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School Leadership: Resource Roundup

School Leadership: Resource Roundup
Facebook Edutopia on Facebook Twitter Edutopia on Twitter Google+ Pinterest Edutopia on Pinterest WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION The George Lucas Educational Foundation Top Tips for School Leaders 5 Strategic Tips for First-Year Administrators, by Ross Cooper (2015) For admins just starting out, it's helpful to establish relationships, visit classrooms, understand others, flatten the hierarchy, and become an active social media presence. 8 Top Tips for Highly Effective PD, by Vicki Davis (2015) Among the top strategies for highly effective professional development are making it useful, making it relevant, and making sure that teachers start practicing it ASAP. 8 Tips to Create a Twitter-Driven School Culture, by Elana Leoni (2014) Administrators can create a more connected school culture by modeling Twitter use and encouraging staff to work, play, and learn through the medium. Back to Top Partnering With Teachers Cultivating Great School Leaders Related: