. Watreco IVG - Solves limescale problems Watreco represents innovation. Flexibility - create your own OEM solution We do not always have ready solutions for all needs. Test VPT technology can have great impacts on many industrial processes. The patented vortex generator is the foundation of all our solutions.

LinkSidebar Attack on the pentagon results in discovery of new mathematical tile | Science In the world of mathematical tiling, news doesn’t come bigger than this. In the world of bathroom tiling – I bet they’re interested too. If you can cover a flat surface using only identical copies of the same shape leaving neither gaps nor overlaps, then that shape is said to tile the plane. Every triangle can tile the plane. Things get interesting with pentagons. The hunt to find and classify the pentagons that can tile the plane has been a century-long mathematical quest, begun by the German mathematician Karl Reinhardt, who in 1918 discovered five types of pentagon that do tile the plane. (To clarify, he did not find five single pentagons. Most people assumed Reinhardt had the complete list until half a century later in 1968 when R. That same year an unlikely mathematical pioneer entered the fray: Marjorie Rice, a San Diego housewife in her 50s, who had read about James’ discovery in Scientific American. But then the hunt went cold. I blog here about maths.
