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7 powerful Facebook statistics you should know for a more engaging Facebook page

7 powerful Facebook statistics you should know for a more engaging Facebook page
2.7K Flares 2.7K Flares × One of the things we focus on most at Buffer is the best time to post to Twitter and Facebook. This is because we want to help you get more engagement with your audience, which is beneficial for everyone. While the best time to post is definitely important, there are some other things to keep in mind. I had a look at what kind of updates work best for Facebook pages to increase interaction and found 7 interesting statistics that you’ll probably find useful if you’re trying to make your page more engaging. 1. Not only do photo posts get more engagement than links, videos or text-based updates, they actually account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook. Wishpond’s data says that overall, photo posts get 120% more engagement than the average post, and photo albums actually get 180% more engagement. Especially Buffer’s new image posting feature let’s you right click any image on the web and then share it in full-size to your wall in seconds. 2.

Setting Up HootSuite for Content Marketing Success In my last article, Essential Content Marketing Tools, Part 2, I explained how to find, save and share content to your social media profiles using a number of useful tools such as HootSuite and its browser extension, Evernote and the Evernote Web Clipper, and news readers like Zite and Feedly. While the others allow you to find and save content, HootSuite lets you schedule updates to multiple social media profiles at once, from a single interface. If you’re managing more than one, believe me, you’ll soon grow weary of logging into separate accounts every time you want to share an article. Setting up HootSuite takes a little work, but it’s well worth the effort.

Report: Instagram to add messaging? Report: Instagram to add messaging? One of the features Instagram has been lacking is a messaging platform. According to GigaOm, that could come by Christmas. The site’s sources tell them that Facebook could integrate messaging into its popular photo and video sharing app, possibly by the end of the year. GigaOm notes that Facebook could want to add this to Instagram in an update before the end of the year, knowing that many consumers will get new phones, computers and tablets for the holidays. Is Snapchat right for your brand? Snapchat, the equally popular and controversial photo-sharing site, has edged out Facebook in being the most frequently used platform to upload photos. Out of 809m daily photo uploads in November 2013 so far, Snapchat has a 49% share (accounting for approximately 400m daily uploads), with Facebook now at 43%. This 400m figure has grown from the reported 350m in September 2013 and a previous figure of 200m in June 2013. It should be noted that Facebook actually owns Instagram, which currently holds a separate 7% share of the pie, so combined they have a 50% share. That not withstanding, this is an incredible success for Snapchat. What does this mean for brands?

How to Use Twitter As A Marketing Tool In most social media predictions, was told that the role of Twitter which will play in the landscape of online communication will increase both in terms of paid tweets and related to the involvement of the social networks in complex promoting actions. Before we talk about how can Twitter be used in communication campaigns for improving your business should be noted that it is important to first check if your target use the network or not. Only if the answer is positive, it is recommended to integrate Twitter into your communication strategy. How do we do this? We will see below. Step I: Register as a company or employee?

10 Insights on Social Media and Blogging Influence: New Research Blogging started as personal online diaries, Twitter popped up first as an internal podcasting platform and Facebook was born out of a frustrated date. The journey of online publishing and social networks was never a grand plan but it is the evolution of humans playing on a web canvas that continues to surprise us with its speed, reach and role in influencing buying decisions, building trust and marketing personal and business brands. A decade later the internet landscape is unrecognizable.

Crucial Tweets for Twitter Marketing Twitter provides you with a great opportunity for marketing and promoting your brand. If you aren’t using twitter to promote your brand, you should be. This guide will show you some very simple steps you can take to make twitter benefit your brand and your customer. These are great for getting more people to follow your brands and to increase engagement when they do. Here are a few crucial tweet types you should be making to get the most out of twitter.

Twitter's Wall Street Debut and What it Means for Marketers Twitter recently went public and the news has created quite the buzz in the marketing, advertising, and social media industries. This blog post will explore a few areas we think may change as a result of the initial public offering and how that will affect brands in the social space. Monetization Twitter earns the majority of its revenue from advertising.

Content Marketing Implications Is Twitter worth $18 billion following its IPO last week? I am not an investment adviser, but what I do know is that Twitter is an important investment for content marketers. In a fast changing world, insights are the new currency and Twitter can provide unique insights that are not readily available elsewhere. It is becoming an important social discovery tool for users. Using Social to Humanize Marketing #socialmedia Millennials, considered by many a lost generation, are more than just entitled, lazy slackers riddled with student loan debt and no job prospects. We currently represent over $200 billion in annual buying power. Just a few years into our careers, the battle for our customer loyalty and future earnings from our generation begins now, and without the right strategy the lost ones will be the businesses who didn’t capture a group of 86 million consumers. The millennial generation is demanding a more personal humanized approach from marketers, where ads are tailored specifically to a need we have at the moment. We need to have a reason to not read reviews, compare prices, and hold out for a better offer.

Ads Are Everywhere and Now They're on Instagram Too Instagram recently introduced Instagram ads to its users’ feeds joining the ranks of Facebook, Twitter and others. The first ad posted was from U.S. fashion label Michael Kors. Instagram first told users about plans to monetize the site through ads or sponsored posts about a month ago on the official Instagram Blog: We have big ideas for the future, and part of making them happen is building Instagram into a sustainable business. In the next couple months, you may begin seeing an occasional ad in your Instagram feed if you’re in the United States. How Marketers Can Improve Social Media Reach, Engagement, Sentiment It's important for companies of all shapes and sizes to understand how engagement online impacts the bottom line and influences brand perception. Recently, we explored three ways digital marketers can demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of social media. But new studies suggest many brands are focusing on specific engagement, rather than indicators to measure secondary effects.

The speed of the feed: Facebook’s real problem Facebook admitted in their Q3 earnings call what many of us have been saying for months: Teens are bored with Facebook and not using it as much. What they have yet to admit is that a lot of people of all ages are bored with Facebook. As I travel the country, speaking with my clients and giving presentations, I often ask the audience if they find Facebook less interesting than they did 6 months ago. The answer is nearly universally a yes. But why? Is it the ads, which Facebook acknowledges are 1 in 20 posts?

Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel Lives With His Dad, Doesn't Plan To Leave Evan Spiegel dropped out of Stanford University in 2012, three classes shy of graduation, to move back to his father's house and work on Snapchat. Spiegel's fast-growing mobile app lets users send photos, videos and messages that disappear a few seconds after they are received. Founded in 2011, Snapchat is especially popular with teenagers and young adults, but many parents fear the app is the ideal tool for sharing lewd photos, or "sexting." In spite of the unfavorable baggage and no revenue, Snapchat is growing.
