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Map Tales - histoires sur carte

Around the World in Eighty Days is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in 1873. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club. A walk designed by Prof. Phil Baines for his graphic design students, to discover and study examples of site-specific lettering on buildings and other structures. More details at The Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer.

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Interactive Storytelling: Preparing Students to Innovate This morning I gave a talk in the GDC Education Summit — Interactive Storytelling: Preparing Students to Innovate — and I’m posting my slides below. As for the topic, my talk description ended up being pretty accurate: We want students to create innovative games, but innovation in interactive storytelling can be hard to imagine for students, both undergraduate and graduate. Designing an interactive story isn’t a secret art or a matter of magical technology. It’s the design of a system, of elements and operations, just like other parts of games.

Prenups for Startups: How to Structure Founding Teams I Want a Divorce (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Someone in my network in Chicago was contemplating starting a business and wasn’t sure how to structure his arrangement with his partners/collaborators…and protect themselves in the event things didn’t work out. This sparked a rich online discussion which became the catalyst for this month’s post on Tech Cocktail. In Prenups for Startups: How to Structure Founding Teams I share my experience and provide guidance based on many things I’ve seen work…and not work. World Migration Map - Data Visualization by Metrocosm This map shows the estimated net immigration (inflows minus outflows) by origin and destination country between 2010 and 2015. Blue circles = positive net migration (more inflows). Red circles = negative net migration (more outflows). Each yellow dot represents 1,000 people. Hover over a circle to see that country’s total net migration between 2010 and 2015.

Stories Abenteuer unter WasserΠεριπέτεια στο βυθό, μία ιστορία για τα μικρά ψάρια από μικρά παιδιάDafni Papanikolaou The dying art of pottery in Vellore, IndiaPotters in a village in Vellore district of India are bearing the brunt of modernisation and rising raw material costs.Abhaya Joshi Christmas cardsDecember activity - eTwinning project: Digital storytelling Rositsa Mineva December activityproject work; 'Wear the Peace - make a T-shirt'Rositsa Mineva The 20 best tools for data visualization It's often said that data is the new world currency, and the web is the exchange bureau through which it's traded. As consumers, we're positively swimming in data; it's everywhere from labels on food packaging design to World Health Organisation reports. As a result, for the designer it's becoming increasingly difficult to present data in a way that stands out from the mass of competing data streams. Get Adobe Creative Cloud

Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling, 2nd Edition As a game designer or new media storyteller, you know that the story is critical to the success of your project. Telling that story interactively is an even greater challenge, one that involves approaching the story from many angles. Here to help you navigate and open your mind to more creative ways of producing your stories is the authority on interactive design and a longtime game development guru, Chris Crawford. To help you in your quest for the truly interactive story, Crawford provides a solid sampling of what works and doesn't work, and how to apply the lessons to your own storytelling projects. After laying out the fundamental ideas behind interactive storytelling and explaining some of the misconceptions that have crippled past efforts, the book delves into all the major systems that go into interactive storytelling: personality models, actors, props, stages, fate, verbs, history books, and more.

Getting The Website Information Architecture Right: How to Structure Your Site for Optimal User Experiences What kind of content should you have on your site? How should you structure the menu? What should be the first-level menu items? One or two menus? Mapping the world at war An interactive map highlights the shocking number of ongoing conflicts around the world While a handful of conflicts dominate international newswires, a host of bloody, unresolved wars continue to be played out across the globe to devastating human cost, underreported and, in certain instances, largely unnoticed by the wider world. These might not be seismic geopolitical events of the magnitude of the ongoing conflict in Syria, nor generally have Anglo-American interventions in the conflict zone to pique the interest of the international media. But the devastation they have wrought has been just as shocking. A new interactive map, compiled by humanitarian news agency IRIN, charts the spread of conflicts across the globe. Each conflict is represented on the map by a red dot, the size of which is determined by the length of the ongoing war.

Twitter as a tool for learningScoop Social media often gets a bad rap for being a driving force behind people falling out of touch, neglecting in-person relationships, and reducing productivity for people around the world. Naysayers blame it for shorter attention spans and proliferation of bad grammar, and the most vehement of those naysayers believe that social media has led to privacy being a thing of the past. To be fair, there have been many times where I’ve been trolling my Twitter feed only to be thoroughly horrified by TMI moments and tHingz Speld lIKE THIZ. But if you look past the rough surface Twitter can sometimes present, you find an amazing tool for learning.

HTMAPL: HyperText Maps HyperText Maps <div class="map" data-center="37.765,-122.413" data-zoom="11"><div class="marker" data-location="37.7647463,-122.41951"><a href=" class="controls"><button data-action="zoomIn">+ in</button><button data-action="zoomOut">− out</button></div></div> HTMAPL is:

FP7 : ICT : Content and Knowledge : Projects Technologies for Information Management Back to overview Please note that the project factsheet will no longer be updated. All information relevant to the project can be found on the CORDIS factsheet. sex & porn (hypocrisy) 18 December 2013Last updated at 22:00 GMT By Mike Deri Smith BBC Newsnight Jim Reed reports for Newsnight on some of the problems with the filters Pornography filters used by major internet service providers are blocking websites offering sex education and advice on sexual health and porn addiction, the BBC has learned. The four major internet companies have started to roll out so-called porn filters to their users.

Migrations in Motion - The Nature Conservancy As climate change alters habitats and disrupts ecosystems, where will animals move to survive? And will human development prevent them from getting there? This map shows the average direction mammals, birds, and amphibians need to move to track hospitable climates as they shift across the landscape. How? Researchers from University of Washington and The Nature Conservancy modeled potential habitat for 2954 species using climate change projections and the climatic needs of each species. Using flow models from electronic circuit theory, they plotted movement routes for each species, connecting current habitats with their projected locations under climate change.

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