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Digital Storytelling

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Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.

Story Maps

Game Writing: Narrative Skills for Videogames (Charles River Media Game Development): Chris Bateman: 9781584504900: Books. Digital Storytelling: A creator's guide to interactive entertainment: Carolyn Handler Miller: 9780240809595: Books. Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. The art of Pascal Campion. Educational Technology in ELT: Digital Storytelling. I have just come back from IATEFL Glasgow 2012, where I presented on Digital Storytelling for the Technology and Teens Symposium organised by Graham Stanley.

Educational Technology in ELT: Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling is any combination of images, text, audio and music to create a digital story, either fictional or non-fictional. The presentation focused on ways of implementing digital storytelling with teens. I described what I believe are its benefits and then showed three examples of projects I did with my students from Instituto San Francisco de Asis in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Some digital storytelling tools you can use: Powerpoint and Windows Movie Maker allow you to combine images, text, music and audio to create digital stories.

Animoto allows you to upload images and combines them automatically with a selection of background music available on the website. Xtranormal allows you to create text to speech animations. A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers. 1- ZimmerTwins It is all about creative storytelling.

A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers

ZimmerTwins is a web2.0 tool that allows students to give vent to their imaginative powers and exercise their storytelling skills from early stages to advances ones. 2- Digital Story Telling in The Classroom This section provides resources and materials for teachers to use with their students in storytelling. It helps students personalize their learning and perform better. Students can use these materials to create a movie or interactive slideshow to tell their stories. 3- Story Bird This is an awesome website that allows students and teachers to create short art inspired stories to read, share or print out.

Digital Storytelling - We Tell Stories. Creating Digital Multimodal Texts. With the introduction of the Australian Curriculum, there is an emphasis on the use of Multimodal Text in English.

Creating Digital Multimodal Texts

ICT offers a great range of tools to allow students to create digital multimodal texts, such as comics, animations, digital storytelling, video & audio, ebooks, poster & cover design and game design . What are multimodal texts? A text may be defined as multimodal when it combines two or more semiotic systems. There are five semiotic systems in total: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Multimodal texts can be delivered via different media or technologies. (Bull and Anstey, 2010) Use software usch as powerpoint, publisher, or photoshop. Storybird. Mixbook - Free Digital Storytelling for Educators. At Mixbook, we offer discounts for bulk and volume custom yearbook orders for Elementary School Yearbooks, Middle School Yearbooks, High School Yearbooks, as well as education centers and academic programs.

Mixbook - Free Digital Storytelling for Educators

Transform your sports team, student and school photos into lasting memories with our premium, professional quality custom school yearbooks. Whether you’re looking to capture the baseball team photos, create a custom school yearbook or class project photo book, or celebrate your student’s art projects in a class calendar, Mixbook has hundreds of unique and easy to create photo products that can be customized to your heart’s content. Creating photo keepsakes for your students and teachers has never been easier than with the Mixbook editor. Simply upload your photos, invite others to contribute, and start creating your project today!

The Digital Storytelling Sites & Apps Collection by undefined _ edshelf. Untitled. Visual storytelling. Visual Storytelling. Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. " The stories that we tell others and ourselves reveal who we think we are along with identifying our purpose, meaning, and worth in life.

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. Digital Storytelling from the University of Wollongong Library, Wollongong, Australia Noel Broadhead, Liaison Librarian Digital storytelling refers to short videos, usually two to three minutes in length.

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

A Digital Story can be made from a range of audio and visual elements. The backbone of a Digital Story is a written script - approximately 250 words long. Digital Storytelling. @wfryer. Digital Storytelling Tools for Education. Digital Story-Telling. The explicit. While i was in Berlin i spoke at Deutsche Telekom's Innovation Day. in the exhibitions hall there was a display for an initiative called Palomar5. Palomar5 is group of young people (and it gives me the shivers that I am no longer included in this category) that are interested in innovation and large-scale problem solving using social technology.

With the help of DT, Palomar5 put together a "Technology Innovation Camp. " The camp brought 30 young-ens under 30 from around the world and placed them into a former beer factory in the heart of industrial Berlin for six weeks. I visited the facility on the recommendation of the folks that had brought me in to speak. The space was immense. An extremely precocious 19 year-old named Max walked me through the labyrinth. Max was interested in entrepreneurship. Good Story In Games - The Gunpoint Blog. Sounds like I’m going to preach at you, but actually I want your opinion: which games have good stories, and why do they work?

Good Story In Games - The Gunpoint Blog

I’m asking because I’m in the early stages of writing stuff for Gunpoint, but I’m also interested in general. I’m incredibly impatient with stories that don’t engage me right away: Dragon Age 2 is dead to me, just because it introduced too many people I didn’t care about and didn’t make them do anything interesting in the first hour or so. The other eighty hours of the game might as well not exist. Cared. Mass Effect, on the other hand, is my gold standard: I saw Saren’s betrayal in the first mission (even though my character didn’t), and it was genuinely maddening that he got away with it.

Transmedia / interactive / collaborative /multiplatform storytelling. Storytelling has been at the forefront of modern life.

Transmedia / interactive / collaborative /multiplatform storytelling

Whether it is TV, cinema, books, radio or YouTube, we all have access to consume stories that others have created and indeed, create our own for the Internet audience. More recently, with the progression of technology, we have had the opportunity to interact, to a certain degree, with online storytelling. Audiences around the world have been given the chance to control what they see, interact with characters via simple choices and even navigate through online apparel sites.

The Art Of Storytelling » Picture A Story. Create your own artistic masterpiece by launching the interactive Picture a Story activity.

The Art Of Storytelling » Picture A Story

Look through the images below for a brief introduction on how this activity works, or click on the link below to begin picturing your story. Launch the Picture a Story Activity 1) Choose your genre First, you’ll select the type of story you wish to write. Storyplanet review: A promising digital multimedia storytelling tool. Storyplanet, a digital reporting platform still in its beta, provides a quick and easy way for a digital reporter to put together a package that contains text, photo, video and audio, which can then be shared on the web or via social media.

Storyplanet review: A promising digital multimedia storytelling tool

All for free. My test drive of Storyplanet shows a few bugs and a lack of features that I hope the developer can address in the official release. Docum... Interactive Storytelling 101 Workshop Resources (with images) · TheFaithful. Redefining Interactive Narratives & Multimedia Storytelling. FP7 : ICT : Content and Knowledge : Projects. Technologies for Information Management Back to overview Please note that the project factsheet will no longer be updated.

All information relevant to the project can be found on the CORDIS factsheet. Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling, 2nd Edition. As a game designer or new media storyteller, you know that the story is critical to the success of your project. Telling that story interactively is an even greater challenge, one that involves approaching the story from many angles. Here to help you navigate and open your mind to more creative ways of producing your stories is the authority on interactive design and a longtime game development guru, Chris Crawford. To help you in your quest for the truly interactive story, Crawford provides a solid sampling of what works and doesn't work, and how to apply the lessons to your own storytelling projects. After laying out the fundamental ideas behind interactive storytelling and explaining some of the misconceptions that have crippled past efforts, the book delves into all the major systems that go into interactive storytelling: personality models, actors, props, stages, fate, verbs, history books, and more.

Table of Contents Table of Contents. Interactive Storytelling: Preparing Students to Innovate. SACRED - Sacred Stories. About. Witty Comics - Make a Comic. Top 10 Sites for Digital Storytelling. Storybird - Artful storytelling. My StoryMaker at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. My Storymaker® was named one of the Best Websites for Teaching and Learning by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association. People worldwide enjoy my StoryMaker®. Find out what all the fun is about!

You have the power to decide -- choosing characters, taking them on adventures and creating your very own story along the way. my StoryMaker® lets you control characters and objects -- and it creates sentences for you! Or, you can enter your own words. Once you are done with your story, you can print it out. > Play my StoryMaker® Click here for HELP writing, printing and sharing stories. Digital Play.

In the University of Bristol’s Education Endowment Foundation‘s recent study on Neuroscience and Education, (Howard-Jones, 2014), there is an interesting section on Learning Games. Tablets y Game-Based Learning: nuevas formas de aprender jugando. A mis oídos ha llegado otro chisme muy interesante, concretamente un webinar sobre el uso de Tablets en el aula utilizando el método de aprendizaje basado en juegos o Game-Based Learning. En este webinar liderado por Carlos López Morante se hablará sobre la utilización de tablets y la metodología del aprendizaje basada en juegos o Game-Based Learning que él mismo utiliza en el aula.Lo más interesante del webinar es que no es uno teórico al uso sino una experiencia del mismo conferenciante sobre cómo lo aplica en su día a día. Si tu también quieres saber cómo aplicar el juego como método de aprendizaje en el aula este es un webinar que no te puedes perder sin duda.

ZooBurst. Interactive Fiction. Story Creator. Map Tales - histoires sur carte. A List of the Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers.