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210 Awesome Open Guitar Chords and How to Use Them - A Kings Mercury

210 Awesome Open Guitar Chords and How to Use Them - A Kings Mercury
Are you bored of the sound of standard chords? Then, using open guitar chords is a way to pimp up your playing and boring chord progressions. There are thousands of open guitar chords and millions of ways to use them creatively. In this post I introduce you to the world of open chords with a brief introduction, a library of 210 open guitar chords and some ideas on how to use them properly. Open chords are chords that have at least one open string like this shape of E-minor x7x087. Below you find five din-A4 pages full of guitar chords. 210 to be precise, I counted them. Each row contains a scale or collection of open guitar chords that have the same shape moved around the neck. Remark: Not every open chord sounds even beautiful. Open E major scale: Here the basis shape of the E major chord is moved up and down the neck to form the E major scale in chords. Open D major scale: These open guitar chords have only one open string. A7-shape: A very nice sounding collection. Comments comments

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