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About UDL

About UDL

UDL Online Modules Section goal: When you are finished with the section, you should understand the history of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the three principles of UDL and the relationship of the UDL principles to the three primary neural networks that are essential for learning. Questions to guide you in completing this section: UDL Guidelines 2.0 The goal of education in the 21st century is not simply the mastery of content knowledge or use of new technologies. It is the mastery of the learning process. Education should help turn novice learners into expert learners—individuals who want to learn, who know how to learn strategically, and who, in their own highly individual and flexible ways, are well prepared for a lifetime of learning. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) helps educators meet this goal by providing a framework for understanding how to create curricula that meets the needs of all learners from the start. The UDL Guidelines, an articulation of the UDL framework, can assist anyone who plans lessons/units of study or develops curricula (goals, methods, materials, and assessments) to reduce barriers, as well as optimize levels of challenge and support, to meet the needs of all learners from the start.

12 Principles Of Mobile Learning 12 Principles Of Mobile Learning by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated and republished from a 2012 post Mobile Learning is about self-actuated personalization. As learning practices and technology tools change, mobile learning itself will continue to evolve. For 2016, the focus is on a variety of challenges, from how learners access content to how the idea of a “curriculum” is defined. New Hampshire, Estados Unidos Usuarios de lectores de pantallas: haz clic aquí para acceder a la versión HTML simplificada ¡Nuevo! Arrastra tus aplicaciones para cambiarlas de orden. Inicia sesión para probar esta función. MásAún más de Google UDL in the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 Summary of Selected Provisions (a) Additional Definitions.-

TRAL Tejiendo Redes de Aprendizaje en Línea (TRAL) es una exploración práctica de diversos elementos que permiten reconocer y enriquecer las redes sociales de las cuales hacemos parte. Este proceso se compone de: Reconocer y analizar las redes personalesDefinir estrategias de fortalecimiento y ampliación de las redes personalesReconocer y analizar las redes profesionales de las que se hace parteDefinir estrategias de fortalecimiento y ampliación de las redes profesionales Lo anterior se complementa con la propuesta de estrategias de intervención orientadas a enriquecer y potenciar las diversas redes. CogLab: Word Superiority Humans are extremely good at recognizing visual patterns. Even the fastest of modern computers are nowhere near as efficient or thorough at identifying visual targets. How we acquired this level of sophistication is not fully understood. What is clear is that context plays an important role in interpreting a physical stimulus. We are not simply detectors of patterns of light; instead, we infer interpretations of the physical stimulus.

Common Core Standards FAQs UDL and Common Core FAQs This fact sheet is intended to help parents, educators and administrators learn more about how UDL and the Common Core Standards align with each other. Download the Accessible PDF Is UDL included in the common core?

Open Learning Initiative At Harvard Extension School, free and open learning is hardly a new concept. In fact, the Extension School was founded with this mission in mind: to create an affordable way for any motivated student to take courses at Harvard. We stay true to this mission today, offering several free courses and nearly 800 for-credit courses at reasonable tuition rates. I Congreso Nacional de Inteligencia Emocional Presentación Apreciados amigos y colegas, Es para nosotros un enorme placer invitaros a Barcelona para celebrar el I Congreso Nacional de Inteligencia Emocional los días 8, 9 y 10 de Noviembre de 2012. Resource Library Welcome to the Resource Library at the National Center on Universal Design for Learning. This library offers rich resources in a variety of media to improve understanding of UDL and support its implementation. Featured Books View all books A Practical Reader in Universal Design for Learning In this first UDL Reader, Anne Meyer and David H.

Seminario Educación para la participación ciudadana #OnLine - Este Seminario se enmarca el ámito educativo de la Red Iberoamericana de Comunicación y Divulgación Científica ¿Qué es educar? ¿Cuáles son las finalidades de la actividad educativa? ¿Qué elementos constituirían las dimensiones irrenunciables de una educación integral? Aunque la incluye, la educación no puede reducirse a la mera instrucción. Fundación Ángel Rivière
