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100 of the Best (Useful) OpenSource Applications

100 of the Best (Useful) OpenSource Applications
The following is a list of about 100 of the best OpenSource Applications, that actually help make Linux more usable for people. It is my hope that this list shows potential Linux users that there really is a large, effective, productive and usable range of free, OpenSource applications. For existing Linux users (like myself), I think this will provide a great resource in finding applications that may better suit your needs, or just for fun! Needless to say, this is just some of the thousands of applications available! I develop web sites, so this list tends to focus on applications which support that type of work. The majority of these applications can be installed by either apt-get or synaptic, however I’ve included the web site addresses of these applications so that you can obtain more information. This list took a long time to put together and I tried to keep it in alphabetical order for you. – You might want to bookmark this and come back later. Enjoy! Ardour: (

UNIX / Linux Tutorial for Beginners A beginners guide to the Unix and Linux operating system. Eight simple tutorials which cover the basics of UNIX / Linux commands. Introduction to the UNIX Operating System What is UNIX? Files and processes The Directory Structure Starting an UNIX terminal Tutorial One Listing files and directories Making Directories Changing to a different Directory The directories . and .. Recommended UNIX and Linux books If you wish to continue learning Unix, here is a list of good Unix and Linux books, ranging from beginners to advanced.

Error Goblin La fondation OpenStack est officiellement créée Cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir (crédit : OpenStack) L'OpenStack Foundation vient de se formaliser. Ses responsables promettent un processus de développement transparent pour la pile logicielle cloud Open Source. Après presque un an de préparation, la Fondation OpenStack existe officiellement en tant qu'organisme autonome sans but lucratif, et libère de la tutelle du fournisseur Rackspace la pile logicielle Open Source pour l'hébergement cloud. Pendant les deux premières années du projet, Rackspace avait mollement supervisé le développement de la communauté, si bien que, l'année dernière, les responsables du projet ont estimé que le logiciel Open Source serait mieux géré par un fournisseur neutre, un peu comme la Linux Foundation supervise le développement du noyau Linux. Mercredi, l'organisation nouvellement formée a annoncé que Rackspace lui avait transféré à la fois la marque déposée OpenStack et les activités de gestion de la communauté.

Shutter is unique! | Shutter - Feature-rich Screenshot Tool We are happy to announce the release of Shutter 0.87. Most of the changes are not visible to users, but there are still a lot of awesome new features that are worth mentioning. Shutter is unique! In the past many users have mentioned the fact that it was possible to open more than one instance of Shutter. Additionally it is now possible to send messages to an already running instance of Shutter. shutter –window=. Another example is to capture a specific region of the screen: shutter -s=100,100,300,300 Please keep in mind that this is only a small subset of all available options. You might also want to have a look at the new man page where all available parameters are explained. Capture the last active window A feature that was missing for a long time was the ability to capture the last active window. Rounded window corners for everyone! When this option is activated Shutter uses fixed parameters to round the window corners. See how to enable this option: Smaller features Still not tired? - Linux Hardware Compatibility Lists & Linux Drivers Freeware Utilities I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved. Extremely useful free utilities that do specific jobs really well and save time and money. Open Source Software is listed separately. See : Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities ; Please subscribe to our rss feed Also : I want Wordpress Plugin to ... 450+ solutions to blogging problems. Categories : Anti-Spyware / Anti-Virus / Anti-Rootkit | Audio / Music / MP3 / Real / Wav | Business / Office / Access / Excel / Word | Communication | Desktop | Editors / Notepad Replacements | Files and Folders | Financial | Graphics / Images / Photographs | Information / Fun / Misc | Internet | Keyboard | Performance / Recovery / System | Productivity | Programming | Uninstaller | Video / DVDs | Windows Explorer Replacements / Shell Extensions | Corrections Anti-Spyware/Anti-Virus/Anti-Rootkit Freeware Utilities : I want to ... Audio/Music/MP3/Real/Wav Freeware Utilities : I want to ... Corrections : I want to ...

GNU/Linux Distribution Timeline After a short essay on methodology we’re curious to find out whether there are any master-snoops among our audience. We present exhibit M, a rare specimen we know nothing about but for the fact that it was compiled from bits of Gentoo. Hence we call publicly for any hints or leads regarding this elusive distribution! Meanwhile, a gentle reader has drawn to our attention the fact that Damn Vulnerable Linux is currently listed as a Slax derivate by the major pundit places, while it certainly boasted a Damn Small Linux pedigree in it’s very beginnings. And just in case anyone needs more material, here’s our current ToDo buffer. While checking out the page DW links to Greenie, Newtoos catches the eye. If only project sites had a nicely visible change log / history section… Two distributions for the GLDT 11.7 are done, eight still to go!

TradableQualityHypothesis productivity · software craftsmanship tags: I commonly come across developers who are frustrated because "management want more features, they don't care about quality". I'm always sad when I hear this, because when I hear this I know that the developers, management and their customers have already lost. Their defeat has been caused by framing the situation in terms of the tradable quality hypothesis. In many aspects of life, quality is something we trade-off for cost. From time to time you'll hear this notion applied to software, particularly software design. When we examine this hypothesis we have to first think about what we mean by quality. I follow Kent Beck in making a distinction between internal and external quality. The internal structure of the software, however, is not something that's directly perceivable by the user. The trouble with doing this, is that if internal quality is tradable, then it makes no sense to put any effort into internal quality at all.

Installing the latest Wine on Ubuntu Installing WineHQ packages If you have previously installed a Wine package from another repository, please remove it and any packages that depend on it (e.g., wine-mono, wine-gecko, winetricks) before attempting to install the WineHQ packages, as they may cause dependency conflicts. If your system is 64 bit, enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already): sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 Add the repository: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds Update packages: sudo apt-get update Then install (example for the development branch): sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel If you prefer to use the Staging branch, replace `winehq-devel` with `winehq-staging` in the line above. If apt-get complains about missing dependencies, install them, then repeat the last two steps (update and install). If you have previously used the distro packages, you will notice some differences in the WineHQ ones: Files are installed to /opt/wine-devel. Installing without Internet Compiling WoW64

