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40+ Apps & Tools To Customize Your Facebook Pages

40+ Apps & Tools To Customize Your Facebook Pages
Facebook now has over 800 million active users around the world. If it were a country, it would be the third largest in the world (right behind China and India), and more than twice the size of the United States. So it’s pretty much vital for anyone trying to promote a product, service, event, or cause to create a Facebook page. While other social networks (Google+ among them) are making gains, Facebook is still the largest and most popular out there, and that’s unlikely to change in the immediate future (and besides, Google+ doesn’t even allow brand pages yet). One of the biggest mistakes brands make when creating Facebook pages is to just use the default tabs and default content. The answer to this common problem is to make use of all the custom content applications and tabs available for Facebook pages. In this guide, we’ll show you some of the best apps for Facebook pages and how to best use them. More related posts: Customizable Tabs First Impression Welcome Tab TabMaker Social Candy Owjo

Facebook soutient-il Nicolas Sarkozy en campagne ? Le président-candidat aurait bénéficié d'un traitement de faveur de la part du réseau social, révélant des liens troubles entre les deux équipes. Nicolas Sarkozy a-t-il bénéficié d'un traitement de faveur de la part de Facebook pour sa campagne numérique ? La question est entière. Selon les révélations de "L'Express" et du "Canard enchaîné", le réseau social collabore avec les équipes du président-candidat depuis octobre 2011 pour élaborer un profil parfait grâce aux dernières nouveautés baptisées "Timeline". Selon l'Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy n'a reçu aucun traitement de faveur de la part de Facebook. Facebook plaide "l'impartialité" Contacté, Facebook affirme que ses équipes "sont régulièrement en contact avec de nombreuses personnalités publiques, y compris les partis politiques, pour fournir des informations et conseils sur l'utilisation de [ses] produits.

Facebook: A fistful of dollars IT ALL began as a lark. Mark Zuckerberg posted pictures of his fellow Harvard students online to let viewers comment on who was hot and who was not. Eight years later, Facebook is one of the hottest companies in the world. Not necessarily. As more people join Facebook, its appeal grows. With a little help from my friends A $100 billion price tag would hardly be cheap, but other tech giants are worth more: Google's market capitalisation is $190 billion, Microsoft's $250 billion and Apple's $425 billion. First, Facebook knows a staggering amount about its users. Second, Facebook is the most powerful platform for social marketing. Finally, Facebook is becoming the world's de facto online passport. That is the case for Facebullishness. Google has made the jump from popularity to profitability. What Rockefeller was to oil... This is where the other set of worries emerges—and these should concern more than just investors. Further down the line there is antitrust.

Ajouter un onglet “Bienvenue” pour sa page Facebook facilement Bonjour, Vous allez découvrir dans ce tutoriel la méthode la plus facile permettant de créer un onglet “Bienvenue !” pour votre page Facebook, en utilisant l’application Static Iframe Tab. En fait, cette application ne permet pas seulement de créer un simple onglet afin d’attirer plus de fans, mais cette méthode peut être un vrai moteur qui génère des revenus, cela en cachant une offre qui n’est valable que pour les fans de votre page Facebook, ou en mettant en place un formulaire d’abonnement à une liste, pour ensuite leur envoyer un produit et le vendre… En d’autre mots, la Static Iframe Tab permet de créer deux pages en une seule page, une page pour les déjà fans, et une autre pour ceux qui ne sont pas encore fans de votre page Facebook ! Allons-y ! Comment utiliser l’app “Static Iframe Tab” pour créer un onglet de Bienvenue : Pour commencer, tapez “Static Iframe Tab” dans la barre de recherche Facebook… Cliquez sur le premier résultat… Cliquez sur “Autoriser“… pour insérer une image…

25 Free and Premium HTML5/CSS3 Website Templates and Layouts Now-a-days, most of the web designers rely on the HTML5 or CSS3 for designing websites. The upgraded version provides clean and simple templates and layouts that are quite helpful for the designers. The HTML5 is the latest and the advanced version of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) that is quite compatible with most of the browsers. It has become significantly popular among the latest web designers since it offers quite a few incredible new features. It is quite easy to understand the syntax of HTML5 and it greatly assists in building professional websites by providing some easy-to-edit options. These layouts and templates are tested on numerous platforms and thus it guarantees superior quality and performance. Easy accessibility, flexibility and the design possibilities make the HTML5 templates an ideal solution for the business. Free HTML5/CSS3 Website Templates Free HMTL5/CSS3 Template Minimalism HTML5 and CSS3 Template Free Single-Page HTML5 Portfolio Template Nova HTML template

Facebook’s IPO will create over 1,000 millionaires Facebook is planning an initial public offering (IPO) for next year, meaning the company will go public in Q1 2012, Q2 2012, or even later, depending on which rumor and sources you want to believe. Assuming the social networking giant raises the expected $10 billion or so, giving it a valuation of around $100 billion (give or take a few pennies), it will create more than 1,000 new millionaires. Reuters interviewed a few Facebook employees to find out what they were planning to do with their riches. Zuckerberg has frequently stated, both publicly and privately, that he is against the idea of rushing the company into an IPO. Some whispers say he wants to wait until next September or later in order to keep employees focused on product developments. Facebook doesn't need to push for an IPO because it really doesn't need the money right now.

Facebook et ses millions d'amis valent-ils vraiment 100 milliards ? Plus de 100 milliards de dollars ! C'est la valorisation espérée par Facebook lors de sa prochaine introduction en Bourse selon le « Wall Street Journal », la plus attendue dans la Silicon Valley depuis celle de Google en 2004. Un record pour une société Internet créée il y a sept ans, tout comme les 10 milliards de dollars que Facebook souhaite lever à l'occasion de cette opération qui pourrait avoir lieu « entre avril et juin 2012 ». Pour mémoire, Google n'avait levé que 1,6 milliard. Seules 13 sociétés dans le monde ont jusqu'à présent récolté plus de 10 milliards de dollars lors de leur entrée en Bourse, dont trois américaines (Visa, General Motors et AT&T). Cent milliards, c'est presque autant qu'Intel et deux fois plus que Hewlett-Packard, le géant informatique aux 324.000 salariés quand Facebook n'en compte qu'un peu plus de 3.000.

Simple Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting Up a Facebook Ad Campaign Between the IPO, debate around GM's ad performance, and Zuckerberg's recent marriage, there's been a lot of controversy -- or at least chatter -- around Facebook of late. As we look across the digital landscape, however, we still get a lot of questions regarding Facebook ads and how to set them up, especially with the recent changes within the user interface. This post is not to debate the efficiency of Facebook ads (I did that last week), but rather to show new users how to set up Facebook ads, and current users how to improve their existing ad campaigns by highlighting some of the nuances in the setup process. Step 1 - Create an Ad. Step 2 - Select What to Advertise. Step 3 - Set Up the Ads. Step 4 - Target by Geography. Step 5 - Target by Age and Gender. Step 6 - Target Your Ad to Precise Interests. Step 7 - Define Precise Interests. Step 8 - Or, Use Broad Categories. Step 9 - Target Your Ad Based on Connections. Step 10 - Set Your Objective and Pricing. Step 11 - Review Your Ad.

Arabic to overtake English as Facebook's biggest Middle East language Facebook use in the Arab countries is growing as such a rate that within a year, Arabic will overtake English to become the most popular Facebook language in the region, the Jerusalem Post reports. The Arabic Facebook interface launched in 2009, growing to 10 million users within two years. As it stands, these users represent around a third of all Facebook users in the Arab world, with studies suggesting that two times as many people frequently use Facebook in the Middle East and North Africa rather than buy a daily newspaper. Middle Eastern PR agency Spot On PR commissioned the study, indicating that Facebook’s Arabic interface has grown 175% a year, double the rate of the social network’s growth worldwide. The agency includes some interesting statistics: The Arabic platform’s 10 million users make up about 35% of the region’s Facebook subscribers, up from 24% in May 2010.56% of Facebook users in Egypt (3.8 million) opt for the Arabic language version.

What is Your Facebook Welcome Tab Strategy? If you read information on best practices for Facebook business pages, the creation of a custom welcome tab is usually one of the first things mentioned. A welcome tab is a special tab created to greet new visitors to your page. Welcome tabs are usually set as the default tab for people that have not Liked your page; meaning new visitors are automatically taken to the welcome tab rather than your Wall. Once someone Likes your page, the next time they visit, they are taken to your Wall. Welcome new visitors to the page Explain what your company does and the value it provides Offer reasons why someone should Like your page Invite visitors to Like your page How you incorporate these elements is up to you, but the key is to keep it simple. Unfortunately, many welcome tabs fail to use this simple approach.

Risk Reduction Strategies on Facebook Sometimes, when I’m in the field, I find teens who have strategies for managing their online presence that are odd at first blush but make complete sense when you understand the context in which they operate. These teens use innovative approaches to leverage the technology to meet personal goals. Let me explain two that caught my attention this week. Mikalah uses Facebook but when she goes to log out, she deactivates her Facebook account. Mikalah is not trying to get rid of her data or piss of her friends. Shamika doesn’t deactivate her Facebook profile but she does delete every wall message, status update, and Like shortly after it’s posted. I asked Shamika why she bothered with Facebook in the first place, given that she sent over 1200 text messages a day. Both of these girls live in high-risk situations. Related tweets: @tremblebot: My students talk abt this call it “whitewashing” or “whitewalling.”

The Social Network’s Screenplay Writer Quits Facebook [Headlines] This article titled “The Social Network’s Aaron Sorkin quits Facebook” was written by Catherine Shoard, for on Wednesday 22nd June 2011 16.34 UTC Aaron Sorkin, who won an Oscar in February for his screenplay for Facebook drama The Social Network, has quit Facebook, it was revealed today. Sorkin, 50, was speaking at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity at a session alongside David Simon, creator of The Wire and Treme. “I have a lot of opinions on social media that make me sound like a grumpy old man sitting on the porch yelling at kids,” he said. The Social Network chronicled the ascent of Mark Zuckerberg, who created the website while studying at Harvard, then battled two lawsuits from aggrieved former colleagues. Sorkin’s scepticism of social media was shared by the film’s star, Jesse Eisenberg, who joined Facebook under a false name while in production but left soon afterwards, unnerved by the experience. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010

6 Things NOT to Do On Facebook As a Brand Last week Facebook made some impressive changes to its Brand pages, giving both social media geeks and business owners something to get excited about. Many of the changes will provide brands an opportunity to interact on Facebook in ways that were previously unavailable. For example, with brands now having their own identity on the site, it opens doors for business owners to interact as the brand itself, not just a representative of the brand. With the changes comes a new excitement over Pages and, in the end, likely more users. If you’re a business owners now heading to Facebook to claim your territory or even if you’re one who’s been there for a while, below are some common Facebook mistakes you’d be wise to avoid. Mistake: Creating a Profile Page instead of a Brand Page Because Facebook was created on personal profiles, many business owners still think a profile is what they need to promote their business. Mistake: Cutting Off Wall Interaction Mistake: Interacting Without A Plan

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