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Maps of War

Maps of War

40 Maps That Explain The Middle East Maps can be a powerful tool for understanding the world, particularly the Middle East, a place in many ways shaped by changing political borders and demographics. Here are 40 maps crucial for understanding the Middle East — its history, its present, and some of the most important stories in the region today. Middle East History The fertile crescent, the cradle of civilization The fertile crescent, the cradle of civilizationIf this area wasn't the birthplace of human civilization, it was at least a birthplace of human civilization. The Middle East today The dialects of Arabic today The dialects of Arabic todayThis map shows the vast extent of the Arabic-speaking world and the linguistic diversity within it. Israel-Palestine Israel's 1947 founding and the 1948 Israeli-Arab War Israel's 1947 founding and the 1948 Israeli-Arab WarThese three maps show how Israel went from not existing to, in 1947 and 1948, establishing its national borders. Syria Iran Afghanistan Saudi Arabia and Oil

Atlante storico Benvenuti nel nuovo Atlante Storico di! Il nostro Atlante Storico, in questa versione rifatta ed arricchita, comprende centinaia di mappe storiche, quasi mille pagine di testo, 500 immagini e oltre 4 ore di commento audio. Siamo certi che questa collezione di materiale interattivo potrà essere utile a molti: studenti in cerca di spunti ed appunti, insegnanti che vogliono arricchire le loro lezioni con materiale diverso dal solito, appassionati di storia in cerca di qualche notizia particolare. Non ci resta che augurarvi una buona navigazione! Scegli il periodo che ti interessa 12.000.000 - 6.000 a.C.Le origini dell'uomo 4000 - 221 a.C.Egitto, Mesopotamia, Ittiti, India e Cina 3000 - 800 a.C.Le civiltà del Mediterraneo X - IV sec. a.C.Gli Etruschi, i Cartaginesi e le origini di Roma VIII - IV sec. a.C.La Grecia e l'impero persiano IV - III sec. a.C.L'impero di Alessandro Magno IV - I sec. a.C.Roma repubblicana I sec. a.C. - V sec. d.C.Roma imperiale L'evoluzione della scrittura

Timeline of metal processes, heat treatments, surface technology - Bodycote Puabi (commonly labelled Queen Puabi) was an important person in the Sumerian city of Ur, during the First Dynasty of Ur. A gold goblet with a double-walled vessel made for her was found in her tomb. Brazed with an alloy of 25% silver, the gold was called ‘electrum’. Gold brazing was known and skilfully practiced by the Sumerians, the first civilisation in the history of man in the 3rd century BC. The goblet, created for Puabi, was found still filled with green eye paint in the Cemetery of Ur (in modern day Iraq) by Sir Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934, and is one of the earliest surviving examples of a brazed joint. The upper portion is double-walled and the brazed joint is made around the periphery. Other examples of early brazing include drinking vessels with handles attached to the body using a brazing technique originating in Troy around 2200 BC. Brazing on a larger scale is undertaken in furnaces.

Historical Maps History of Europe The Periodis-Web shows the historical evolution of Europe through a sequence of 21 historical maps, every map depicting the political situation at the end of each century. Middle East History Altorient, the Historical Atlas of the Ancient Orient offers 30 history maps of Southeastern Europe and Middle East in the Antiquity: 1 map per century from 300 B.C. until 3300 B.C. World History Hisatlas illustrates the history of political boundaries with a comprehensive selection of political and historical maps from 1789 to the present days. Historical Atlases Various historical atlases available in the Euratlas Shop: Periodis Expert, Altorient, Hisatlas, Germany 1789... Reconstructed maps of the seven original hills, the 14 Augustean districts of Rome and active map of Rome in year 100 AD. Vector & GIS Maps Vector and historical geographical information system maps available in the Euratlas Shop. 2000 Names 2000 Colors Europe 2000 Colors Blank maps version of '2000 Names 2000 Colors'.

14 Exceptional Weapon Designs From History You Should Know About The scope of ‘hi-tech’ designs is not just limited to our modern affairs. As it turns out, history has had its fair share of brilliant (and sometimes bizarre) weapon conceptions that were arguably ‘advanced’ in every sense of the word. So, without further ado, let us take a gander at fourteen such advanced weapon systems from history that were surely far ahead of their time. *Please note – By ‘designs’ we have also taken into account the conceptual designs that were conceived by military engineers throughout history. 1) Gastraphetes (probably invented in late 5th century BC) – Literally translated to “belly-releaser”, the Gastraphetes was an ancient handheld crossbow-like mechanism described and drawn in a detailed manner in Heron of Alexandria’s compiled Belopoeica. As for its historical context, the Gastraphetes was possibly invented between the period of 421 BC to 401 BC, by Zopyros – a Pythagorean engineer from Southern Italy. 2) Chu-Ko-Nu (probably invented in 4th century BC) –
