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Promotions Guidelines Facebook's New Solution For Unofficial Pages: Community Pages Want to set up a Facebook Page for “Pillow Fighting” or “Tatoos”? Previously, Facebook would simply shut down the Page or remove publishing permissions from the Page administrator. Now Facebook is suggesting that users create a “Community Page” when the page isn’t for a company, brand, or public figure, as well as when they are not an official spokesperson for that organization. Prior to the release of “Community Pages”, Facebook had to constantly monitor Pages that were not created on behalf of official organizations. It became a game for many individuals to come up with Pages that would instantly attract millions of users, however organizations were getting frustrated when a Facebook user created a brand page on behalf of them. In such cases, Facebook has removed administrator privileges from the user and given it to the brands. As Facebook states (pictured below): Generate support for your favorite cause or topic by creating a Community Page.

10 règles pour réussir son concours sur Facebook Advertising Guidelines (1) Comments APP Aba A part of the comments plugin is a powerful moderation tool. This tool makes it easy and fast for your community management team to moderate multiple comments at once. Setup To use the comments moderation tool, you need to complete the moderation setup instructions. Moderation Setup Instructions Please note that you cannot use the Graph API to reply to comments made via the Comments Plugin. Dashboard There are 2 ways to navigate to the moderation tool: 1. 2. Moderation View We show both moderation views in the screenshots below. In the moderation table, you can either approve or hide comments depending on their status. 1. In this moderation view, all comments for a specific url will be displayed. 2. In this moderation view, all comments for your application will be displayed. 3. Comments that have been flagged by users or Facebook will be displayed here. Settings For each app, you can define custom settings. Moderators You can promote other people to become the moderator of your comments. Public

Principles 6186 Words On Becoming A Facebook Machine (It's a mega post!) Warning: [If you’re a social media tool chaser (not to be confused with tail chaser), this post is NOT for you. This post is for only for smart people looking for real strategy and tactics you won’t have to trade their first born to implement. It’s my best 6,186 words of awesome thoroughness written for you! No fluff. And it’s might not be a phone read – it’s a “printer”. I could have made it an ebook and I might. Disclaimer: [Before the haters check out my not yet done Facebook Fan Page (DIY place holder) and start commenting about how I haven't done everything I'm telling you to do at Facebook...] “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.” You see, I’m my worst client. I don’t treat myself as well as I do my clients. But these 15 strategies I’m sharing with you today have guided me to help clients like Microcenter to honestly get 15.000 fans in 15 days with no advertising. It’s why the Cops TV Show now has 510,000+ Facebook fans with super high engagement before their fan page design is even done. Why?

10 règles pour construire une communauté sur Facebook The Open Graph Protocol Lei para Concursos Culturais O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA , faço saber que o CONGRESSO NACIONAL decreta e eu sanciono a seguinte Lei: Da Distribuição Gratuita de Prêmios Art 1º A distribuição gratuita de prêmios a título de propaganda quando efetuada mediante sorteio, vale-brinde, concurso ou operação assemelhada, dependerá de prévia autorização do Ministério da Fazenda, nos têrmos desta lei e de seu regulamento. Ver tópico (82 documentos) § 1º A autorização sòmente poderá ser concedida a pessoas jurídicas que exerçam atividade comercial, industrial ou de compra e venda de bens imóveis comprovadamente quites com os impostos federais, estaduais e municipais, bem como com as contribuições da Previdência Social, a título precário e por prazo determinado, fixado em regulamento, renovável a critério da autoridade. § 2º O valor máximo dos prêmios será fixado em razão da receita operacional da emprêsa ou da natureza de sua atividade econômica, de forma a não desvirtuar a operação de compra e venda. Parágrafo único. Art 10.

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities 14 Tiny Tweaks to Your Facebook Page That Make an IMMEDIATE Difference No matter how long you’ve been running your brand’s Facebook page for, there’s always room for improvement. It can be difficult to decipher exactly what changes you should make though, since what works for one brand might not work for another. Or, a Facebook engagement strategy that’s new to you might be old news in the grand scheme of things. What’s an entrepreneur to do? Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place! 1. You should incorporate as much SEO-friendly text (i.e. heavy on keywords) in your “About” section. 2. A Facebook page is unlikely to be the only presence you have on the Web. 3. Posting only text bores people. 4. When you add photos to your Facebook Page, always add a caption describing the photo that also includes your relevant keywords. 5. By default, new posts are displayed at the top of the timeline and older posts are pushed down. 6. To get more comments, tailor your status updates to ask for your fans’ opinions, stories and even advice. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Facebook : Page fan ou groupe, quel est le meilleur choix ? Depuis 2 mois, je teste pour Webmarketing & co’m la communication sur Facebook via groupe et page fan. Ne sachant pas au départ quel était le meilleur choix j’avais testé ces deux formes. Après cette période de test, les choses sont désormais plus claires, je vous propose un retour d’expérience… Mise à jour Juillet 2010 : 5 façons de promouvoir sa page fan Facebook gratuitement. Jusqu’à il y-a encore quelques mois, je ne m’étais jamais vraiment intéressé à la promotion en ligne via Facebook. Ces 2 derniers mois ont été l’occasion pour moi de tester les possibilités qui s’offrent à nous de promouvoir son site sur Facebook. Au départ, j’ai lancé les 2 espaces Facebook afin de tester l’ensemble des possibilités pour garder ensuite celle s’adaptant le mieux. Alors, Groupe ou Page Fan ? Une chose est sur : de premier abord, il n’est pas simple de se retrouver sur Facebook. ) pour comprendre le fonctionnement, en particulier pour la page fan. Lectures recommandées… Mise en place… Pour le groupe…

Quelle est la différence entre une page fan et un groupe Facebook ? En septembre dernier, je m’interrogeais via un post sur le meilleur choix à faire entre une page fan Facebook et un groupe. Chaque solution a ses avantages et inconvénients, mais dans le cas de Webmarketing & co’m la page fan s’appliquait le mieux. Pour les utilisateurs, la différence n’est pas forcément clair et Facebook l’a enfin compris en publiant un post à ce sujet sur son blog… Créer des connexions sur Facebook ne se limite pas aux amis. Via les pages fan et les groupes, on peut rester connecté avec des contacts professionnels, des personnes ayant des intérêts communs aux nôtres ou encore des personnalités ou entreprises que l’on affectionne. Ces connexions peuvent se faire via une demande de contact classique, ou via des groupes et des pages fan. Page fan Facebook… Comme les profils classiques, les pages fan permettent aux personnalités, aux entreprises, associations et diverses organisations de créer une présence officielle sur Facebook. Groupe Facebook…
