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A space to explore, share and shape the issues facing social scientists

A space to explore, share and shape the issues facing social scientists

Related:  Science WebsitesAntropologia, etnologia, sociologia

Science for celebrities In January 2007, exasperated by the tide of influential and misleading claims made by celebrities in the public sphere, we worked with scientists to produce Making Sense of Science for Celebrities. Each year since, Sense About Science has reviewed the odd science claims people in the public eye have made - about diets, cancer, magnets, radiation and more - sent in to us by scientists and members of the public. Many of these claims promote theories, therapies and campaigns that make no scientific sense. We ask scientists to respond, to help the celebrities realise where they are going wrong and to help the public to make sense of celebrity claims. “We seem to be seeing a celebrity divide on science. The implausible and frankly dangerous claims about how to avoid cancer, improve skin or lose weight are becoming ever more ridiculous.

Foundational Questions Institute The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) To catalyze, support, and disseminate research on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology, particularly new frontiers and innovative ideas integral to a deep understanding of reality but unlikely to be supported by conventional funding sources. FQXi has five goals: {*style:<ul style="padding-left:20px;"><li> To expand the purview of scientific inquiry to include scientific disciplines fundamental to a deep understanding of reality, but which are currently largely unsupported by conventional grant sources Start Page - The Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden The Faculty of Science The Faculty of Science includes all the major subject areas in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences. With 6 500 students and 730 employees it is the second largest Faculty at the University of Gothenburg. Sulfur Haunts the Ghost Wreck [March 4, 2014] Sulfur and iron accumulation has once again been found in wood samples from old shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea. This time the samples are from the merchant vessel Ghost wreck and the warships Sword and the Crown.

Top Sites That Make Science Awesome posted by Elizabeth Harper on April 24, 2013 in Internet & Networking, Computers and Software, Family and Parenting, Kids, Guides & Reviews, Fab Websites :: 0 comments Though you may remember science class as dull, much has changed. The Internet has done the impossible and made science a lot more accessible, bringing scientists and science enthusiasts together to share and discuss the most interesting discoveries of the day. Online, you can find fascinating science news and explanations on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more if you know where to look—and it's all a lot more interesting than any high school science textbook.

Deep Solar Minimum + Play Audio | + Download Audio | + Join mailing list April 1, 2009: The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower. 2008 was a bear. August 26, 2014: Do we live in a 2-D hologram? Press Release August 26, 2014 Do we live in a 2-D hologram? New Fermilab experiment will test the nature of the universe A unique experiment at the U.S. Physical Review X Does Research on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Fit into PRX’s Scope? October 24, 2014 The editors and Bill Poirier from Texas Tech University spotlight an original, thought-provoking paper by Hall, Deckert, and Wiseman on foundations of quantum mechanics, Phys. Rev. X, 4, 041013 (2014).

What is this thing called science? As a scientist, Evelyn Fox Keller hated experiments. Today a professor emerita in the History of Science at MIT, she started out her scientific career in theoretical physics before jumping to molecular biology. What got her was the trivial volatility inherent in experimentation. Weird things start to happen when you stare into someone's eyes for 10 minutes Giovanni Caputo recruited 20 young adults (15 women) to form pairs. Each pair sat in chairs opposite each other, one metre apart, in a large, dimly lit room. Specifically, the lighting level was 0.8 lx, which Caputo says "allowed detailed perception of the fine face traits but attenuated colour perception." The participants' task was simply to stare into each other's eyes for 10 minutes, all the while maintaining a neutral facial expression.

Analysis predicts extremely disruptive, total transition to EV / autonomous vehicles in 13 years (Tech Xplore)—RethinkX, an independent think tank that analyzes and forecasts disruptive technologies, has released an astonishing report predicting a far more rapid transition to EV/autonomous vehicles than experts are currently predicting. The report is based on an analysis of the so-called technology-adoption S-curve that describes the rapid uptake of truly disruptive technologies like smartphones and the internet. Additionally, the report addresses in detail the massive economic implications of this prediction across various sectors, including energy, transportation and manufacturing. Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030 suggests that within 10 years of regulatory approval, by 2030, 95 percent of U.S. passenger miles traveled will be served by on-demand autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs). "Our analysis indicates that 2021 is the most likely date for the disruption point," the report reads. The energy sector

MACH: The best and latest in Tech & Innovation Dominic Hogdson / Sentinel-2/ESA Environment Iceberg's break from Antarctic ice shelf is 'geologically imminent' Could humans be Earth's second civilization? “How do you know we’re the only time there’s been a civilization on our own planet?” [said Goddard Institute for Space Studies director Gavin Schmidt]. [T]hat first conversation launched a new study we’ve recently published in the International Journal of Astrobiology. Though neither of us could see it at that moment, Gavin’s penetrating question opened a window not just onto Earth’s past, but also onto our own future. [C]ould researchers find clear evidence that an ancient species built a relatively short-lived industrial civilization long before our own?

Green R&D - Hypergiant Algae is a single-celled organism that is capable of multiplying rapidly through the absorption of sunlight and carbon dioxide. It is considered one of nature’s most efficient machines. Algae can be grown nearly anywhere and it requires very few nutrients to survive. It is high in proteins, lipids, and starches, making it suitable for a variety of uses, including as food.
