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Conflict Resolution - Resolving conflict rationally and effectively - Leadership training from MindTools

Conflict Resolution - Resolving conflict rationally and effectively - Leadership training from MindTools
Conflict is an inevitable part of work. We've all seen situations where people with different goals and needs have clashed, and we've all witnessed the often intense personal animosity that can result. As you'll learn in this article and video, the fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. When you resolve it effectively, you can also eliminate many of the hidden problems that it brought to the surface. Click here to view a transcript of this video. There are other benefits that you might not expect, such as: Increased understanding. But conflict can also be damaging. If you want to keep your team members working effectively, despite coming into conflict with one another, you need to stop this downward spiral as soon as you can. The Interest-Based Relational Approach When conflict arises, it's easy for people to get entrenched in their positions and for tempers to flare, voices to rise, and body language to become defensive or aggressive. Get the Free Newsletter!

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