Testmoz - The Test Generator Design Patterns: Faceted Navigation We are pleased to present an excerpt from Chapter 4 of Search Patterns by Peter Morville and Jeffery Callender (O’Reilly, 2010). —Ed. Faceted Navigation#section1 Also called guided navigation and faceted search, the faceted navigation model leverages metadata fields and values to provide users with visible options for clarifying and refining queries. Faceted navigation is arguably the most significant search innovation of the past decade.[2] It features an integrated, incremental search and browse experience that lets users begin with a classic keyword search and then scan a list of results. Figure 4-19 illustrates a successful implementation of faceted navigation as a model for interacting with the catalogs of several academic libraries. [2] Marti Hearst and her Flamenco project collaborators at UC Berkeley deserve credit for their pioneering research in faceted navigation ( Fig. 4.19 Faceted navigation at the Triangle Research Libraries
Office Speak - Jim Frankenfield - Humor Pages [Home] - Get me out of here These are weird. Some could have come direct from the mouths of various hated snoopervisors; some from the harried troops in the cubicles. But still... in virtuo veritas.... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Main Humor Page My Maps Le futur, c'est tout de suite: Marx, s'en débarasser Karl Marx, en France, est insubmersible. Le Nouvel Observateur et France Inter (radio de service public) s’associent cette semaine, pour annoncer « Le Grand retour de Marx ». A lire et entendre témoins, universitaires, ouvriers en lutte et journalistes convoqués pour cette célébration, Marx serait indispensable et son génie -un peu ancien tout de même- seul susceptible d’éclairer la crise présente du capitalisme. Reste aux médias à dénicher le méchant contradicteur : le rôle m’échoit. Aucun de ces arguments n’est entendu ni débattu du coté des marxiens : l’échange est impossible entre une analyse qui part de la réalité et un marxisme à caractère mystique. Cette liturgie ne révélant pas plus de surprise que la messe en latin, demandons-nous pourquoi, elle rassemble encore autant d’adeptes ?
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Civilisation contre évaluation 7 Mobile Apps Students Can Use to Never Lose Handwritten Notes Again A couple of weeks ago on my Android blog I wrote about using the Google Drive app to create digital archives of handwritten notes. That post was prompted by a conversation that I had with a young lady entering her senior year at a high school in Rockingham County, North Carolina. That young lady explained to me that she preferred the act of handwriting her notes and outlines to typing them out on a keyboard. In a lot of ways I agreed with her because when I plan my keynote talks I always use pencil and scratch paper before creating and arranging slides. Try one or all of these seven apps ff you have students that prefer to handwrite their notes or if you prefer to handwrite your notes, but you're worried about those notes getting lost. InClass is a free iPhone and iPad app that could be a very useful tool for students carrying those devices. SugarSync is a cloud storage service that offers apps for iOS and Android.
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